Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Trump talks very soon, very quick

Also, in Donald Trump's news conference, there were repeated uses of the words "soon" and "quick" to describe the end of coronavirus... 

Image result for dr.fauci on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
Dr. Fauci still skeptical over hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
A rambling, sometimes incoherent coronavirus news conference was held yesterday by "Dr." Donald Trump, who professes to know more than the doctors who advise him, this time doing it without his top COVID-19 aide, Dr. Anthony Fauci. I believe one of Fauci's last comments was that he didn't want to embarrass Trump, going on to try and explain why he doesn't correct his boss during press conferences. Was this his swan song?

In Monday's news conference, the Oval Office lunatic was touting his latest finding that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, both of which are used to treat malaria, could also work to cure coronavirus. Dr. Fauci says any results on its success so far are anecdotal, which might account for the fact he was shuttered today. By the way, if we lose this man, we lose all access to accurate information on the status of COVID-19 in the U.S. Dr. Fauci...
"Fauci’s statements at a White House briefing Friday amounted to clinical cold water thrown on the president’s repeated upbeat assessments on the U.S. fight against the virus, also known as COVID-19."
Here's Trump's news conference, if you have the stomach...

It should also be noted that in Phoenix, a man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks, also touted as a possible coronavirus  cure. The medication was self-ingested and one must wonder if they were Trump supporters. Banner Health reports they both were treated there and made this statement...
“We are strongly urging the medical community to not prescribe this medication to any non-hospitalized patients,” said Dr. Brooks.
Image result for cdc on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
Fish tank cleaner?
The CDC says...
"a single 'small study' shows the combination helped against the SARS strain that causes Covid-19, the CDC said, but 'did not assess clinical benefits.'"
The agency also commented that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine taken in combination...
"can disrupt the heart's electrical activity and warns against prescribing the paired drugs to anyone with chronic medical conditions, such as renal failure or hepatic disease."
While Donald Trump rushes ahead on the two medications for market approval, the health community, including Trump's own CDC, move cautiously urging that more testing be done. New York begins trials this week for the two drugs plus the antibiotic azithromycin. The healthcare community says don't be too optimistic, but the New York region is desperate, having been recently designated the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. We can only wish the tests luck!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Trump afraid more for economy than coronavirus prevention

Donald Trump's Sunday tweet says, “fear of the virus cannot collapse our economy,” which is correct but will indicate a softening on the COVID-19 FIGHT to some

Virus Outbreak Trump

We had a conversation recently with someone who is a staunch T-rump supporter who stated to my wife when she spoke of the seriousness of the virus, 'Oh, it's just a virus." That is about as irresponsible as it gets considering just about any virus should be approached as something to worry about. But these people just follow Trump's lead and when he takes the least bit of emphasis off something they have acknowledged as an inconvenience, they run with it.

And that is what will happen now that the Oval Office lunatic seems to be prioritizing the economy over the coronavirus pandemic and rashly making a comparison with why quarantine virus cases, "at a time when officials are considering releasing nonviolent elderly criminals." This makes no sense, but, then, nothing Donald Trump ever says makes much sense. He does have a positive when advocating social distancing so the virus would “have no place to go.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has called Trump's approach to the COVID-19 pandemic a "scatter-shot response to the crisis." She has more to say...
“The president will not take responsibility,” she said. “He’s a notion-monger, just tossing out things that have no relationship to a well-coordinated science-based governmentwide response to this. Thank God for the governors, who are taking the leads in their states, and for some of the people in the administration, who speak truth to power.”
A good illustration of the number of double-digits in Donald Trump's camp...no matter what...

It is easy to detect in these statements the fact that he is still highly concerned that a down economy will hurt his chances for election, and he has made it perfectly clear in the past that he will let nothing interfere with this. Here's what he said earlier in March...
"President Trump has boasted for months that the booming stock market, low unemployment and strong economy leave Americans 'no choice' but to give him a second term in November — 'whether you love me or hate me.'”
And then the bottom dropped out with the coronavirus heightening, followed by the White house maniac's slow response to the onslaught of the disease putting us second from the bottom in testing with seven other major nations. Now he is desperate to fix the problem before the election in order to prove he is the hero of the people, their savior, as he would like to think. And this is where the idiot's efforts will be spent, and we may end up with no election in November.

Trump coronavirus racism and lack of virus testing unconscionable

That, and there is something else to consider...testing...

See the source image

The increase on Donald Trump's approval for coronavirus handling would be good, except it doesn't consider all the facts. The U.S. lags miserably behind other countries in testing, thus, the number of cases is no doubt drastically more than those recorded so far. As an example, Forbes is reporting...
"As of March 11, South Korea had conducted 4,099 tests per million of its inhabitants while the U.S. only managed 26. The most recent government data was compiled by website Our World in Data and it shows that by March 17, South Korea's number of tests per million people climbed to 5,567 while the U.S. figure increased to 125 tests per million of the population. Even though that should climb steadily over the next couple of days, it is still cause for serious concern."
In other words, T-rump is being given credit for doing a job that is much less than even half done. But, it gets worse. The favorability increased, incidentally, right after he adopted the racist approach of calling COVID-19, the "Chinese virus." His double-digit followers loved it, as did those others who make up the 55% approval rating. RawStory's explanation...
"This is the kind of crisis that opportunistic racists barely dared dream of before. Indeed, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been all but pleading for weeks for Trump and his fellow right-wing talking heads to move away from denialism and towards racist exploitation."
The obtuse oaf explaining his racism...

[Trump] "like all racist trolls, is playing dumb when called out for it. He’s said it’s 'not racist at all, no, not at all' and that he wants 'to be accurate' and that the virus 'comes from China.'” And listen to this...
"Trump’s racist trolling is sending Carlson into bouts of near-orgasmic ecstasy. On Tuesday, he swooned that the president’s 'Chinese virus' rhetoric was an example of 'Trump at his very best.'”
Which points out the fact of just how racist Fox News is, as well as being the country's largest purveyor of misinformation. Carlson plods on with absurd conspiracy theories that aren't worth mentioning, and then Sean Hannity agrees with lowlife Rush Limbaugh "that the coronavirus crisis was a hoax." Between Fox News and Donald Trump, COVID-19 could be the "death" of the United States.

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

CURRENT NEWS BULLETIN: Coronavirus at the gas pumps

BEWARE: Gas pumps are high traffic areas and coronavirus can last on surfaces from several hours up to several days...

Thanks to our daughter, we have become aware of the fact that gas pumps are a likely source for coronavirus, and precautions should be taken when getting gas. This includes the keypads as well as the hose nozzle. Grab a paper towel where you wipe the windshield or buy cheap rubber gloves from Costco. Consumer Reports says, "invert the gloves and throw them away, and also any paper towels you might have used."

By the way, my wife always carries a small container of disinfectant in her purse and in the car, just in case needed.

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LATEST:: I Don’t Want to ‘Embarrass’ Trump, Dr. Andrew Fauci

Good God, Donald Trump has embarrassed himself and the United States around the world, so, you're just a little too late...

I know Dr. Fauci, who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is doing his best to perform his job and be as transparent on the coronavirus issue without upsetting his boss, T-rump. But that in itself is absurd when Fauci says he has to soft-tread what Trump doesn't want to hear. The idiot should be open to what the expert, Fauci, advises, not running around talking about the anti-malarial drug he touts as a miracle cure for COVID-19.

Here's a typical Fauci conversation with the Oval Office lunatic from The Daily Beast...
“I don’t want to embarrass him,” Fauci added. “I don’t want to act like a tough guy, like I stood up to the president. I just want to get the facts out. And instead of saying, ‘You’re wrong,’ all you need to do is continually talk about what the data are and what the evidence is. And he gets that. He’s a smart guy. He’s not a dummy. So he doesn’t take it—certainly up to now—he doesn’t take it in a way that I’m confronting him in any way. He takes it in a good way.”
Trump contradicts Fauci, slams reporter over anti-malarial drug...

I take exception with, "He’s a smart guy. He’s not a dummy." Donald Trump has repeatedly proved he is anything but a smart guy and that he is, perhaps, the biggest dummy on the planet. Sorry, but on that, Fauci is all wrong!

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Republican insider trading in the Senate

Also accused and asked to resign along with Burr is Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), the newest member of the Senate...

See the source image
Burr and Loeffler

Burr, the powerful chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and a North Carolina Republican told Senators only in a private meeting about two weeks ago the problem was coming. He had unloaded his stocks on February 13. The Senator, according to AlterNet...
"has access to the government’s most highly classified information about threats to America’s security. His committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings around this time, according to a Reuters story."
The guy's a crook, along with Loeffler, and both should resign. No doubt they both will be protected by an even bigger crook, Senate head, Moscow Mitch McConnell. "A week after Burr’s sales, the stock market began a sharp decline and has lost about 30% since." Do these people live and work in a vacuum Because if they were aware of the consequences, we have some of the nation's dumbest people in the U.S. Congress. Well, guess we knew that.

Burr and Loeffler exposed in this video...

 And Burr even wrote an opinion article for Fox News, according to the New York Times...
"suggesting that the United States was “better prepared than ever before” to confront the virus. At least three other senators sold major stock holdings around the same time, disclosure records show."
Here's what Burr said in that meeting two weeks after selling his stock...
“There’s one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything we have seen in recent history,” Mr. Burr said, according to a recording obtained by NPR, which reported on his remarks on Thursday. “It’s probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.”
Another AlterNet article reported...
"Much like Burr, Loeffler publicly voiced optimism about the strength of the economy and the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus crisis even as she unloaded stock holdings."
You have to believe that these two minions of the Trump administration were sucking up to the White House maniac to help him support a diving stock market. It didn't help and now the two may be guilty of a felony. There were others but apparently noo directly involved.

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Saturday, March 21, 2020

LATEST COVID-19 UPDATE: Trump pushing anti-malarial drug for coronavirus - Dr. Fauci cautious

Donald Trump's befuddled and bewildering words are why the American public is so confused over the coronavirus pandemic...

Trump -Fauci
The drug being argued over by Trump and Dr. Fauci is hydroxychloroquine, "a medication used for the prevention and treatment of certain types of malaria, specifically chloroquine-sensitive malaria. Trump apparently wants to move quickly for its use, but top CDC adviser, Fauci, says, hold on, let's make sure it's safe. There are side effects like...
  • headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain
  • loss of appetite, weight loss
There's more but what is important is that Dr. Fauci wants to make sure it will work for coronavirus before proceeding with any serious discussions. Not go chasing a remedy that has no potential to help COVID-19. T-rump wants to forge ahead without the necessary science behind the move just to appease those dopes out there looking for a quick fix. Here is some of the conversation...
Trump thinks drug could be "game-changer"...
Fauci says test it first
Trump: I am a fan of that [drug] and we’ll see what happens. I have seen things that are impressive. We’ll see. We’ll know soon. When you get to safety, this is prescribed for many years for people to combat malaria, which was a big problem.”
Dr. Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director replied: "he shared the president’s positive outlook, the drug still needs to be tested specifically for coronavirus efficacy — echoing FDA chief Stephen Hahn’s comments the day before."
Dr. Fauci denies malarial drug is ready...

The conversation closed with this statement from "Dr." Trump, confirming just how mentally challenged this idiot is...
“It may work and it may not work. I agree with [Fauci]. It may work or may not. I feel good about it. Just a feeling. I am a smart guy, we’ll see soon enough.”
 A moron couldn't have said it better...

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN anchor John King quotes that network's Dr. Sanjay Gupta is "stunned" at Donald Trump's reaction to his top coronavirus adviser Dr. Andrew Fauci. Here's Gupta...
“I’ve never seen anything like it, John,” he said. “That was incredible to see this back-and-forth. First of all, the president said that this drug was approved for coronavirus yesterday, it is not. He said there’s a lot of evidence to show how promising it is, there is a one 20-person study out of France that Dr. Tony Fauci described as ‘anecdotal.’”

Latest COVID-19 Crisis: These millennials are just stupid about coronavirus

This is beyond frightening, the 18-29 age group, referred to as millennials, refuses to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously...

Image result for millennials and coronavirus
Clueless millennials on the beach
I've said this before, if you want to kill yourself that's your prerogative. But when it affects me, I draw the line. And that line is to isolate you so you won't infect me or other innocents who are trying to protect themselves. A good example of this is the idiot spring break student, Brady Studer, who said, "If I get corona, I get corona." He and his pals are wandering around Miami Beach, possibly picking up the disease, and taking it back home.

This wingnut, along with the Kentucky man with the virus who refused to self-quarantine and another infected, Evangeline Lilly, doing the same, should be confined to a concentration camp and let them take their chances. Here's the scenario...
"Completed on March 18, the latest nationwide Forbes Under 30 Poll found that an astounding 35% of Americans aged 18-29 believed that the COVID-19 crisis is overblown. Less than 50% of those polled think that it’s a genuine health threat."
Millennials shouldn't put elderly at risk, says Dr. Andrew Fauci...

With all that has come down on the coronavirus pandemic, you would think these morons would have more brains, and this really doesn't speak well of the mentality of this age group. Here's more of the Forbes study...
"When asked if they have adjusted their routines over the last week, roughly a quarter of young people have not let the virus dampen their social lives —despite urgent warnings to stay home. Take dating: while 43% of people reported that they have gone on fewer dates, because of COVID-19, than the previous week, an astounding 38% said they are dating the same as usual. And 12% said that they are dating more often. Those numbers are roughly the same when it comes to gathering with friends and dining out in restaurants."
If we see an uptick in millennials for COVID-19 cases in the future, the method of quarantining might come to a legal order that makes it a felony to refuse. And that would be pretty pathetic.

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus news from CDC on Friday

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now publishing daily updates on the status of the coronavirus pandemic. It will be updated daily at noon, Monday through Friday, and I will publish it for you as soon as it becomes available.

Here are Friday's results. More later...

Total cases: 15,219
Total deaths: 201

Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)

Good news for China on COVID-19 - Maybe not the U.S.

China has had its first day free from coronavirus after almost four months but with Donald Trump in charge, not likely to happen as soon in the United States...

A market in Beijing this week. The Chinese economy has ground to a near standstill, and many small businesses say they may soon run out of cash.
A market in Beijing

Yes, China did try to cover up the outbreak of the virus in late 2019, but when the enormity of the disease was realized, "sweeping top-down" efforts were implemented to fight the virus. CNN reports from Hong Kong...
"Just last month, mainland China was reporting thousands of new cases every day, and was considered the most high-risk infection area in the world."
The early stages of China's coronavirus...
"In the weeks following the early spread of the virus, the government enacted draconian quarantine measures and strict travel restrictions affecting hundreds of millions of citizens. In some hard-hit cities, residents have been unable to leave their apartments for more than a month, while transport between major population hubs has been limited or halted altogether."
Donald Trump's abysmal initial approach was to deny coronavirus was even there, calling it a hoax perpetrated by Democrats. This is after the disease was reported; a "35-year-old man in an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever." This went on for a while until T-rump's next phase, 'I have it under control,' until mid-March when he finally admitted "It's bad. It's bad."

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders condemn Donald Trump's handling of coronavirus pandemic...

Still, as of today, the U.S. has tested only 82,571 people, where Italy has tested 134,000, So. Korea 274,000. But with China there is a question of "whether they really contained the virus? Or have they just suppressed it?” A question asked by Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Any way you cut it, with Trump's incompetent handling of the U.S. pandemic, we are surely due for a long run.

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The latest COVID 19 news in digest

My coronavirus folder is piled high again and this is a quick release of the latest, most important stuff...

HEADLINE: "Trump boasts to governors that his pandemic response system will be ‘the talk of the world." He reiterates...
"once again falsely claimed that America’s pandemic response system was “broken” under former President Barack Obama, when in reality Trump shuttered the National Security Council’s pandemic response team and never replaced it with anything comparable."
HEADLINE: ‘If I get corona, I get corona': Miami spring breakers say covid-19 hasn’t stopped them from partying. Here's the scenario...
"An Ohio native, Brady Sluder had been planning the getaway for about three months, according to Reuters, when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) ordered all the state’s bars and nightclubs to shut down for 30 days to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus."
If they want to die, so be it, but infecting others is something else.

Here's the idiot, Brady Studer...

HEADLINE: "Fauci warns against coronavirus indifference among young people." The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director said, "He is concerned young Americans aren’t taking the pandemic seriously," and he would be right if you read the story, above. Fauci's words, speaking directly to young people..
“You are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill,” when asked if younger Americans should be concerned about contracting the virus, which Fauci has repeatedly said is more lethal than the average flu.
HEADLINE: "Trump to governors who fear shortage of hospital equipment: ‘Try getting it yourselves.’" Internet media went viral when hearing this, the guy in the Oval Office who is supposed to be coordinating the whole fiasco. Here's the pathetic conversation from T-rump's side...
“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — trying getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better — much more direct if you can try getting it yourselves.”
Gun nuts panic in Houston...

HEADLINE: "US sales of guns and ammunition soar amid coronavirus panic buying." The gun nuts, hoodwinked by the gun manufacturers through the NRA, will use any excuse to go out and buy another gun. There's fear of unrest and these wingnuts will probably shoot the health care provider that comes to their home to test them. Here's one such lunatic...
“Politicians and anti-gun people have been telling us for the longest time that we don’t need guns. But right now, a lot of people are truly scared, and they can make that decision themselves.”
What these people need is brains.

HEADLINE: "The Trump administration drove him back to China — where he invented a fast coronavirus test" Professor Weihong Tan, a 59-year-old intellectual firepower, fled the U.S. as a result of a Trump administration crackdown on university researchers with ties to China. He went to Chinawhere his team of 300 scientists and researchers worked furiously to develop a fast, easy test for COVID-19. Here's the scenario...
"Epidemiologists say that testing is vital to mitigate the spread of the virus. But the U.S. has lagged well behind China, South Korea, and Italy in the number of people tested. It’s hard to know if Tan’s test would have made a difference. The slow U.S. ramp-up has been blamed largely on bureaucratic barriers and a shortage of chemical agents needed for testing."
HEADLINE:  "These are the 51 GOP senators who just voted against expanding paid sick leave to protect Americans." Among them, Alexander (R-TN), Blunt (R-MO), Burr (R-NC), Cotton (R-AR), Cruz (R-TX), Ernst (R-IA), Graham (R-SC), and there are forty-four more of these idiots.

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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Idiot Republican knows but doesn't tell public about COVID-19

U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, warned well-connected constituents about coronavirus three weeks ago...

Richard Burr, jerk Republican.

But he didn't release it publicly, rather, at a social club called the Capitol Hill Club, he delivered an alarming message...
"There's one thing that I can tell you about this [coronavirus]: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history. It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic."
This is the kind of thing we have learned to expect from Republicans, thinking only of themselves, in this case constituents no doubt to enlist their votes. It was at a time when Donald Trump was calling the virus a hoax by Democrats, saying it would go away, as was Burr. Unconscionable and pathetic!...READ MORE...

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The U.S. is still behind in coronavirus testing. WHY?

The short answer to this question is Donald Trump and his incompetent administration, plus a clueless Republican Congress...


Some states are off the board with testing like New York, where Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday "there were 950 cases of the virus statewide, the highest of any state in the country. But this is what has happened...
"When the outbreak first came to New York, the state set a target goal of running 1,000 tests a day. By the end of this week, the state expects to be able to perform 7,000 tests per day — an 'exponential increase of what we have done.' Along with the uptick in tests, Americans should expect to see a rise in confirmed cases," Cuomo added.
And that's the problem with coronavirus case numbers across much of the U.S., we won't really know how many cases of the virus there are until we step up the testing. Political has an excellent illustration of test activity, as well as several other components measuring the disease. It shows that so far the United States has given 76,495 tests with 7,721 positive and 112 deaths. Still no comparison with Italy, 134,000 and So. Korea 274,000.

Here's the scenario...
"Many state officials have expressed exasperation over the testing rollout, as it was hampered at first by flawed test kits sent out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to public health laboratories across the country, and then limited by what was then narrow criteria from the agency for who qualified for a test. A shortage of a chemical needed to run the tests last week added to the problems."
 Here's what Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified in a House hearing Thursday...
"The system is not really geared to what we need right now. That is a failing. Let's admit it."
And who can we thank for that? None other than Donald Trump, who disbanded the National Security Council’s office on pandemics, set up by former President Barack Obama. No doubt just for spite. What do you think the families of those 112 coronavirus deaths, above, think of that? Pathetic! READ MORE...

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Trump must step up coronavirus action or 2.2 million people could die in U.S

And according to this new scientific report, it must be "drastic and coordinated government action"...

President Trump at a Monday news conference on the Covid-19 pandemic.
The gang that couldn't think straight
Well, that's not likely to happen under Donald Trump, especially since he has just come to the conclusion that coronavirus is not a hoax, rather, a real threat to the American people. Not sure where the noodle-head Congress stands on the issue but am sure they are still waiting for Trump's go-ahead before they act. This whole fiasco is so preposterous, illustrating the exact way a presidential administration should not perform in a crisis.

T-rump's reaction to the coronavirus pandemic could be part of the recent calculating by British researchers and which was shared with the White House which found that...
"in the absence of drastic and coordinated government action, the novel coronavirus could kill as many as 2.2 million people in the United States alone."
The report published in the New York Times from researchers at Imperial College London indicates that even with these "drastic" measures...
"different steps, intended to drive down transmission by isolating patients, quarantining those in contact with them and keeping the most vulnerable apart from others for three months, could only cut the predicted death toll by half, the new report said."
The lead author of the study, Neil Ferguson, an epidemiology professor, said that "his group had shared their projections with the White House task force about a week ago and that an early copy of the report was sent over the weekend." One startling finding in the report that "eight to nine percent of people in the most vulnerable age group, 80 and older, could die if infected." With Donald Trump in charge, and based on his incompetence so far, all these calculations could increase.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Latest coronavirus news from CDC

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now publishing daily updates on the status of the coronavirus pandemic. It will be updated daily at noon, Monday through Friday, and I will publish it for you as soon as it becomes available.

Here are Wednesday's results. More later...

Total cases: 7,038

Total deaths: 97

Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)

Expect the coronavirus pandemic to last 18 months

The U.S. government says it has a plan to fight the coronavirus pandemic and it “will last 18 months or longer” and could include “multiple waves”...

President Trump declared a national emergency on Friday.
Questions...questions...But no answers
The New York Times article does not specify what "The U.S. government" specifically refers to here, nor am I sure from reading the article that is yet clear, but one might assume it is the upper echelons of the Trump administration healthcare network that is working with the CDC. What they are sure of at this time is the fact there would be...
"widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation’s health care system."
Looks like a combination of consumer products and medical needs. We've already experienced the consumer side with a massive shortage of toilet paper and various types of disinfectants among the missing on store shelves. On the medical needs side, it sounds like ventilators will be a high priority item since we are dealing with a respiratory disease. The 100-page plan was presented to Donald Trump as it became obvious he was now taking coronavirus seriously.

In addition it recommended invoking the...
"Defense Production Act of 1950, a Korean War-era law that authorizes a president to take extraordinary action to force American industry to ramp up production of critical equipment and supplies such as ventilators, respirators and protective gear for health care workers."
Pharmaceuticals are mentioned as a possible shortage, something that has prompted experts to warn the public to stock up on all prescription drugs. However, many insurance companies and certainly Medicare limit refills and quantities on medications so you should talk to your doctor right away to make any arrangements you can. The NY Times says...
“While the administration’s response has so far lacked the urgency this crisis has called for, there are still steps you can take to mitigate the damage.”
With Donald Trump in charge, we're pretty much all on our own. Pathetic!

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Protecting yourself from the unknown coronavirus?

HEADLINE: "Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized"...

Image result for people seated in doctor's office
Okay, which one has it?

Is it impossible to know that the person you are sitting or standing next to you, the one who is coughing without covering his or her mouth, has coronavirus? First of all, with all the ordered shutdowns and curfews, most of us wouldn't even be out. But let's say you have a doctor's visit that you can't cancel and you are there sitting in the office. here's the scenario...
"Officials have emphasized that the virus is spread mainly by people who are already showing symptoms, such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing. If that's true, it's good news, since people who are obviously ill can be identified and isolated, making it easier to control an outbreak."
But there is another side...
"It appears that a Massachusetts coronavirus cluster with at least 82 cases was started by people who were not yet showing symptoms, and more than half a dozen studies have shown that people without symptoms are causing substantial amounts of infection."
And that's the person sitting next to you in the doctor's office. "You really need to just focus on the individuals that are symptomatic," US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar said. "It [the containment strategy] really does depend on symptomatic presentation." The CDC agrees. The administration's coronavirus response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx doesn't exactly agree...
"Until you really understand how many people are asymptomatic and asymptomatically passing the virus on, we think it's better for the entire American public to know that the risk of serious illness may be low, but they could be potentially spreading the virus to others."
Normally I wouldn't quote anything coming from the White House but for once this makes sense...READ MORE... 

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Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...