Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hispanics Would be Out of Their Minds to Vote Republican

President Obama does the right thing but the courts and Congress kick him in the teeth. He issued two Executive Orders to protect the parents of American citizens and so-called “DREAMers” brought to the U.S. as young children. Their names are Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) and an expansion to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). They were enacted to protect some 4 to 5 million undocumented immigrants that the President has been trying to coax out of the shadows. Their obvious concern is deportation.

What still amazes me is why this country doesn't understand that if these people were to be deported, restaurants would be unmanned nationwide, there would be no one to work the farmers' fields, the landscaping business would be down the tube, and there would be no one to clean the homes of the rich. And if they are not going to be deported, why not take the step to legalize their residency and provide a path to citizenship. The gutless Republican Congress won't do it but Barack Obama had the balls to take these Executive Actions that the conservative courts are now shoving down his throat. Amanda Sakuma on MSNBC said these folks will probably have to wait until the summer of 2016 before the courts decide their fate.

Jordan Fabian of The Hill reports there will be no emergency request from the Justice Dept. to lift the order blocking the Executive Action. Instead, it will concentrate on an appeal to the 5th Circuit Court in July. Every Latino in this country should take note who is behind the drive to push these people back in the shadows...the GOP.

DNA Has Completely Changed the Death Penalty

Henry Lee McCollum, a black man age 50, had been on death row for 30 years for the 1983 rape and killing of an eleven-year-old girl. He didn't do it. DNA evidence finally "implicated another man, a known sex offender the police had not investigated, despite the fact that he lived next to the crime scene," according to Slate. McCollum, who was 19 at the time, confessed after police pressure along with his half-brother, Leon Brown, who was 15 then. Both recanted several times but Brown ended up serving a life sentence, McCollum went on death row. They were both freed from prison back in 2014.

Conservative Supreme court Judge Antonin Scalia used this very case to dismiss Justice Harry Blackmun’s concerns about the death penalty some 20 years ago. He pointed to convicted killer Henry Lee McCollum as an obvious example of a man who deserved to be put to death. Scalia used McCollum as the perfect illustration of a heinous crime that "stood as a testament to the merit of capital punishment itself." Well, on June 4, 2015, the two men were pardoned by No. Carolina's Gov. Pat McCrory.
Each man now qualifies for $50,000 for each year they were imprisoned, up to a maximum of $750,000. They needed a gubernatorial pardon in order to collect the compensation.
Steve Benen, who wrote the MSNBC article commented, "As best as I can tell, Scalia has not yet commented."

Monday, June 8, 2015

Bernie Sanders Must Come Out NOW for Minority Vote for Credibility

The Bernie Sanders team should look at this graph and decide today to point their candidate in the direction of the minority vote. I mean African American and Hispanic specifically. A better place does not exist to prove his point of economic and income inequality than these two voting blocks. I did a post back in May that outlines his positions and voting records on race and immigration. They are favorable on both but Sen. Sanders is not making this clear to the public. If they don't know you want their vote, they won't vote for you Bernie.

Jason Johnson of NBC News did a piece asking the candidate questions for African Americans on whether they should vote for Bernie Sanders. First of all there is the implication that Sanders has slim or no chance for winning. This group did not even support Obama until he won in Iowa, but in Sen. Sanders last trip to Iowa, he did great with large crowds at his events. And Johnson wants to know if the candidate understands African Americans when they make up only 1% of Vermont's state population. He pursues this question with another, "how he plans on galvanizing this crucial demographic in order to win a national election?"

This could be the big year of the Hispanic vote since people who harass the Mexican community like Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio have been put in their place, thus, many who were in the past, won't be afraid to come out and vote. This could change, though, if voter ID laws persist and there are 32 states that enforce this that you can see hereHispanics voted for Mr. Obama en masse in 2008 and especially in 2012, and recently Bernie Sanders said, “We have 11 million people in this country living in the shadows, living in fear. That’s got to end. We need a path toward citizenship for all of those people.”

Bernie Sanders must make racial and immigration reform an integral part of his campaign and do it soon. Without it he cannot win.

Hillary Clinton Scores With Voting Rights Announcement

Hillary Clinton has come up with the concept that Bernie Sanders will wish he had originated and one Republicans will fight to the death. Guaranteed voting for everyone over the age of 18. She was at Texas Southern University in Houston calling for every American to be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18 unless they choose not to be. In 2013 SCOTUS weakened the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by allowing new restrictions on those wanting to vote. Hillary's proposed law would re enable millions who have suffered limits to their voting rights.
Is it possible Clinton's voting rights legislation will not only help a Democrat win the presidency in 2016, but, if used in those congressional districts up for election, help win back the House and Senate for the Dems? Hell yes I say! 
Zachary Roth of MSNBC says, "it could put the GOP on notice that further efforts to make voting harder may backfire by giving Democrats a tool to motivate their supporters." Clinton chastised her Republican opponents not to continue “fearmongering about a phantom epidemic of voter fraud.” And here are a couple of facts from Roth to support the candidate's proposal: 1) Between one quarter and one third of all Americans aren’t registered to vote. 2) Around 50 million eligible voters aren’t registered, according to a recent study by the Center for Popular Democracy, based on Census Bureau data.
But if history repeats itself, the GOP will leave no rock unturned that could prevent Democrats from voting.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Duggar Statements You Just Won't Believe

Jim Bob Duggar and his wife Michelle will say and do just about anything to keep from admitting their son Josh is a pervert. Here are some statements that evolved from their interview on Fox News that were compiled by SheKnows.com:

  • Michelle Duggar insists that Josh's fondling of his sisters were over the clothes like, somehow, this doesn't count?
  • When Jim Bob shared the molestations with church members he says the same thing was happening in other families with the implication it is widespread. Therefore his conclusion that what Josh did is no big deal.
  • Jim Bob could not accept the fact that a 15-year-old should know better than to do what Josh did, exclaiming, "He was a juvenile. Not an adult."
  • Claiming they were devastated to make it look like they were the victims and then trying to make a case that they had done all they could as parents. But critics responded, "Talking to your friends is not everything you can do."
  • And one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard coming from an adult's mouth, "As parents, we're not mandatory reporters." As if that completely relieved them from disclosing this to the authorities.
  • Michelle Duggar still thinks her son Josh is the victim in all this saying, "He knew it was wrong... they didn't even realize it was improper touch." That's about as dumb as the former father's comment.
  • Jim Bob did go to the police, who indicated later that he only told the cop about one molestation, something the father explained by accusing the police officer of saying that because he had not reported the assault afterward.
  • And finally when asked if they worried about the safety of their daughter when their brother returned home from supposed but failed counseling, "They were adamant that while safeguards stayed in place, they no longer worried about their daughters."
This whole scenario reads like a Keystone Cops movie but there is no humor in the fact that the Duggars took advantage of their religious and political positions to cover up a degenerate son's sexual deviation.

Mitch McConnell the Perpetual Asshole

Don't tell me U.S. Senators deserve respect when they are the low life of Congress. If there was a barrel, the downside would have to be bottomless to accommodate Mitch McConnell. He doesn't represent the state of Kentucky--actually they should be ashamed of him--he represents the legions of hate. This misanthropy started the day after Barack Obama was elected President as McConnell said, “When I first came into office my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president." How can you hate someone like this so quick, and after he had just won a landslide election against Republican favorite John McCain?

I have heard similar responses from other conservatives across the country who have commented on my posts. I've said it before and I'll say it again...it sounds downright racist. Obama put forth an agenda that, although not as ambitious, was not too dissimilar to that of Bill Clinton but the latter wasn't vilified by the conservative right nor by Congress, at least in the manner McConnell has Obama.

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said last Thursday that he doesn’t expect to confirm any of Obama’s circuit court nominees for the remainder of his time in office." Why? Is it because the Dems did the same thing to Geo. W. Bush at the end of his second term? Hell no! Here is the contrast as reported by Steve Benen of MSNBC:
At this point in 2007, in the seventh year of the Bush/Cheney presidency, soon after Democrats took the Senate majority for the first time in several years, the Democratic majority had already confirmed 18 of Bush’s court nominees. Senate Democrats confirmed 68 of Bush’s judicial nominees in the final two years of the Republican administration.
I would be happy to revise this post if Mitch McConnell would go public and explain his hatred for Obama.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Arizona Stupid Laws Just Get Stupider-Doctors Have to Sue

The Arizona legislature is capable of passing the most brainless laws of any state in the country, evidenced by the loose gun laws this state has. All it takes is a warm body to buy a handgun and then walk right in a bar and buy a drink. But Cathi Herrod, pictured, is responsible for some of the worst on the books, like the latest, a law that requires abortion providers to tell patients that it is possible to reverse a medication abortion. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, argue there is no "credible, medically accepted evidence" that a medication abortion can be reversed. But this dumb bunch of wingnuts in the Arizona legislature let this radical fruitcake, Herrod, convince them to pass the bill.

Scottsdale physician Julie Kwatra, the legislative chairwoman for the Arizona section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said the law violates doctors' ethics and is harmful to the doctor-patient relationship. Arizona Republic Opinions states
"The law at question requires doctors to tell patients they can reverse a medical abortion by quickly taking high doses of progesterone. There are no studies supporting this view, just anecdotes and the belief of anti-abortion advocates. Other doctors say they've seen the abortion pill fail when a woman doesn't take the second dose."
"This is a case where the state's response should be:Yeah, you're right, the Legislature was wrong. It won't be, of course, because lawyers are paid to make the best argument possible, even when they have nothing."
When will the people of Arizona who vote for these blockheads wake up and realize they are ruining our state?

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...