Friday, December 18, 2015

Bernie Sanders Sayings

U.S. Workers put in about 200 more hours per year than West European workers, who typically obtain four to five week vacations, often legally mandated.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hillary Clinton flip-flops on minimum wage-so why union endorsements?

In June of this year Hillary Clinton told fast-food workers "she supported their push for $15 minimum wage." However, just recently she endorsed a $12 minimum wage. Bernie Sanders has backed the $15 figure from the beginning of his campaign so why have many unions endorsed Clinton? Bernie's latest union endorsement is from the Communications Worker of America, earlier National Nurses United and the U.S. Postal Union. The question is whether the Clinton backing came from union management or the membership.

In the case of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), at least 1,700 member disagreed with the Clinton endorsement. And here's a quote from Bianca Cunningham, former Verizon worker "who alleges she was fired in retaliation for her union organizing in Brooklyn storefronts:"
“There are dozens of people running for President of the United States, but there is only one that walks a picket line, there’s only one who is not afraid to take on the corporate elite that is destroying good jobs and there is only one that isn’t taking money from Wall Street or from corporate America. Working people have been hurt for far too long and we’ve been burned for far too long. It’s time for corporate America to ‘feel that Bern.”
One naysayer quipped that the reason for the Clinton endorsements is the belief with the higher ups that Bernie Sanders isn't electable. Several months ago the U.S public thought the Bern was just a flash in the pan but look what he has accomplished since then. In addition to picking up the Communications Workers of America and earning a nod from the liberal group Democracy for America, Bernie has also hit his goal of 2 million individual campaign contributions. It sounds like to me a man on his way to the White House.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Kevin McCarthy (R) Rep. from California who received $5,000 from the National Rifle Assn. in 2014.

71% of Americans have given up on stopping gun violence

The shocker isn't that 71% of Americans have given up on Gun violence but that they think it is now a permanent part of American life. I trust this group has never had a case where a family member was shot and killed by some lunatic with a handgun or assault weapon. I call these people apathetics, those who don't seem to care about things until it affects them. And then they scream the loudest for help or justice or whatever.

Apathetics are pathetic, and one of the reasons politics in the U.S. is in the state it is in. The idiots in Congress know that a large majority of the country doesn't give a shit, so they do as they damn please. Many of them probably don't vote, and if they did, it would probably be in an uninformed way. Many of these people are successful in everything from the business world to the arts. So what the hell is going on?

The millennial "me" generation rubbed off on the rest of us and apparently lurks within at least 71% of this nation, whether it is recognized or not. Me, me, me,me,me means that I don't have to really care if kids are slaughtered by a gunman at some school, unless, of course, it is the school where my kid goes. Like I said before, you are pathetic, and this country will continue in the direction it is going unless you change this attitude.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

In 1973 the average American worker earned $445 a week; twenty years later, that same worker was making $373 a week. And they are working harder for less money.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Simple minded continue to anoint the king of lunacy

Yes, now Donald Trump has risen even higher in the polls, supported by the dull witted gang that astonishes most Americans and draws laughter from the rest of the world. These followers even amaze the few rational conservatives that are out there. There is nothing good to be said about Trump but one thing is sure, he is an arrogant bully that has captured some poor souls that probably shouldn't be voting anyway.

How many Republicans predicted the man would go down in flames before the end of the year? Well, these prognosticators did not count on an American voting public that has become more out of touch than ever before. They're desperate and it is because the GOP doesn't have one candidate that is even remotely qualified to be President of the United States. A new survey places Trump’s support at 38 percent among registered Republicans and GOP-leaning independents. That's downright obscene.

But there is a way out. VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Cong Steve King

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Steven King (R) Rep. Iowa who received $1,000 fro the National Rifle Assn.

554 kids under age 12 have died by gunshots since Sandy Hook

Moms at Sandy Hook shooting massacre
It has been only three years since the Sandy Hook bloodletting, killing 20 innocent children six years old and six adults. In those three years 554 kids under age 12 have been killed by guns. Yes, it was done with the same guns that NRA head, Wayne LaPierre, says make us safer. Only a double digit moron could make that kind of statement in light of the number of mass killings we have experienced recently. That number would be 317 in just 2015.

And only a bunch of idiots (lowest on IQ scale) like those who populate Congress, who are supposed to be protecting the American public, particularly their constituents, would allow this devastation to continue completely unabated. Of course the sane among us know why, but we just don't understand. Perhaps it will take, God forbid, the murder of a conservative Republic congressperson by an assault weapon or one of his or her family, another tragedy fostered by the NRA he or she loves.

Most Americans, excluding the gun nuts, have had it with gun violence, and it is time for Congress to do something. Before the unthinkable happens.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Twenty years ago, American workers were the best compensated in the world. Today, American workers rank thirteenth among industrialized nations in terms of compensation and benefits.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

NRA's Dana Loesch blames San Bernardino gun massacre on terrorists neighbor

Dana Loesch armed
Apparently the NRA's head, Wayne LaPierre, is too much of a coward to face the public after the San Bernardino bloodbath where 14 innocent people were gunned down by various weapons including assault rifles. Instead, he sends a pathetic Dana Loesch to do his dirty work in a video "proudly" sponsored by Kimber, a purveyor and manufacturer of guns.

Loesch, a conservative radio host, rails at the "Godless left" but then attempts to lay the blame for the massacre on the neighbor of Sayed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik. It is apparently the neighbor's fault because she was suspicious of the couple but did not want to profile them. Loesch's crazed, downright irrational rantings mirror the current state of conflict within the National Rifle Assn. and the kind of demented spokespeople that support the organization.

And then Salon comes out in an article today saying Dana Loesch has completely lost it and calls her a gun nut. The article describes her performance as a "...vile NRA-backed video linking San Bernardino mass-shooting to every GOP bogeyman." One has to wonder if all conservative radio and TV hosts, starting with Rush Limbaugh, aren't mentally challenged, bordering on actually being psychopaths.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Rep. Darrell Issa a (R) from California.

Camping out at the National Rifle Assn.

When I was growing up it was fun to camp out and experience the out-of-doors like it is supposed to be. You'd cook your own food and be responsible for the campsite and sleeping quarters, which included a tent or maybe a hammock out in the open. Times were simpler then. You didn't have to worry about being surprised by some gun nut, perhaps a domestic terrorist, hell-bent on killing as many people he or she can just because they have a gun in their hand and can. You were the target for only God knows why.

Well, there was a group camping out yesterday but it's not in the woods. The gathering is in front of the headquarters of the National Rifle Assn. in Fairfax, Virginia, in front of the building that shelters NRA head, Wayne LaPierre, and his bone headed minions. With the amount of blood on their hands, one can understand why they hide behind closed doors. The gun advocate group comes here every month on the 14th, in honor of the Sandy Hook gun massacre that killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.

CNN reports, "They've braved pouring rain, near-blizzard conditions and sweltering heat. They are Americans fed up with the NRA's agenda, sick of what they say is the group's devotion to gunmakers." There are a lot of those folks around today but a clueless and gutless Congress is only listening to the NRA and the money that jingles each election cycle. But I've heard, from more than one source, that many of these politicos could be sorry come November of 2016.

One can only hope.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...