Monday, May 11, 2020

Donald Trump does Arizona and Gov. Doug Ducey swoons

Donald Trump was only in Arizona around three hours but was able to turn the state's governor, Doug Ducey, into a replica of himself. Ducey is now a clone of Donald Trump.

Image result for trump ducey cloning
The clone is on

Doug Ducey has never been known to be a Rhodes Scholar, but, then, how much mental capacity does it take to sell ice cream in Arizona. However, the Oval Office lunatic just visited Phoenix, touring the Honeywell plant where they manufacture medical face masks for coronavirus. The douchebag did his standard suckup welcoming T-rump, following him around for the exposure, then he promptly did this...
"Arizona ended the work of a team of scientists who predicted that the peak of its outbreak had not yet arrived.
"The experts, from Arizona universities, were making models for the state, and had predicted that the peak could come on May 22 or later.
"But the state's health department stopped their work hours after Republican Gov. Doug Ducey announced some businesses can reopen this week, ABC 15 Arizona and the Arizona Republic reported.
"The state now says it will rely on other sources of information and on federal modelling."
Georgia...on everybody's mind...

Discharged but still vocal...
the modeling team, made up of at least 23 volunteer experts from Arizona State University and the University of Arizona, had predicted in late April that peak of the outbreak in the state hasn't arrived yet — and could come on May 22 or later.
Just another stupid Republican governor that espouses we should let the people of the U.S. just hurry up and die? There are more as dumb or dumber. In early April "eight US governors decided against issuing statewide directives urging their residents to stay at home as the outbreak of the coronavirus escalates and spreads across the country, the last holdouts in the nation." Trump continued to refuse a nationwide closure, citing the Constitution as his reason.

Atlanta Mayor in rebuttal to Governor Kemp...

And "Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms pleads for residents to stay home, despite Governor Brian Kemp lifting shelter-in-place orders and reopening some nonessential businesses." Salon reports the Founding Fathers started this country with "no president, no federal judiciary and essentially no federal government." They subsequently decided to set up a stronger central government, but couldn't have visualized the nightmare that exists today.

Congress has relinquished its power over the years to the White House, in part because the president needs the ability to wage war, among other emergencies like an invasion or, say, a pandemic. It is interesting to note here that Donald Trump's free rein to address the COVID-19 crisis resulted in a colossal failure these Founding Fathers could never have imagined. He has not recovered from the initial ineptness, thus, the country's governors either follow suit or do their own thing.

11 times Donald Trump downplayed the coronavirus...

Salon continues...
"Donald Trump has been blustering about his "power" since he was elected, even fatuously declaring, 'I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.' More recently, he argued that he had "total authority" to make states withdraw their stay-at-home orders, before backing off."
Since the coronavirus crept up on our beaches and spread throughout our cities, "Trump has actually been impotent in every important way." Still, he has "been on TV almost every day blathering about what a great job he's doing." What he hasn't done, and by far the most important, is that he has not led the country in a time of dire crisis. On a daily basis Donald Trump comes off as a blundering idiot, which he definitely is.

Again, the "massively powerful tool" called the Defense Production Act is put forward, something he has already used "hundreds of thousands of times" as president. But instead, this is what the White House maniac did, he told state governors, "Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves." This resulted in...
"bidding wars and cloak-and-dagger black market purchases. He complained mightily that they weren't doing their jobs. But it was he who wasn't doing his."
"Way ahead on testing - Best in the world on testing...yeah, sure - Bullshit...

It is clear why Donald Trump doesn't want a nationally coordinated approach to the surge of COVID-19, more so a federally backed testing program for the virus. It will produce numbers that embarrass him, like the fact we are already averaging close to 2,000 deaths per day from the disease with no hope of improvement in sight. New cases are currently running around 25,000 daily, but a new model from Trump's White House predicts 200,000 per day by June.

This frightening figure is a result of the opening of the economy by T-rump and select governors around the country, and promises to produce a new daily death toll of at least 3,000. Trump's own model predicts that, based on reopening, plus relaxed restrictions on social distancing, it will put the status of the coronavirus pandemic right back to where it was mid-March. Since Trump has failed so miserably at any progress, he figures the relapse won't be that noticeable.

Here's Senator Chuck Schumer's take on the current situation...
“By muzzling science and the truth, it will only prolong this health and economic crisis. The president’s failure to accept the truth, and then his desire to hide it, is one of the chief reasons we are lagging behind so many other countries in beating this scourge.”
The United States looks disgraceful up against other countries of the world. You can check it in the WORLDOMETER report reflecting results from countries. Scroll down to the breakdown by country. It's more than frightening.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

WORLDOMETER Latest COVID-19 results & analysis

Coronavirus cases 1,363,126

Coronavirus deaths 80,546

Coronavirus recoveries 240,616

More info, states, etc.

ADDITIONAL COMPARISON ANALYSIS: To begin, in just one week there were 151,581 new COVID-19 cases in the United States, 10, 929 new deaths. But it was only a few days ago that Donald Trump announced he would disband the coronavirus task force, since reconsidered. The Oval Office lunatic continues to boast about the great job he is doing to control the disease and how we are on the verge of turning the corner. Trump first knew of COVID-19 on January 8.


Friday, May 8, 2020

Another impeachment?...Let's go!

But Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to block the release of "certain secret grand jury material from Robert S. Mueller III’s special counsel investigation."
See the source image
Mueller Report locked up by Republicans
Donald Trump, the 45th person to sit in the White House as head of this country, was impeached by the U.S. House on December 18, 2019. On February 5, 2020, he was acquitted by a bunch of cowards in the Senate, led by lowlife Moscow Mitch McConnell, the one responsible for ages to come as the demon who put the freakshow back in the Oval Office, most recently leading us into a COVID-19 pandemic of colossal proportions. With little recovery in sight.

He was guilty in his first impeachment, and in my opinion is guilty today of ignoring the coronavirus threat in the beginning, calling it a hoax, then blaming it on Democrats. However, The Democratic House is focusing on the more likely material of "possible misconduct by the president." They're looking for obstruction of justice, which T-rump seems to have committed all the way back to James Comey's firing.

Putin and Trump on Jame Comey firing...

The House committee believes Mueller's Report will shed light on "whether Trump obstructed Mueller’s investigation and whether to recommend new articles of impeachment...
“This remains true today. The current pandemic notwithstanding, the Committee’s investigation is not ‘dormant.’ The Committee continues to exercise its investigative and oversight responsibilities; its staff are ready and able to review the requested grand jury materials as soon as they are provided by DOJ; and the Committee remains able to convene formal hearings to further its investigation.”
D.C. Circuit orders release of Mueller Report...

In its 2-1 opinion, the D.C. Circuit Court...
"said grand jury records are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents."
Here's more...
"The Committee has repeatedly stated that if the grand jury materials reveal new evidence of impeachable offenses, the Committee may recommend new articles of impeachment,” wrote Judge Judith Rogers, who was joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith.
There is question over the authority of the House Judiciary Committee seeking the Mueller Report, but the House persists that its investigation is not yet over and needs this material to complete it. And finally, I'll leave you with this comment from the article...
"The United States is now officially a Russian Republic because of the treason of Trump, Flynn, Barr and McConnell. Treason most foul and injurious to this country is now the order of the day every day. The American dream is now a nightmare. The war against evil has been lost."

Thursday, May 7, 2020

WORLDOMETER Latest COVID-19 results

Coronavirus cases 1,288,051

Coronavirus deaths 76,729

Coronavirus recoveries 215,078

More info, states, etc.

LATEST The NRA and gun violence

It is easy to lose sight of the damage guns cause in our society when COVID-19 is wreaking such havoc across the country. But there was a 3% increase in gun deaths in 2019 over 2018, and 2020 has started with 13,674 gun deaths, including 8,382 suicides.

Image result for wayne la pierre nra problems
They're down and probably won't get up
Talking to gun nuts is just as futile as trying to convince an anti-stay at home nut to protect himself or herself and others by observing the lockdown rules. I did a blog post recently on double-digits who fail to acknowledge the severity of a disease that is killing an average of 2,000 daily, just in the U.S. Their response is, "It's only a virus." This corresponds with the gun owner who will protect his weapons, and that is plural, over your right to survive from gun violence.

Here are the stark figures from Gabby Giffords site, Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence: 100 Americans are Killed with Guns Every Day; 36,383 Americans Die from Gun Violence each Year; States with the Highest Gun Death Rates have the Weakest Gun Laws; Americans are 25 Times More Likely to Die from Gun Violence than Residents from Peer Nations; and 51% of suicides in the U.S. Involve a Firearm. There's more and it is pathetic.

Economist on what gun violence looks like in America...

And there is one organization that is always in the forefront to prop up gun violence, at least until recently, the National Rifle Assn. and its head gun nut Wayne LaPierre. pushing constantly for more guns on the streets to please its gun manufacturing supporters. Well, someone has pulled the shade down and the NRA is going down the drain...where it should be. A recent report shows their legal troubles alone have cost the group $100 million. And it's getting worse.

LaPierre was just reelected executive vice president and CEO of the National Rifle Association, just in time to see his gang...
"go from an electoral kingmaker to the edge of financial ruin. He and other NRA executives have urged laid-off employees to seek public assistance benefits. The nation's most prominent pro-gun lobby has lost tens of millions of dollars amid numerous legal woes and investigations that have exposed its questionable financial dealings."
Yet, it gets even better...
"Now, the longtime NRA leader hopes his lawyers can "keep him out of jail," according to previously unreported allegations in court documents in the group's legal battle against its longtime public relations firm, Ackerman McQueen."
Gun owner groups fight to replace NRA...

Life in this country couldn't be better with the complete eradication of the NRA and Wayne LaPierre in jail one year for each death he has caused from gun violence. And I don't think I am alone with this feeling. According to Gallup, 49% have an unfavorable opinion of the National Rifle Assn. But there is another side to the gun violence problem; that's countries who have the common sense to act when they see why it is happening.

The weapon of choice for shooting someone is now the assault rifle. There are around 17 million of these guns in the hands of private American gun owners, and have been used regularly in the execution of mass shootings. In this country so far this year there have been over one-hundred mass shooting, and, yes, the U.S. leads the world in this carnage. Canada, a gun-wise country, has decided to ban assault weapons.

Canada's Trudeau announces assault weapons ban...

The Canadians have regularly come forward to control the gun violence in their country which is the reason it has only a 0.61 death rate per 100,000 population when the U.S. has 4.46. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is quoted in the Washington Post...
"The Canadian government on Friday announced an immediate ban on some 1,500 makes and models of 'military-grade' assault weapons, including two models used by the gunman who killed 22 people last month in rural Nova Scotia during the country’s deadliest mass shooting."
Trudeau said...
“These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time.”
He added...
“There is no use — and no place — for such weapons in Canada,” he said. While most firearms owners are responsible, he said, “you don’t need an AR-15 to bring down a deer.”
Canada sits just north of the United States but is millions of miles away when it comes to logical thinking about gun violence. Perhaps with the NRA's huge budget for propaganda gone, leading to its inability to bribe members of Congress with generous donations that have resulted in weak to no guns laws in this country to protect its citizens, well, one might hope for improvement. But many of the gun nuts in Washington will never abandon the 2nd Amendment.

Donald Trump waffles on gun violence...

A USA opinion piece calls attention to "Donald Trump’s vacillating response to repeated acts of carnage that occurred prior to the coronavirus pandemic"...
"In 2018, after meeting with survivors of the Parkland shooting, Trump vowed, 'We're going to be very strong on background checks.' However, days later, after conferring with his friends and financial supporters at the National Rifle Association, he walked back on that assurance."
There's more...
"The same Trump turnaround occurred in the wake of horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton on successive days last August. The Tweeter-in-Chief typed, 'Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks.' A week later, Trump’s resolve wilted under pressure from the gun lobby, insisting, 'we have very strong background checks right now.'"
It will take a revolt of the people and a clearing of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans to fix this dilemma. But, there is no doubt the more serious problem today is COVID-19, although neither Congress nor the White House maniac seem to be doing anything about this either.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Latest coronavirus results WORLDOMETER

Coronavirus cases 1,256,669

Coronavirus deaths 74,121

Coronavirus recoveries 205,268

More info, states, etc.

TRUMP LATEST: Everyone but supporters think he is losing it

I have blogged on Donald Trump losing it in the past and these headlines seem to persist in the media, but the Oval Office lunatic still charges ahead. Blindly and stupidly, but still on the move.

Evidence of the frailty of Trump's reasoning...

My thoughts were to forge on with coverage that pushes T-rump to the edge, joining others out there doing the same, which has happened, but to no avail yet. Not sure what the prop is that keeps him going, but my best guess is that when you're the kind of idiot that doesn't realize the damage he is doing to his country, then you are beyond the normal breaking point and could skate along forever, Which is simply not acceptable.

Here is Alex Henderson's take in AlterNet: "The more journalists report that Trump is losing it, the more he loses it." Yeah, that's true, he loses it constantly, but somehow seems to get it back. At least enough to survive, which is what Trump is all about. Say and do those bizarre things on a daily basis, throw the USA into more chaos by the hour, but with his double-digit supporters as his cornerstone, he proceeds in numbing bliss.

Many mental health experts spoke out on Donald Trump mental instability two years ago...

Bess Levin in Vanity Fair says he is beginning to lose it over reports that he is losing it. Levin continues...
“Donald Trump has never been the picture of mental stability, but over the last few weeks, he’s appeared to crank up the crazy from about a 45 to a 337. From seemingly proposing intravenous Lysol as a coronavirus cure to claiming the United States is close to testing 5 million people a day for COVID-19 — a number so completely absurd that he might as well have said we’ll soon be running 8 billion tests a day — to reportedly threatening to sue his campaign manager over a dimming 2020 outlook, the president has well and truly lost whatever remaining shred of sanity he once had on reserve.”
These are all interesting observations, any one of which might have pushed the button to oblivious disconnection, but haven't. Are we doomed to suffer the wrath of the White House maniac through another four years of misery and ineptitude? If so, there are several of us who might want to leave this planet. Yes, I said the entire planet, because there is nowhere on this one to get away from this moron and it is necessary to go as far as possible.

You have to read Henderson's AlterNet piece so you can see two of Trump's most comical tweets re. media people and his campaign manager. And in another AlterNet article written by Nancy LeTourneau from the Washington Monthly, she reports: "The signs show Trump is growing increasingly disconnected from reality." But where is the break? Now, don't get me wrong, in most cases you don't want to see anyone have mental problems, but???...

CNN fact-checks Donald Trump's recent town hall for more lies...

LeTourneau's observation here focuses on Trump's lying, something which no other American president has ever been guilty of in the history of this country, and something which will become his legacy...
"Almost three and a half years into Trump’s presidency, it has become almost blasé to talk about his ubiquitous lies. According to the fact-checkers at the Washington Post, as of April 3rd, he has told 18,000 in 1,170 days, for an average of more than 15 per day. What is even more disturbing: He’s getting worse."
This is the guy who is supposed to be running this country, which, of course, he is not, lying to the American public fifteen times every day. Yet, there is still that demented crowd of followers out there who continue to worship at his feet. Her piece also a must read for the video she includes (scroll down) that illustrates how this schizoid can sit there with a sincere straight face and talk about the great way he has handled the coronavirus pandemic.

LeTourneau does a more recent count on the lies, five in less than two minutes. and lists them one-by-one. So we have someone at the helm of this country who is in a constant state of oblivion, probably not prone to fully go over the edge because there is absolutely no connection there with reality. Here's a quote on reality from Douglas H. Everett...
"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other."
Enough said. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

WORLDOMETER Latest coronavirus results

Coronavirus cases 1,237,633

Coronavirus deaths 72,271

Coronavirus recoveries 200,628

More info, states, etc.

LATEST COVID-19: Now it's going to be anti (COVID-19) vaxxer

For the anti-lockdown bunch looking strangely similar to anti-vaxxers, the word prudent, which you obviously don't understand, means: "wise or judicious in practical affairs." Something you aren't...but now at least know what it means.

Protesters drove past the Michigan Capitol to show their displeasure with the governor's orders to keep people at home and businesses locked during the coronavirus outbreak [Paul Sancya/AP Photo]
One of the aberrant protesters
Bernie Sanders was instrumental in founding the Progressive Revolution, a good thing for this country, much of its ideology found in today's Democrats, even Joe Biden, who is running for president against Donald Trump. A revolution can have two purposes as the Bern explained. One is to overturn a government by force, or Bernie's way, which is to create a grass roots effort that results in a change of government ideology. The anti-vaxxers/anti-lockdown are neither.

Image result for anti-vaxxers on social mediaThe latter two groups consist of misguided families and individuals who are being led like a bunch of double-digits who cannot think for themselves, and choose to follow the crackpots in social media who espouse the philosophy that you can be super-human if you just listen to them, These disciples of the movement, 'Let's hurry up and die' have followed the instructions of one of these lunatics, a mother, and her child died.

Pete Tedford, cousin, of Calvin Munerlyn, and Dorothy Nelson, sister of Munerlyn, hold each other closely outside a Family Dollar store Sunday, May 3, 2020, in Flint, Mich.
Security guard family
To begin with, the number of those protesting is definitely smaller than those who have decided to follow the law and common sense. So, these wingnuts are definitely in the minority, as you might expect a group of morons would be. That said, there is a report of a security guard shot at a Dollar Store in Michigan, just because he prevented a customer entrance without a mask. What we don't need is for the gun nuts to get into the act now.

Eric Feigl-Ding, an epidemiologist and public health scientist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health said, "US anti-lockdown rallies could cause surge in Covid-19 cases." We have already seen COVID-19 cases increase in states that are reopening, and Aljazeera has just announced that the "US could see 3,000 daily deaths as economy reopens." The New York Times says Trump connected groups are behind the protesters...
"Among those fighting the orders are FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots, which played pivotal roles in the beginning of Tea Party protests starting more than a decade ago. Also involved are a law firm led partly by former Trump White House officials, a network of state-based conservative policy groups, and an ad hoc coalition of conservative leaders known as Save Our Country that has advised the White House on strategies for a tiered reopening of the economy."
Coronavirus lockdown protest Michigan
Not an original thought in the whole let
Attorney General William Barr has even joined in, and NYT sees it as "a galvanizing cause for a vocal element of Mr. Trump’s base and others on the political right." But Business insider, in an opinion piece, thinks the protesters believe it is "the work of a tyrannical government out of control."  The piece goes on to comment on the fact that there is some provocation here, especially when you have lost your job and cannot pay the bills.

But the protesters haven't had a free rein as those on the front line grow tired of the idiots who don't understand the meaning of meeting death every day in the coronavirus pandemic. In Colorado...
"health workers wearing scrubs and face masks stood in traffic to block oncoming protest caravans that called on officials to end statewide stay-at-home measures intended to slow the spread of coronavirus."
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer talks sense to armed protesters...

It's hard to say, but should the U.S. government provide support for those unemployed workers due to COVID-19? Considering the fact that it is clearly Donald Trump's fault the pandemic has grown like it has, he should provide workers compensation from his own pocket. So, yeah, we know that won't happen, then, perhaps, Trump's minions should be planning for more stimulus money, and in the near future.

Search Modes

Monday, May 4, 2020

WORLDOMETER Latest coronavirus results

Coronavirus cases 1,211,545

Coronavirus deaths 69,617

Coronavirus recoveries 187,002

More info, states, etc.

TRUMP'S LATEST: What's New Today in COVID-19


HEADLINE: "Trump obsessed with ‘settling scores’ even as coronavirus kills thousands of Americans every day: report."   READ MORE...

Head losers in team
HEADLINE: "Trump didn’t just botch his response to the coronavirus — his team tried to cover it up: op-ed."   READ MORE...

HEADLINE: "US could be in for 'a bad fall and a bad winter' if it's unprepared for a second wave of coronavirus, Fauci warns."   READ MORE...

Doctors For Sale
HEADLINE:"Doctors who spread ‘reckless’ COVID-19 misinformation are Fox News’ newest stars — and darlings of the right wing."   READ MORE...

HEADLINE: "Coronavirus timeline: How the disease spread throughout the US."   READ MORE...

The Four Musketeers of narcissism  
HEADLINE: "Trump administration refuses to release the money for grieving families who need help paying for COVID-19 burials."   READ MORE...

HEADLINE: "Trump Ends Federal Social Distancing Campaign Amid Rising Coronavirus Deaths."   READ MORE...

Image result for medicare denial clip artHEADLINE: "Coronavirus testing in the U.S. was limited for months because of low Medicare payments."   READ MORE...

HEADLINE: "Wasted milk, euthanized livestock: Photos show how coronavirus has devastated US agriculture."   For full effect, scroll through entire article, the pictures are frightening...

HEADLINE: "This coronavirus model keeps being wrong. Why are we still listening to it?"   READ MORE...

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Latest coronavirus results WORLDOMETER

Coronavirus cases          1,187,124

Coronavirus deaths              68,561

Coronavirus recoveries     178,223

More info, states, etc.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

WORLDOMETER Latest coronavirus results from

Coronavirus cases          1,158,881

Coronavirus deaths              67,293

Coronavirus recoveries     160,668

More info, states, etc.

Why COVID -19 continues to surge? - The attitude 'It's only a virus'

There were 34,329 new coronavirus cases in the United States, just since yesterday. Like 24 hours, or 1,430 new cases each hour. And 1,870 deaths, 78 per hour. Does that sound like 'only a virus?...

Image result for it's only a virus clip art
Why? It's only a virus

People with this kind of attitude are a threat to a sane population which means following the guidelines established by the medical community to stay at home for the interim of the pandemic, at least practice safe social distancing. Not flaunt the fact they aren't worried about catching or passing along a disease that has become the medical killer of our time. This is no joke, as these less than bright individuals seem to think. It is serious and getting worse, thanks in part to them.

As best I can determine, these are the same clueless people who professed to be the anti-vaxxers who were instrumental in 140,000 measles deaths in 2018, "Most deaths were among children under 5 years of age," according to the World Health Organization (WHO). I would be horrified to know that my stupid ideology killed all these young kids. It's unconscionable and as I have said many times, these ignorant families should be put in concentration camps.

Resurgence of mumps shows how anti-vaxxers are putting everyone at risk...

And this same bunch of anti-health nuts is getting in their two cents already, making sure this audience of miscreants is aware that a vaccine for COVID-19 is in the wings and they should kill more of their children by refusing these vaccinations. Here's the scenario...
"As scientists race to develop a vaccine to protect people against the coronavirus, some outspoken voices of the anti-vaccine movement are already seeking to undermine their efforts.
"But those who promote anti-vaccine views aren't waiting. They're out there now on social media, cultivating conspiracy theories and planting seeds of doubt that could limit a future vaccine's success."
"Larry Cook, an anti-vaccine proponent with almost 50,000 subscribers on YouTube," according to CBS, says this to his followers...
 "Make no mistake, the purpose of the coronavirus is to help usher in vaccine mandates. Be woke. Know the Plan. Prepare. Resist."
The purpose of the coronavirus is to kill, you idiot, and I'm sorry, if your followers believe this crap you put out, they are idiots too.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Latest coronavirus results from WORLDOMETER

Coronavirus cases          1,129,059

Coronavirus deaths              65,711

Coronavirus recoveries     161,551

More info, states, etc.

Donald Trump new excuse for failure...China did it

Trump latest alibi for the coronavirus uncontrolled spread in the United States names China as the culprit, once again taking no responsibility for his part in delaying response to the virus in the beginning, causing its current unchecked surge...

Image result for trump blames coronavirus on xi jinping
Trump - Xi Jinping
Here's the Washington Post headline: "U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus as President Trump fumes." I wrote a post just yesterday, "TRUMP LATEST: China's Xi COVID-19 results excel Trump's significantly," outlining the parade of events, starting with Wuhan's outbreak and subsequent notification on January 3, of Robert Redfield, CDC Director. China has first case in November of 2019.

But the Oval Office lunatic wants to punish China's President Xi, might even hit him up for financial compensation, simply because this idiot waited over two months to make a move on coronavirus in the U.S. But first he said it was a hoax, then blamed the whole thing on Democrats. The dolt finally came to his senses in mid-March, and since then has screwed up every move he has made, compounded by the stupidity of his aides.

Donald Trump rails off on Xo Jinping and China...

The Washington Post says...
"The move could splinter already strained relations between the two superpowers at a perilous moment for the global economy.
Now, this may not seem important to some, but we are talking the two top powers of the world fighting each other over 'who dunnit' when there is a pandemic of colossal proportions going on that has killed over 233,000 people worldwide. Between one highly intelligent man who so far has played the gentleman, and the White House maniac who plays his regular roll of political clown. It makes our country look...clownish.

Trump complains about China giving the United States a heads-up on their status, but it doesn't seem mid-November to the first of January is that long when you understand what a shock this must have been attempting to identify a new virus that probably had to be analyzed before anyone could a statement. No, folks, no one in the Trump administration, including the head moron, really thinks, deep down, that China dropped the ball.

This is attempted get-even time with Xi because of the trade deals that didn't go right, and according to RawStory, "Trump obsessed with ‘settling scores’ even as coronavirus kills thousands of Americans every day: report." There is even more talk from the Don of misinformation that the disease came from a lab in China...again. It is said there is a battle between Trump's economic advisers and the national security team for retaliation...
“Punishing China is definitely where the president’s head is at right now,” one senior adviser said.
The T-rump minions think this will arouse their double-digit supporters and they are probably right. It is much easier to hate someone like Xi Jinping and his China than working on something to stop the COVID-19 pandemic. The White House and GOP lawmakers are fixated on China's coronavirus problems, they think their inability to contain it. They claim, " Chinese officials concealed key information and refused to cooperate with international health organizations."

Trump supporter, coronavirus a "nothing burger"...

As a point of reference, in a recent report from WORLDOMETER, China has had only 4 recent cases, total cases 82,862, no recent deaths, total deaths 4,633; The USA, total cases 1,088,415, new cases 24,221, total deaths 63,535, recent deaths 1,880. China's population, 1,408,526,449, the United states, 331,002,651. Pretty solid proof that Donald Trump is doing a piss-poor job of containing coronavirus, compared to China and the rest of the world.

Trump latest remarks...
"On Monday, Trump suggested at a White House news conference that the United States will seek hundreds of billions of dollars in damages from China. The president also said he is considering additional measures to punish China, but did not specify what they are."
Trump message of retaliatory action...
“We can do something much easier than that,” Trump said in response to a question about demanding financial compensation from Beijing. “We have ways of doing things a lot easier than that.”
Yet no explanation of what and once again this three-ring circus plays out in the media of the world and the United States has pie all over its face. Just another day at the White House.

There's more in the Washing Post, a good read...

Thursday, April 30, 2020

WORLDOMETER Latest coronavirus results

Coronavirus cases          1,094,730

Coronavirus deaths              63,841

Coronavirus recoveries     152,324

More info, states, etc.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...