Sunday, April 3, 2016

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio begs for money

Sheriff Joe Arpaio
A local newspaper (small conservative rag) in the Phoenix area has published an editorial--sounds like a desperate plea--from Joe Arpaio, known nationally as "America's toughest Sheriff." Arpaio is vain enough to think that Bernie Sanders has spent any amount of time even thinking about him, other than an afterthought from Bernie's wife, Jane's visit to tent city. She thinks the place is inhumane, and it is considering the 100+ summers we have here.

The inmates live in tents in the desert without any air conditioning and where the temperature has registered as high as 122 degrees in the past. I live in Phoenix and have witnessed Joe Arpaio's antics which include the harassment of the Hispanic community, for which the feds have him in court. Yes, big talking Joe is desperate for contributions because he knows that most of Arizona is fed up with him and will probably put him out to pasture. It'll be a good thing. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Bernie Sanders surges again in Wisconsin

The latest polls now have Bernie Sanders at 49% in Wisconsin to Hillary Clinton's 43%.  There are 86 delegates to be had and the more votes the Bern gets, the more delegates. All you Wisconsin Progressives, and also those of you on the fence, put next Tuesday on your calendar and make sure to vote!

For those of you on the fence for Bernie Sanders...

The must-win Wisconsin primary is coming up next Tuesday and this state is an example of how people have come to know and believe in Bernie Sanders giving him the momentum he needs to win the Democratic primary. Once proudly liberal, the Koch Bros.-driven Scott Walker has brought the state to one marred by deteriorating job growth whose middle class has declined more than almost any other state in the nation. This according to Pew Research Center.

But help is on the way and the folks of Wisconsin seem ready to replace Walker's backward conservatism with a new Progressive Revolution. Bernie Sanders trailed Hillary Clinton by as much as 53 points back in October. Today a Marquette University Law School poll shows him ahead of Clinton by 4.3 points (49.2-44.9). That's an uncanny 57 percent surge in just six months. So, for those of you on the edge, come on over.

Friday, April 1, 2016

FLASH: Bernie Sanders raises biggest amount of dollars in March

Bernie Sanders has hit a new high in his campaign for fundraising in the month of March setting a record of $44 million raised. It came from more than 1.7 million individual contributions from working Americans; it was the most successful fundraising month of the campaign. The public is not only changing its view of the political landscape, it is slowly deciding to become a part of the Bern's Revolution.

Each month donations increase--he has beat Hillary Clinton and her PACs for the last three months. It is also showing in the polls where he jumped again recently to within six points of Clinton. If you are looking at the race an either undecided or not sure if Hillary Clinton is the right candidate, you can look at where Bernie stands on all the issues here. If that doesn't make up your mind, check out this selection of Bernie Sanders posts from my blog.

CNN reconfirms fact that media coverage is Trump selective

In an earlier post, "Shallow media concentrates on Donald Trump," I pointed out how, even with Bernie Sanders breaking records regularly, the coverage is slanted toward what give it the highest ratings and sells the most newspapers. That would be Donald Trump, the big mouth blowhard that,due to a group whose brains are starving for oxygen supports him. I took it further with another comparison, the headline describing an MSNBC interview with Susan Sarandon.  
But yesterday CNN made this statement: "If Donald Trump weren't dominating the coverage in this election, Bernie Sanders would be the big story." They say this as if they agree with the way the coverage of primaries is being handled, but certainly admitting that, in effect, they're all doing it. The Bern has been the big story since the beginning of the primaries and will continue to play the part until he wins the nomination in July, subsequently the White House.

Bernie Sanders keeps raising BIG bucks

Bernie Sanders has out raised Hillary Clinton several times with his $27.00 donors, which would lead one to believe that Clinton's Wall Street and big corporate sources aren't doing their jobs. Just last month the Bern raised an unbelievable $43.5 million from working people giving just a little bit each online. I know this math isn't perfect but consider this amount divided by $27 and you come up with 1.6 million plus donors. Just in one month.

For those who wonder why Sanders is staying in the race against supposed insurmountable odds against Clinton, this figure should answer any questions. There have been comparisons with the Obama/Clinton 2008 campaign but there are two distinct differences. One, Hillary Clinton is not of the stature Barack Obama was in 2008. Two, Clinton won surprise primaries then but had no where near the momentum in 2008 that Bernie has today. 

NRA uses children's fairy tales to further its violence campaign

Little Red Riding Hood
Just when we thought this organization was at the bottom of the barrel, the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) stoops to its lowest in the exploiting of children. They are rewriting fairy tales, like in Little Red riding Hood now sports a hunting rifle. She's on the way to granny's house to shoot the big bad wolf but when she arrives, finds out that her dear old grandmother has already armed herself with a shotgun. Perfectly designed for bedtime reading to kids.

The stories are written by Amelia Hamilton, a conservative blogger and children’s author. But this idiocy doesn't stop there; in the next series Hansel and Gretel arm themselves with guns, which this depraved author says now makes them, " longer helpless children lost in the woods." Can you imagine what these morons could do with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...