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Showing posts sorted by date for query donald trump jesus christ. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2022

Major Threats to Democracy: Kari Lake and Ron DeSantis


What can one say about Ron (the despot) DeSantis? Well, he thinks he is God, as expressed in a 90-minute campaign ad released just before the midterms. This alone should have turned off the numb nuts in Florida who support him. But it didn't; he had a significant win. These people are just like the Trump minions who were trounced in the recent election and could likely return to violence for vindication. DeSantis is an offshoot of Trump, perhaps, even more depraved and dangerous. Here's the ad...

God made a liar Ron DeSantis Campaign ad...

And then there is the unbelievably sick and stupid Ron DeSantis campaign ad (above) that everyone, including the former Republican Nat'l Committee chair, says is the worst ever in the field of politics. Only a complete idiot would believe this crap! But right after the ad ran, DeSantis won the governor's election from Charlie Crist by almost 20 points. Go figure? If this bullshit swayed the voters in Florida, it is definitely a mandate of the low level of their intelligence.

Frank Bruni of the New York Times calls it, "Ron DeSantis’s God Complex." When you think about it, you not only hear this in what DeSantis says, but it is also portrayed in the smug look he expresses in public. This is Bruni's scenario on the ad...
"In little more than 90 seconds, its unseen narrator mentions “God” 10 times, beginning with the assertion that “on the eighth day” God gazed at a newly created world and decided that it needed a protector. “So God made a fighter,” the narrator says — sonorously, somberly. That’s the ad’s refrain, intoned again and again, and accompanied each time by a shining, commanding image of DeSantis."

MSNBC says...

"The ad is so ham-handed that one could imagine DeSantis later claiming it was tongue-in-cheek. He has not, so far. But even if it is just a tease, like many far right and authoritarian “jokes,” DeSantis is not kidding around. The ad is dangerous and anti-democratic, and was meant that way."

The dialogue from the ad could have been lifted from "a well-known speech, “So God Made a Farmer,” that the radio personality Paul Harvey delivered in 1978 to what was then known as the Future Farmers of America." And here is more examination from Bruni...

"To me, DeSantis doesn’t seem quite so levelheaded. (As exclaimed by 
Bruni's colleague Ross Douthat) He picks and hypes battles designed to cast him as some conservative superhero. In that regard he’s histrionic and hyperbolic, and I could easily see him overplaying his hand, especially in regard to religion. The “God” ad signals that any presidential bid by DeSantis, who is clearly plotting one, will aggressively court Christian nationalists and, in the process, empower them. "More from MSNBC's Sarah Posner...
"DeSantis’ premise — that just as God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to bring salvation to a sinful world, he has sent DeSantis to save an immoral America — seems so over the top that it’s hard to believe the campaign would use it."

Trump has just commented that he will 'scorched-earth humiliate' Ron DeSantis if he tries to take him on." He did say recently he had "dirt" on the Florida governor. And, I almost hesitate to say this but, could Donald Trump's war with Ron DeSantis set the stage for a huge win by the left in 2024? What the hell, it's worth a try.







Friday, November 11, 2022

Major Threats to Democracy: Kari Lake and Ron DeSantis


Republican Kari Lake is running for Arizona governor against Democrat Katie Hobbs with the results as of this writing Hobbs 50.33 to Lake 49.67. There are over 600,000 votes yet to be counted with the state being compared to Florida which had their votes counted just hours after the polls closed. If Kari Lake should win, she carries the baggage of being a Donald Trump minion and 2020 election denier. Morning Joe says Lake is, "Willing to do or say anything."...

"MSNBC's Joe Scarborough singled out one of Donald Trump's hand-picked candidates as a threat to U.S. democracy."

Kari Lake also supports Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers "who promotes white Christian nationalism, racist conspiracy theories and election fraud claims." Here's another example...

"Top Arizona Republican candidates Kari Lake and Abraham Hamadeh, who are running for governor and attorney general, respectively, spent the final days of the campaign praising a GOP state legislator who has embraced white Christian nationalism, racist conspiracy theories and baseless election fraud claims."

 Lake also LIED that Lee Zeldin, GOP candidate for New York governor, got

stabbed while he was speaking to a crowd of people not all that long ago. Then blamed the "left" in the spread of her lie. And then there is my post, 'Kari Lake knows that the MAGA mob must stay ignorant in order for Trumpism to work. She wants less math, science, and history in public high schools.' But the clincher is my Sept. 2022 post, 'Kari Lake Invites Jesus Christ to Arizona." You have to read it.


Speaking on MSNBC, Fanone (Capitol cop who was injured) referred to Lake, who is the Republican nominee in the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election, as a “piece of sh*t".

 To read all my posts on Kari Lake, go here.

Maricopa voting officials announced earlier today that they would be counting votes into early next week. Meanwhile, voters will be counting the hours until Katie Hobbs is pronounced Governor of the state of Arizona.

NEXT: The mayhem of Florida's dictator, Ron DeSantis

Monday, September 26, 2022

The All-Female KKK of Arizona Politics


Karen Fann, radical conservative Republican, who ordered an audit of the election results in Maricopa County, hiring a firm that was founded by a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist who promoted false claims of fraud. It cost Arizona residents $5.7 million. Fann made a false allegation, later amplified by Trump that Maricopa County election officials deleted the voter database after the election. Another lie by Fann confirmed by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican who oversees elections. Fann is not running for reelection.

Kelli Ward, after losing three Arizona elections, was chosen as chair of the Arizona Republican Party in 2019. Following the 2020 United States presidential election, in which incumbent President Donald Trump lost in 25 states, including Arizona, she filed lawsuits seeking to nullify the state's (AZ) election results. She had no evidence of wrongdoing in the election and by December 9, federal and state judges had dismissed all challenges against President-elect Joe Biden's victory in Arizona. She was also involved in the state's fake electors scheme. Once endorsed by Steve Bannon, she continued to support the Trump lie, in defiance of Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey.

Kari Lake, the armpit candidate and a not so good TV news anchor at a no-news Fox TV station. She turned politician in 2021, when Arizona welcomed its newest lunatic politician. Republican, of course. I did a recent post, "Kari Lake Invites Jesus Christ to Arizona," where I pointed out the fact that 'Kari Lake compared herself to Jesus." Earlier I did posts on Twitter and FB of how Lake accused her opponent in the governor's race, Katie Hobbs, of a vote on legislation, completely false, because Lake can't read a bill. She is, of course, an ardent Trump supporter.

 Okay, this isn't a hanging but it is clear that these three totalitarians are doing their best to assassinate our democracy. Arizona is a hotbed of this kind of stupidity, as is Florida and Texas, with the GOP determined to take 2022 and 2024 elections and maneuver America to an eventual catastrophe. VOTE DEMOCRAT IN NOVEMBER AND AGAIN IN 2024!


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Heaven can't wait according to Trump's religious grifter

Here's the latest...Paula White, Donald Trump’s religious adviser, and on the White House payroll paid with taxpayer money, just returned from Heaven where she was lucky enough to get an audience with God. No, not her boss, the Trump god, but the real one upstairs. Here's the scenario...
““My spirit went up, and I literally went to the throne room of God. I won’t say much, but I’ll say something that’s important for me to teach you here today. So in that divine encounter, I don’t know how long I was there, I just know that kind of power is almost impossible for a natural body to contain. And as I went to the throne room of God, first I saw there was a mist that was coming off the water, and I went to the throne of God, and I didn’t see God’s face clearly, but I saw the face of God. It wasn’t a clear, like … I could see your face clearly, but I knew it was the face of God.
“And as God begin [sic], he put a mantle [on me] and it was a very distinct mantle. … There was a mantle, and I saw it very distinctly, the color was like a goldish, it was a yellowish goldish, a little bit different than your scarf, a little bit brighter than your scarf there. And then I saw the Earth for a moment, and he brought me back, and he put me in certain places, one being the White House, one being certain continents. … I didn’t come out of that really until the next morning.”
This noodle-head can't even spell, but the reality of this incident illustrates that one religious psycho is advising another political psycho, the Oval Office lunatic, and the outcome is that they are both way off on another planet. Does it get any more bizarre? Do you realize what the world is saying today about the White House maniac? He listens to some spiritual kook who thinks she went to Heaven, so what keeps her from advising him to just get rid of all those nasty people who make fun of him, like Canada and France?

But this phony pious huckster didn't miss the chance to hit her double-digit followers to dump more money into her cash barrel. She "claims one of the key messages in the Bible is that people watching her should send her a month’s worth of their grocery and rent money." It is beyond me how anyone can believe this crap, but it was also unbelievable that Donald Trump won the White House in 2016. But he did, and he brought along whackos like this one and others in the administration.

I watched the above video of Paula White's appeal for money and have seen predators work their skill on prey before, but this carnivore of greed takes the cake. I want to say there is something illegal about it but at the same time, in seeing the video, assume law enforcement would be as confused as me with the conniving collection of rhetoric used. But at the same time, as with her student, T-rump, there is pure genius in the conceiving of people.

Evangelicals worship Donald Trump, with the inference that he, himself, is some kind of god. And Trump has also indicated that he is holier than thou, which I posted back in August of 2019,  "Donald Trump and his new Jesus Christ complex," His then Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, even said, God wanted Donald Trump, and the UK Independent says, "Donald Trump has promoted a post claiming he is “heaven sent” and suggesting Barack Obama 'kicked' Jesus out of the US in a string of tweets just days after Christmas, 2019.

So, where do we go from here? You almost expect to see T-rump turn Trump Tower into a cathedral, so people can come to New York regularly to worship at his feet. That is, of course, if he willingly leaves Washington after being beaten by Bernie Sanders in November. I am currently just finishing the book by the White House insider, "Anonymous," where the author indicates "Trump 'will not exit quietly,' even if defeated or impeached."

The new administration under the Bern must be very careful in how it handles this situation. There would be nothing worse than the white coats dragging Trump from the Oval Office kicking and screaming for the world to see. This idiot has caused us enough embarrassment as a country than to have a finale like that. I frankly don't have a clue. Does anyone out there have an idea??? Please comment.   


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Donald Trump and his new Jesus Christ complex

August 22, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

Donald Trump really thinks he is God  

How Trump sees himself
This has to be at the top of the list of the Donald Trump freak show that has become a daily occurrence in the White House and around the world. It seems a T-rump superfan compared him to Jesus Christ, using his latest widely criticized remarks about Jews and Israel...
"The president on Tuesday questioned the loyalty of Jews who voted for Democrats, which was widely condemned as anti-Semitic, and he defended himself the following morning by tweeting out quotes from Newsmax commentator Wayne Allyn Root — who has promoted anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy theories against George Soros and President Barack Obama."
Wayne Allen Root had commented...
“’President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world…and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel.'”
How most see Trump
Now, does anyone wonder how the double-digit Trump supporters come up with such bizarre statements in their backing of this moron. People as crazy as Donald Trump talking about an equally crazy Donald Trump. Root concluded with, They love him like he is the second coming of God.” Not sure we can top this. Trump isn't the first president to compare himself with God. Historian Heather Cox Richardson tweeted...
the “last president to compare himself to Jesus was Andrew Johnson, before the 1866 midterms. Johnson at the time planned to lead his white supremacist supporters to victory to roll back Reconstruction.”
The other village idiot, Sarah Sanders, says God wanted Donald Trump...

Well, Johnson failed, but it may be harder to stop the Oval Office lunatic if he should be elected to a second term. Chauncey DeVega on Salon says, "Trump’s limited intellectual development has given him a ‘God complex." Now there is no doubt in our minds that Donald Trump's intellectual development is severely narrowed, that is, if there has been any at all. Here's how DeVega explains it...
"Trump’s lack of respect for the country’s long-standing democratic norms and institutions also extends to America’s alliances, security arrangements with its allies and friends, and the international order more broadly...hailed the merits of nationalism (while barely pretending that does not mean white nationalism)...tried to surrender U.S. security to Russian President Vladimir Putin...Donald Trump is also a habitual liar who is at war with the truth and empirical reality...Donald Trump is an authoritarian in waiting, who acts as though he believes himself to be God."
There is so much more in this AlterNet piece from Salon that makes good reading. And here Trump "declares himself ‘the chosen one’ as ‘antichrist’ trends on social media."

READ MORE of my posts on Trump authoritarianism and white supremacy.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Jim Carey will cast Trump/Giulianiin in Dumb and Dumber 3

I can see us now-Maybe even a new star on the "Walk"
Jim Carey, of Bruce Almighty, and the Dumb and Dumber series, just released his latest work of art depicting Donald Trump crucifying Jesus Christ, whom Trump would have us believe was a loser simply because he failed as a carpenter. This is a hobby of Carey that I would like to think he picked up because he loathes Donald Trump as does most of rest of the sane individuals in this country. Re-casting Dumb and Dumber 3 is my idea, but one that has merit because my suggestion for new characters has enormous promotional possibilities. 

Donald Trump and Rudy Giulianiin are the most gullible publicity mongrels on the planet today, and both of them probably just dumb enough to accept the parts. Trump expresses his stupidity on a daily basis but Giulianiin's latest resulted in CNN's assessment of him demonstrating that maybe “lawyer to the president” isn’t the best job for him. After denying making a comment on the Michael Flynn/James Comey "take it easy" request, James Tapper played the tape of Giulianiin clearly saying it. He then turned to obstruction of justice to try and change the subject, most points also wrong.

How this moron ever ran the city of New York completely amazes me, and he must have had one hell of a support team that did most of the work on the 9/11 disaster.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Is Charlie Manson's "Helter Skelter" lurking in the White House?

Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's chief strategist and top adviser, has already established his credentials as a white nationalist, racist and anti-Semitic. As an avid reader, he espouses to "The Fourth Turning, a book by William Strauss and Neil Howe, that history unfolds in cycles of 80 to 100 years. At the end of the cycle, the old order is destroyed and replaced." It would appear that Stevo plans to be there at the end of the cycle and implant the Trump/Bannon, perhaps the other way around, vision of common national purpose Trump announced in his first address to Congress on Monday.

As far as the speech goes, it was well received by Republicans as one would suspect but Sen. Chuck Schumer's comment was that, "Trump's speeches and the realities are very, very far apart. Until his reality catches up with his speeches, he's got big trouble," Others said he even looked a bit presidential, hoping he might maintain that and not revert to the crude behavior he has exhibited on Twitter and otherwise since entering office. But these hopes were born and played out before and it only took one news cycle to send Donald John romping down the crass road to vulgarity again.

Here are some comments by Lacy MacAuley, an activist and member of the Washington DC Antifascist Coalition...
"I absolutely think Steve Bannon is connected to a network of white nationalists. Just in the last few years there have been contractual obligations between white supremacist James O’Keefe at Project Veritas and Breitbart."
"Mr O'Keefe was known, she said, for taking down institutions and organisations via fake news."
"I would say that Steve Bannon is the advocate for white nationalism in the White House and there’s no doubt in my mind on that. It’s not just through Breitbart, it’s through his entire line of work."
There is the indication that Steve Bannon, when recruiting to fill out the National Security Council position, added himself to the NSC without Donald John knowing. Grounds for dismissal by most anyone, except someone with a hidden agenda. He was able to do this since he was the one writing the Executive Order, not Trump. The President was pissed but the fact that Bannon stays put is evidence of just how powerful the man is. Daryle Lamont Jenkins, executive director of the anti-racist organisation One People's Project exclaims...
"We've been dealing with a cluster of white supremacists within the beltway of the Washington DC area who do just that (using theories and academia to justify their racism): they try to back up their racism and justify why they should have a separation of the races, and justify a more strident attack on African Americans in the name of 'fighting crime'."
That's about as scary as it gets. Beginning to sound like Charlie Manson's Helter Skelter, starting a war between blacks and whites. Charlie was a confirmed white supremacist who went to the extreme of carving a swastika into his forehead with a knife. He had a following he mesmerized by convincing them that he was Jesus Christ, turning them into killers that would do his bidding. I'm not saying Steve Bannon is another Charlie Manson, but I am saying that Donald Trump, normally a man who seems to need no one, is definitely enthralled by Stevo's philosophies. That's what's scary.

The UK Independent reports that last July Breitbart had "...become the 'platform for the alt-right'. Now his platform has become the government." Well, that's even scarier. Donald John has been guilty of racially insensitive remarks in the past, and during his campaign refused to condemn the white supremacists who advocated for him, like David Duke and Richard Spencer. Here are some examples during his drive for the presidency...
  • He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents
  • He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican”
  • He questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States
  • He even trashed Native Americans
  • He stereotyped Jews and shared an anti-Semitic image created by white supremacists
Just a few, but you can see more here. Huff Post says in a blazing headline, "President Trump’s VOICE Is About Justifying White Supremacy." VOICE means, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement. So far it sounds like... 
"...the program will be limited simply to undocumented immigrants, but will also include crimes committed by legitimate VISA holders, Green Card holders and possibly even permanent residents who are not naturalized citizens.
But then HP blasts, "Let’s call this what it is: VOICE is racist government propaganda." And isn't it interesting that Steve Bannon, formerly of Breitbart, had a section called Black Crime, which documented the crimes of immigrant communities, when it is known that immigrants are actually less likely to commit a crime than non-immigrants. Brian Stone of Huff Post adds...
"Creating this hate-list will do nothing except provide official government sanction to the opinions of white supremacist groups and the alt-right."
Remember Pat Buchanan, a presidential wanna-be from 1992, 1996 and 2000, who ran on a platform of right-wing populism and who also was a white supremacist? As far back as 2015, he was backing Trump along with other white supremacists, including David Duke. Buchanan regretted what he called the end of white America "...due to immigration and increasing rights for people of color." This is a statement that is hard to believe coming from someone who is supposedly educated and worldly. It can only be attributed to someone who is a true racist and white supremacist.

Most of this crowd doesn't believe in violence, a fact that is not true of Trump’s rank-and-file supporters. One such Donald John follower was Dionisio Garza III, 25, also a Muslim hater, who went on a shooting spree back in early 2016 in Houston, leaving one dead and six injured. In another instance...
"Jim Sherota, 53, [who]works for a landscaping company and attended Trump’s rally in Mobile, Alabama, on Friday, [August 2015] told The New York Times before Trump’s arrival that he hoped Trump would announce a plan to issue licenses for hunting undocumented immigrants and offer $50 for 'every confirmed kill.'”
Couldn't stand the heat
A bounty? Now that's interesting because back in 2015 just escaped El Chapo placed a $100 million
bounty on Donald Trump's head when the then candidate accused the Mexican government of letting him go tweeting...
"El Chapo and the Mexican drug cartels use the border unimpeded like it was a vacuum cleaner, sucking drugs and death right into the U.S."
Jake Tapper of CNN pushed Trump to disavow David Duke and rebuke any vote from him or any other white supremacists. It was a typical brainless meandering by the candidate...
"Trump claimed that he didn’t know anything about white supremacists or about Duke himself. When Tapper pressed him twice more, Trump said he couldn’t condemn a group he hadn’t yet researched."
A Virginia leader of the Ku Klux Klan told a TV reporter, “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in.” And that's the scariest yet. In closing, here is a list of his "white supremacist fan club" compiled by Huff Post reporters...
"The Daily Stormer, a leading neo-Nazi news site; Richard Spencer, director of the National Policy Institute, which aims to promote the “heritage, identity, and future of European people”; Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, a Virginia-based white nationalist magazine; Michael Hill, head of the League of the South, an Alabama-based white supremacist secessionist group; and Brad Griffin, a member of Hill’s League of the South and author of the popular white supremacist blog Hunter Wallace."

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Political Satire: Infirm President-Loose cannon adviser contemplate war

The two of them were sitting in the White House Situation Room located in the basement of the West Wing. President Donald Trump and national security adviser ­Michael Flynn, sitting across the table from each other, just staring.

Donald John: What the hell are we doing here, Mike?

Flynn: Your greatness, I've heard so much about this place, I just had to see it.

Donald John: Jesus Christ, you pulled me out of my Oval Office just for that. I was busy talking to the White House designer about a new gold inlaid rug to replace that thing with a design on it.

Flynn: But that's your official seal of President of the United States.

Donald John: Mike, don't need that. I know I'm the most powerful person in the world now. What the hell's wrong with you, everyone knows that.

Flynn: Okay, then why don't we talk about starting a war while we're here. You already put sanctions on Iran for doing those nuclear tests. Let me take a few good men, sneak into the country, and bomb a Tehran night club. Then I can go right over to the Tehran News, take credit for it in the name of the United State and, bingo, we've got a war.

Donald John: Sounds good to me but, Mike, how do you plan to get out of Iran then?

Flynn: Your illustriousness, you will then wage the global war I have always dreamed of and rescue me.

Donald John: You just might work.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...