Monday, May 4, 2015


Carly Fiorina brought Hewlett Packard to the bottom of the barrel with her style of management. She laid off 34,000 workers and then another 16,000 had to be let go. After six years and signs of her faltering business methods she was fired. NOW SHE WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT AND PUT THE WHOLE COUNTRY IN THE TANK. Where does the GOP come up with these people? Oh, by the way, she was an adviser to the John McCain presidential campaign in 2008. So far, she's batting 1000. Right now her major push is anti-Hillary, as if Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, ad infinitum weren't anti-Hillary. Fiorina keeps saying, "I'm ready for Hillary," which I, and am sure millions more Americans, doubt very much. What's she's ready for is the pasture and it's time to put her there.


Anyone remember the movie, Viva Max, with Peter Ustinov, John Astin, Pamela Tiffin and Jonathan Winters? Ustinov, a Mexican General, along with his sidekick Astin, with soldiers march from their country to San Antonio, Texas, where they plan to retake the Alamo. It is a hilarious comedy of blunders from both countries with an eventual outcome...well, you should really see the movie. Ted Cruz, who probably doesn't even know what the Alamo is since he is actually from Canada, thinks the exercise called “Jade Helm 15” is a conspiracy against the people of Texas. The implication is the feds are holding these domestic military training exercises in Texas to implement martial law, seize Americans’ guns, and imprison political dissidents. His lunacy, along with other touched Texans, mimics the antics of Jonathan Winters in the movie, who plays a Brigadier General in the National Guard. The locals bumble through everything they do but the Mexican troops eventually return home. At least Peter Ustinov's threat was real, although a farce in the making. Ted Cruz wouldn't know a real conspiracy if it ran over him.


Election laws have come under scrutiny for years but this approach takes the cake. Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has decided to thwart campaign finance rules by raising tons of money before announcing his candidacy. It's legal, as long as he hasn't said he's a candidate. He can raise all the money he wants, any way he wants until then. It's farcical and I am sure another presidential contender by the name of Sen. Bernie Sanders would agree. He described billionaire money to finance elections as "vulgar." It's more than vulgar, it's obscene when big business can go out and buy an election so the recipients are in their back pockets. A classic example of this is the National Rifle Assn. who has bought Congress for years. 288 members of Congress have an "A" rating from the NRA, meaning they get top dollar from the organization. There are 535 members of Congress which means the NRA "As" equals more than 50% of those who represent us. The system is broken and needs to be fixed.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


I am curious if there is any leeway in the process of a SCOTUS decision to hedge on the side of what's right? I mean if Chief Justice John Roberts leaned in favor of the gay issue once before, something must have urged him in that direction. And all of a sudden, even some anti-gun legislation that was blasphemy a few years ago has favored the gun control advocates. Plus, the feds are leaving the marijuana controversy alone for the time being. I mean, if you really want to find a loophole in the Constitution, SCOTUS is the one to do it. Gay rights should be a slam dunk though, based on the 14th Amendment. It clearly forbids "the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons." But, then, there's that Bible thing saying  "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." This is the conservative, radical, religious ideology that has been controlling the right of the Supreme Court for the last few years. It could be that SCOTUS senses the importance of being morally right today, as well as constitutionally correct, and their timing is right if they don't want to start a revolution


Presidential contender Bernie Sanders says he neither needs nor wants the tainted money that comes from billionaire donors like the Koch Bros. I believe him, and here's why. In a post yesterday, we uncovered some 30-million potential Progressives in this country. There are another 40-million Democrats, not necessarily Progressive, but most of whom don't want to see another Republican president. If you hit all 70-million for $5.00 twice, that's more than Barack Obama spent on reelection in 2012. For those of you who question my numbers, sure, all 70-mil won't give but with $5.00 as a standard, the range could be anywhere from $1.00 to $100 or more and the total amount could be even higher. Sen. Sanders actual words about the issue were, "Frankly, it is vulgar to me that we're having a war of billionaires." This is the kind of statement Progressives have been looking for for years. Now that you have it, run with it.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


In his first 24-hours in the race to be the Democratic nominee for president, Bernie Sanders raised over $1.5 million, outdoing all his Republican challengers. Hillary Clinton declined to release the figures on her first day. Now that's a good thing and very positive for someone who is relatively unknown, but Bernie has a long way to go. In 2012, Barack Obama raised $715,677,692 and spent $683,546,548. Mitt Romney raised $446,135,997 and spent $433,281,516. What his first day proves is that Sanders has an excellent base to which he can appeal and they are responsive. I do not know exactly how many Progressives there are in the U.S., but based on a series of reliable sources, I am projecting some 30 million. President Obama received a popular vote of 65,915,796 in 2012. So Bernie Sanders will need a portion of the balance of Democratic voters; some 40 million not necessarily considered Progressive. His chances are looking better each day.


Sen. Bernie Sanders is running for President as a Democrat, when actually he is an independent from Vermont whose political philosophy is Democratic Socialism. Finally, a Progressive. An MSNBC article says it is important that he run, even if he can't win. I think he can win. Progressives have ultimately realized that the only way we can get what we want is to come out and vote to elect the President and Congress that will get it done. Actually there were 70 Democratic Socialists counted in the Congress in 2010, among them Raúl M. Grijalva of AZ, Dennis Kucinich, OH, Elijah Cummings, MD, John Lewis, GA, Ed Markey, MA, Charles Rangel, NY, Maxine Waters, CA, and of course Bernie Sanders. You can see them all here. Now that's pretty impressive and a good number to start with for 2016. What you Progressives have to understand is that you are not alone. Our views aren't anti-American like some conservatives would have you believe. They are right for this country and it is time that they are expressed nationally.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...