Friday, September 20, 2019

Trump giving away or asking for info from foreign diplomat ?


Another Trump mishandling of classified information...  

A security risk in the Oval Office
Not only is Donald Trump sabotaging the U.S. economy, but now has "made a 'promise' to an unidentified world leader that prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community,” according to CNN's John Avlon. These are the five foreign leaders Trump spoke to recently...
Russia's Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad al Thani.
John Avlon "noted that the whistleblower is a Trump appointee which makes formal complaint all that much more alarming," explaining it this way...
“A Trump appointee thinks this is of such concern that Congress needs to know,” Berman began. “The question is: what was the promise, to whom, and what does it say about the president’s notion of intelligence?”
“What it says about the president is that the president of the United States appears to be a security risk and the intelligence community is concerned that the president can’t be trusted with classified information.”
Now that is unbelievably pathetic when you are talking about the supposed leader of the leading country in the world. Although many foreign nations might question that position these days. Remember when the Oval Office lunatic disclosed classified information to the Russian foreign minister sending everyone ballistic over whether this idiot could be trusted with any secrets. What're you going to do when the Dir. of Nat'l Intelligence covers up the whistleblower?

Whistleblower outs big mouth Trump...

California Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier hints that it is a "violation of Law" citing...
"In a five-hour closed-door hearing on Thursday, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community reportedly refused to hand over information about a whistleblower, who allegedly felt a duty to report on President Donald Trump’s connections with a foreign leader."
But it was "The Office of Legal Counsel advised the acting director of national intelligence [Joseph Maguire] not to share a whistleblower complaint with Congress, according to a new report." Have you ever noticed how many Trump appointees are "acting?" That's because Donald dufus fires them so fast, they never have the chance to become permanent. And we don't know yet whether Attorney General William Barr was directly involved in the Maguire decision.

DNI protecting T-rump...

There is no precedent for this, said national security attorney Bradley Moss commenting...
"he was amazed that not only would an intelligence official file a whistleblower complaint against the president but that Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson would deem it credible."
There's more...
“We’re in uncharted territory here,” he [Moss] said. “As far as I’m concerned and aware, there has never been a whistleblower complaint brought to the inspector general of the IC that was verified as credible and urgent concern that the [director of national intelligence] has refused to forward on to the relevant intelligence committees and certainly… this is the first time it’s involved the president.”
Moss finishes with, “This is something related to a serious, flagrant violation of law concerning an operation of an intelligence activity. This whistleblower did everything right. They went through the process properly.” So, what happened? Most everyone will agree it is more White House cover up to protect the blithering idiot that sits in the oval Office.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...