Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Congress Is Littered With White Trash


Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville said it best, "the level of white trashdom in the Republican Party is staggering." For openers he had Marjorie Taylor Greene in mind for her display of boorish behavior at Joe Biden's recent State of the Union speech. Only a moron like Greene would come to the event decked out in a white coat lined with a fur collar, obviously meant to display her ignorance. Carville described Republican lawmakers as “white trash.” His comment in Huff Post...

“I tell people I have the equivalent of a PhD in white trashology, and we saw real white trash on display,” Carville told MSNBC anchor Ari Melber.

 Carville follows with another similar statement in RawStory, "The white trash in the Republican Party is just staggering," then...

"Let me say something about congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), she dresses like white trash. She really needs a fashion consultant. I recommend George Santos. He could do a good job of dressing up where she doesn't announce her white trashdom by her own clothes."

Carville, just before 2022, slammed the GOP for fielding “very low-quality candidates” and suggested the reason...

“They have a lot of stupid people that vote in their primaries. They really do. I’m not really supposed to say that, but it’s obvious fact. And you know, when stupid people vote, you know who they nominate? Other stupid people.”

 Carville: Does Trump's GOP Deserve Marjorie Taylor Greene?...

But the ultimate put down was by Matt Lewis in Daily Beast...
"Trump would never have Greene as his VP because she was too "low rent" for his high style."

Carville also quotes some very interesting Republican history on Social Security and Medicare...

"First of all, their lust for cutting Social Security and Medicare is well documented," Carville said about the GOP. "Newt Gingrich shut the government down and got defeated in the end. We know that George W. Bush tried to privatize Social Security and Medicare. we know when Paul Ryan was Speaker and John Boehner — they did everything they could to cut Social Security and Medicare. We know that that is their objective."

The conservative on again/off again with these entitlement programs is becoming very tiresome. New House Speaker, Republican Kevin McCarthy said they are both off the table but we've learned repeatedly not to believe him, or most Republicans, for that matter. And Carville didn't forget Lauren Boebert...

"You cannot do anything to have low-quality people — Lauren Boebert met her husband when -- allegedly according to the police report, he exposed himself to her at a bowling alley," said Carville. "This is not made-up stuff. This is who they are! And even McCarthy, as gutless and spineless as he is, knew that they walked right into the trap. It's unbelievable."

If only the conservative U.S. Congress were like the trash bin in your computer...hit delete and it's all gone. 



MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...