Tuesday, February 7, 2023

SCOTUS Matches Trump Corruption And Then Some


It was during Donald Trump's Oval Office romp that he nominated these questionably qualified and suspect corrupt and lascivious people to the highest court in the land. But, then, what would you expect from someone sporting the exact same qualities...
There is Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, in line with the late Justice, Anton Scalia, and the one who lied to Susan Collins re. his vote to repeal Roe v. Wade. Next, Brett Kavanaugh, accused of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford in the early 1980s.Three other women also accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, one of whom later recanted her story. And finally there is Amy Coney Barrett, an ultimate conservative believing that life begins at conception, is also a former member of the Federalist Group, which CNN calls "shadowy," and she is still involved with them.

But the latest corruption comes with the leak, which Chief Justice John Roberts called a...

"singular and egregious breach" and a "betrayal of the confidences of the Court," and ordered an investigation into its provenance.

The Court's marshal was chosen to lead the investigation, which is probably why, in eight months, the whole thing has gone nowhere. Their report said this...

"The pandemic and resulting expansion of the ability to work from home...created an environment where it was too easy to remove sensitive information from the building and the Court's IT networks."

We don't even know if SCOTUS justices were interviewed and Newsweek says...

"All the justices very clearly had the means, and it is quite possible that one (or more) had the requisite motive, to leak the draft opinion or direct a law clerk or some other staffer to do so on his/her implicit behalf."

Newsweek added...

The marshal "pre-judged the outcome of the probe, exculpating the justices and thus undermining the probe's very legitimacy."

And back in November of 2022 Newsweek reported...

Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito has been called a "disgrace" after a new report revealed that he allegedly leaked a draft opinion related to a Supreme Court decision in 2014. The conservative judge has denied the report.
According to Huff Post, Rev. Rob Schenck, the former head of the conservative evangelical group Faith & Action testified Alito leaked the outcome of the 2014 Hobby Lobby decision ahead of time. But here are the results of SCOTUS' bogus investigation...
"The Supreme Court found no leaker, concluding in an unsigned statement that after interviewing almost 100 employees, 82 of whom accessed the opinion, the marshal's team was 'unable to identify a person responsible by a preponderance of the evidence.'"

Wrapping up, apparently the marshal provided considerably more in excuses for what it couldn't find than the efforts it used in its investigations. This isn't over.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...