Friday, April 1, 2016

Bernie Sanders keeps raising BIG bucks

Bernie Sanders has out raised Hillary Clinton several times with his $27.00 donors, which would lead one to believe that Clinton's Wall Street and big corporate sources aren't doing their jobs. Just last month the Bern raised an unbelievable $43.5 million from working people giving just a little bit each online. I know this math isn't perfect but consider this amount divided by $27 and you come up with 1.6 million plus donors. Just in one month.

For those who wonder why Sanders is staying in the race against supposed insurmountable odds against Clinton, this figure should answer any questions. There have been comparisons with the Obama/Clinton 2008 campaign but there are two distinct differences. One, Hillary Clinton is not of the stature Barack Obama was in 2008. Two, Clinton won surprise primaries then but had no where near the momentum in 2008 that Bernie has today. 

NRA uses children's fairy tales to further its violence campaign

Little Red Riding Hood
Just when we thought this organization was at the bottom of the barrel, the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) stoops to its lowest in the exploiting of children. They are rewriting fairy tales, like in Little Red riding Hood now sports a hunting rifle. She's on the way to granny's house to shoot the big bad wolf but when she arrives, finds out that her dear old grandmother has already armed herself with a shotgun. Perfectly designed for bedtime reading to kids.

The stories are written by Amelia Hamilton, a conservative blogger and children’s author. But this idiocy doesn't stop there; in the next series Hansel and Gretel arm themselves with guns, which this depraved author says now makes them, " longer helpless children lost in the woods." Can you imagine what these morons could do with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Latest survey Bernie Sanders within 6 points nationally

Bernie says, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
This is the latest poll showing Hillary Clinton's lead on Bernie Sanders is down to only six points, although I have seen others where he is either even or ahead. Go figure. The NBC News SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll has Clinton at 49% with Sanders 43%. She is down four points in a week, the Bern up 2. Although Hillary Clinton recently turned her campaign focus to the national election, these figures plus more below should give her pause.

Demographically, Bernie has improved his voting preference with men, while Hillary has declined. Sanders with a 47 percent to 45 percent advantage here. Clinton also drops in white voting preference in a week to 45 where Sander's numbers have increased. In the same period Hillary dropped from 50 to 45 in Hispanic preference and 68 to 64 percent in the black vote. We'll see what another week brings along with large state April primaries.

This has become a trend that must have caught the attention of the superdelegates that at some point have to decide just who the American Progressive public wants as their nominee, as well as who can win the election in November. The numbers are clearly screaming Bernie Sanders.

Shallow media concentrates on Donald Trump

In yesterday's post I pointed out a specific example of how the media is skewing articles and broadcasts toward a mention of Donald Trump to take advantage of a ratings hit. "Susan Sarandon MSNBC interview example of media Trump obsession" points out how the barely mention of Trump in the interview leads to him as the headline, as if Bernie Sanders were an afterthought. When in fact Sarandon gave one of the best evaluations of the Bern's qualities I've ever heard.

This all started with a read of The Nation article, "Trumped by the Media," which points out how Donald Trump has commandeered and corrupted the U.S. media. The Republican Party has been helped measurably because all the attention has increased their voter turnout, which in turn hurts it for the Democrats. "On Super Tuesday, Democratic primary turnout was down roughly a third from 2008 levels." But the GOP turnout was way up.

When you tie this all in with barriers created by Republican passed voter-ID laws, and the media is owned and controlled by big corporations, you have to wonder just what is going on. Here's what Bernie says: "In the United States today, six media conglomerates control almost all forms of mainstream media. Consequently, fewer and fewer people are determining what we watch, hear, and read — compromising our access to accurate and unbiased information."

Here's more from The Nation: "Anyone who understands how the modern media shape the narrative, as opposed to simply reporting on it, knows the answer. As of late February, the wrangling between Trump and his top two rivals (Rubio and Texas Senator Ted Cruz) was given twice as much time on network TV as the Clinton-Sanders contest." It sounds like a combination of chasing ratings while at the same time denying Bernie Sanders his time just because of his message.

And finally, here's the ultimate example of corporate greed over doing the right thing:
"CBS chief Les Moonves says of the ratings and revenue bonanza associated with the Trump moment: 'It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.'"
Bernie Sanders couldn't have made his point any better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Susan Sarandon MSNBC interview example of media Trump obsession

Susan Sarandon
I just read an article in The Nation that reflects the shallowness of the U.S. media. It is obsessed with Donald Trump because any mention of his name improves ratings. And that is because a hell of a lot of mentally challenged people think the man is...I'm not sure what. As they say, like minds travel together and MSNBC fits the mold. Susan gave Chris Hayes an outstanding interview on what Bernie Sanders is about. But this is how the network billed it:
"Susan Sarandon on voting Trump:'LOL'" 
Yes, that was their headline today and although it will attract the Trump lowlife, it speaks nothing to what Susan Sarandon said about Bernie Sanders, all of which was great. If I didn't know it was "ratings baiting" one might think MSNBC is pushing Hillary Clinton...or Donald Trump. The Nation article also cites a Tyndall 2015 report showing 234 network minutes for Trump compared to just 10 for Sanders. Pretty pathetic, huh.

Well, here's the headline MSNBC should have used, followed by the Susan Sarandon interview again: CHRIS HAYES GETS THE REAL SUBSTANCE OF THE BERNIE SANDERS CAMPAIGN FROM SUSAN SARANDON. Here it is:

Mitch McConnell gets it shoved in his face

It was the pompous idiot Mitch McConnell who said President Obama's Supreme Court nomination would never be allowed to be voted on. More of the same crap fighting anything the President proposes. First, Senator Mark Kirk, a Republican from Illinois, in effect thumbed his nose at McConnell and said he would meet with the nominee, Merrick Garland, and he has done so. As far as I know, there has been no reaction from moron Mitch.

And then Vice President Joe Biden said, “It’s frankly ridiculous … there is no Biden Rule.” He said McConnell was, "...quoting selectively” from a speech he made in 1992... "The longer this high court vacancy remains unfilled, the more serious a problem we will face — problem compounded by turbulence, confusion and uncertainty about our safety and security, our liberty and privacy, the future of our children and grandchildren." Biden said.

Just today 16 Republican senators said they will meet with Garland. MSNBC reports, "That includes senators up for re-election in Blue States, such as New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte and Illinois’ Mark Kirk, who will be the first Republican to actually meet with Garland..." MSNBC continues, "At least three GOP senators also back a hearing for Garland’s nomination — moderates like Illinois’ Kirk and Maine’s Susan Collins, plus Kansas’ Senator Jerry Moran..."

Obviously Mitch McConnell does not have the backing of at least 25% of the chamber he leads. It's time for this blockhead to be put out to pasture. One thing is for certain, Bernie sanders won't put up with his idiocy when he gets to the White House.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Susan Sarandon on Bernie Sanders-MUST SEE VIDEO

Chris Hayes interviewed Susan Sarandon on MSNBC and any Bernie Sanders supporter must see this 24-carat lady talk about how she sees hope in the Bern for this country. And for those of you who are in Hillary Clinton's camp, or even conservatives who are looking for real change but have decided the Republicans will never have it, you just might find your goal here;

Take a look:

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...