Saturday, August 11, 2018

Donald Jr. forges dad's approval rating

Donald Trump Jr. and his forgery
Like father like son, forever the fraud, this time amateurishly altering a graphic comparison with Barack Obama using Photoshop to reflect a higher approval rating for Donald Sr. It was done by changing T-rump's from 40% to 50% and posting it on Instagram. Actually, the Gallup Poll reported approvals at 45% Obama, 40% Trump. And then after the post Junior said..
“Amazing. I guess there is a magic wand to make things happen and @realdonaldtrump seems to have it. #maga #amreicafirst.”
Apparently, the person with the magic wand was no brighter than the Oval Office lunatic's son since the forging was considered a piece of crap by the press and recognized immediately, because you can easily see the actual percentage covered up with this fake stat. So, although we have known all along that the White House was now populated by a family of idiots, the players seem to find it necessary to confirm this over and over on a daily basis. And on top of all this, the fake artists misspelled America. Perhaps the most pathetic 1st family ever.

Jack Dorsey and Twitter must be added to every Progressive's shit list

Jack Dorsey/Alex Jones love fest
I don't call it censoring when it comes to the crap Alex Jones spews on a regular basis. Journalism, the Fourth Estate, is what is covered by the 1st Amendment in its protection of free speech, not lies, false conspiracy theories and repeated defamation. This guy is the sleazebag of all sleazebags and anyone who follows or supports him, themselves, would reside at the bottom of the barrel. So why is Twitter head, Jack Dorsey, sticking up for the garbage monger and after professing leaning to the left, giving an extended interview to Sean Hannity?

Hannity himself is guilty of perpetrating the Seth Richards murder conspiracy, which even disgusted the Fox News staff. Anytime you see news on Fox, Sinclair Broadcast or nut jobs like Alex Jones you have to assume only a small percentage of the content is true, very small, and it's just best to stay away entirely. There are too many legitimate news outlets out there, both liberal and conservative, and a small amount of Googling will help you find what you're looking for. As for Twitter's Jack Dorsey, as long as he defends this kind of trash radio, I hope his Twitter followers continue to leave.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Did you know Trump supporters embrace QAnon?

OK, what the hell is QAnon? It is hard to explain, if not impossible, but its followers include Alex Jones, Rosanne Barr, Sean Hannity and Donald Trump Jr., as well as Donald Trump supporters. It comes from the "1996 movie “White Squall,” about a deadly storm, where the QAnon motto “where we go one, we go all” comes from. It seems to have its origins simply in the creation and spreading of conspiracy theories, like that of Alex Jones exclaiming the gun massacre at Sandy Hook never happened. It is a small group so far, but considering the spokespeople, above, could spread into a violent movement it's believed.

There are T-shirts for the people involved, some of which showed up at a Donald Trump rally, the wearers from which he took questions re. conspiracy theories. This concept centers on a mysterious and anonymous online figure — "Q," who claims to possess a top-level security clearance and evidence of a worldwide criminal conspiracy. NPR's explanation...
It goes like this: Special counsel Robert Mueller isn't actually investigating Trump and his 2016 campaign for their possible ties to Russia, and he's not really looking into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Rather, Mueller was appointed by Trump to investigate Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other top Democrats, like former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. According to posts written by "Q" — dubbed "breadcrumbs" by the theory's followers — even Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is a target of Mueller's so-called investigation.
And if you understand all this, please leave a comment and explain it to me. 

Cook Report shows Democrats outperforming GOP by 8 points

The non-partisan Cook Political Report says Democrats have over-performed projections in nine House special elections and could be on track to pick up more than enough seats to take back the majority in November. They only need 24 seats and at this rate are forecasted to get back three-times that number. Twenty-five Republican incumbents are retiring from public office, compared to only ten Democrats, big mouths with no substance like Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy, plus the worst House Speaker ever, Paul Ryan. Now if we could only get rid of Mitch Mitchell.

And speaking of the Senate, three of the most powerful Senators are retiring, Bob Corker from Tennessee, Jeff Flake from Arizona and Orrin Hatch from Utah. There are no Democratic Senators leaving the Senate. Dems are expected to capture a Senate seat here in Arizona with Kyrsten Sinema, currently a representative, in perhaps one of the reddest states in the country. This state will probably be last but as it progresses through purple to bright blue, you'll know the left has finally arrived. The Dems are three seats shy of a majority in the Senate, but many believe it will happen.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

We need more than Cuomo to sink NRA

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has made the best first efforts to threaten the National Rifle Assn. in a long time by his legal challenges in NY over their questionable insurance programs and general PR that working with the organization is bad business. But, donations flowed in after the Florida shooting which makes one wonder if these donors are in favor of killing our children in their schools. Otherwise, why would they rush to give money to a group that refuses to ban the very weapon responsible for killing these children, assault weapons?

Meaning, what is required is at least a two-fold approach involving first, electing a liberal house and Senate in November populated by gun control candidates. Second, the gun control movement must initiate an enhanced educational program for the public to convince these die-hards that NRA head, Wayne LaPierre's crusade for more guns on the street is pure bullshit. This philosophy is killing thousands of Americans, not saving lives. The other option is to continue encouraging corporations and banks that it is bad business working with the NRA, for the above reasons.

Country doesn't need what NRA wants

The National Rifle Assn. is supporting Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice, which raises flags and rings bells everywhere to indicate this is bad for the country. Senate swing votes include Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska., Doug Jones, D-Ala., Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D. The NRA's top propagandist Chris Cox says, “It’s critical that all pro-Second Amendment voters urge their senators to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.” The nation's top child killing machine group will never give up on this 2nd Amendment shit until we repeal it.

The gun control folks consider Kavanaugh's position on the 2nd Amendment "extreme" and of course he is in bed with the gun lobby. With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to begin confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh next month, gun control activists need to get their act going to fight the confirmation. Dems are demanding Kavanaugh records on his tenure with GWB White House, claiming they are critical to public's approval of the justice. The left is hopeful for a delay but with Mitch Mitchell heading up the Senate, any underhanded move is possible from this political swindler.

Tuesday night places Republicans on the run for the House

Troy Balderson, the Republican candidate, looks like he has barely defeated Danny O’Connor in Ohio's 12th District. The reason RealClear Politics thinks it is a Democratic victory is that the District is heavily Republican, the most of sixty in Ohio, and there are still 3,500 provisional ballots to count. The results actually mirror the recent trend for Democrats to take over the house. The last time this seat was open back in 2000, the GOP's candidate won by 10 points. Turnout was down in the rural areas of the 12th district, with the urban areas coming to the aid of the left.

There's more. Democrat votes were even up in the suburbs of this district, which could indicate that the Dems are finally getting off their butts and voting. Outside of Ohio, Washington state, in the its 8th District, which looks like Ohio's 12th, Democrats are ahead by three points. But in the end the Dems must muster up the base force of "urban liberals, college-educated whites, and various minority communities." And it is also time for Progressives to get their act together bringing voters to the polls. And then on to the Senate.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...