Friday, April 5, 2019

If Michael Cohen drops the other shoe, will it be on Trump's head?

Michael Cohen wants to stay out of jail as long as he can, so one can only hope this new information is credible and damning to Donald Trump. Cohen's attorneys Lanny Davis and Michael Monico have contacted Congress alerting them that...
"Cohen has discovered substantial files on a hard drive that might be helpful to investigators."
Cohen not only has to worry about Congress but also the Southern District of New York trying to persuade them to postpone reporting to jail in order to review the files in question. It would appear that Cohen was only recently able to access the information that he proposes to Congress and prosecutors. He claims the new hard drive he found "contains millions of additional files."

New York prosecutors say "that Cohen shouldn't be considered a cooperating witness. Cohen did assist the special counsel's investigation but he...
"repeatedly declined to provide full information about the scope of any additional criminal conduct in which he may have engaged or had knowledge."
He has already been sentenced to three years in prison, but as the noose tightens, who knows what Michael will do, and it can't be good for T-rump.

Mueller team says AG Barr definitely withholding info

He said, they said. The "he" is Wm. Barr, Atty. Gen. who said about the Mueller Report, "evidence was not sufficient to prove that the president obstructed justice." The 'they' are members of Mueller's investigative team saying, "their findings on obstruction were alarming and significant." Don't know about you but I'm inclined to believe "they said." They're also concerned that, "the summaries they had prepared for different sections of the report for quick discharge, "were not released by Barr.

The Mueller team is pissed, and rightfully so. Barr makes a piddly number of pages available from a 400-page report that is purported to prove Donald Trump's part in some collusion with Russia in his win of the 2016 presidential election, and his part in the obstruction of justice, like firing James Comey. Barr said...
"Mueller did not reach a conclusion “one way or the other” as to whether Trump’s conduct in office constituted obstruction of justice."
But the Mueller team countered...
“It was much more acute than Barr suggested."
If when this is all over and the shit hits the fan as Donald Trump is tried for treason and obstruction of justice, will his double-digit followers then admit just how stupid they have been? Probably not. Pathetic!

NRA SAYS: Put guns in the hands of convicted felons

This slimy pile of gun nuts continues its march toward annihilating the American public with its gun violence policies. It's a matter of federal law that someone convicted of  "physically abusing his spouse, ex-spouse, live-in lover, or co-parent" cannot own a gun. But if it's a date, stalking him or her, after they break up, the other is fair game. The NRA is well aware of the latter but still fights for the right of the perpetrator to keep or buy his or her gun.

Well, here are the numbers...
"About half of all female homicide victims are killed by intimate partners — and about half of intimate partner homicides are committed by casual dating partners."
So the NRA was no doubt forced into the legislation that bars abusive husbands from having guns, but they fight the above scenario. It is more clear evidence that Wayne LaPierre, head NRA gun nut, and a certain portion of his membership value their weapons over human life, even someone close to them. Until this sick mentality can be driven out of this country, children and innocent citizens will continue to die by gun violence in schools and on the streets.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

NRA has always been problem getting gun control done

Here's a recent article headline from The Hill...
"Gun control advocate: 'Surprised' at how many gun owners agree gun ownership standards should be raised"
I'm not, and when I see a header like this there is no doubt in my mind that, if gun owners want reasonable gun control, it is definitely the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) that is standing in its way and has for many, many years. Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's head gun nut refuses to listen to any legislation that limits access to guns. Even reasonable background checks, the banning of assault rifles which is the weapon of choice in most all gun massacres.

There are three people in this country today the American public could do without: Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Wayne LaPierre. All three fly in the face of anything that is good for this country, and seem hell-bent on dragging the United States to the bottom of the barrel. Each has his own agenda, a combination of twisted ideas and philosophies, all of which point back to the pariah in question. What this nation needs is a clean sweep of this trash.

Facebook data gone postal again

Here's the lead sentence in the Bloomberg article...
"Facebook Inc. user data is still showing up in places it shouldn’t."
Almost fifteen years ago when I started my privacy blog, The Dunning Letter, we were talking about how loose personal data was becoming, and predicting events just like what has happened with Facebook. When I realized how things were progressing in the private information field, I realized two things:1) People don't care if their personal data is kept private and; 2) Companies that collect this information don't care what these people think. Tragic but true!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has made a career of using your personal data to make zillions of dollars, placing the man in a perpetual state of apology for the mismanagement of FB user data. Now he's calling for Internet regulation, sounding like the guy who is desperate and needs help to stop gambling. I spent 35 years in the junk mail industry, where your name and personal information were flaunted as if you had no say whatsoever. You didn't.

And now there is the "Cloud," where trillions of pieces of data can be stored...forever. That's correct, whatever you said on Facebook today is shot right up to that colossal database in the sky, can be retrieved in seconds and it will never be deleted. It's been said before, 'You have no privacy.' So, you might as well go on your merry way throwing everything that is private about you to these data mongers. They probably already have it anyway.

Looks like Bernie's on right path this time

Early on Bernie Sanders is taking advantage of his record-breaking grassroots army, picking out volunteers and hiring people with the right experience. Campaign aides report that more than 1 million people have signed up to volunteer for his campaign, and they will be asked to host house parties around the country again. In an email to supporters he will say...
"we need to create an unprecedented grassroots political movement."
Sounds familiar, as does a lot of Bernie's rhetoric. But stop! is this the kind of individual we need in the White House, one we know exactly where he stands, with pretty much no change in the issues of his platform since he first ran for Senator in Vermont? NPR has done a good job of illustrating them here. If you like the issues, get on Bernie's bandwagon. We're all keeping our eyes on the polls because that is just as important to Bernie's campaign as money.

Terminally ill child exposed to measles by anti-vaxxers

Jackson Souza Bell
This 7-year old young man already doesn't have very long to live. Jackson Souza Bell hasd been "diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis at 4 months old, has around 100 small tumors and a few very large ones on his brain." His mother took him to the University of California Davis Jackson Souza Bell Medical Center for care and...
"Days after the two arrived at the hospital, doctors told Bell that during his stay, Jackson had been exposed to measles."
Welcome to the new world of horrendously stupid people. Because Jackson's condition is so critical, Rayna Bell has tried to surround him with a plastic bubble to keep him alive as long as possible. He will eventually die. Enter the latest morons...anti-vaxxers with the following scenario...
"Bell claims doctors told her the source of the disease was a child whose parents had not vaccinated her. She had caught the measles while overseass."
Apparently these doctors who finally gave up the anti-vaxxers did not know they had a hot kid with stupid parents until after the fact. The boy had to be quarantined at the hospital for 18 days for measles. The mother cited the irresponsible parents that chose not to vaccinate their child, and in this case, the parents idiocy could shorten Jackson Souza Bell's life.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...