Monday, July 15, 2019

Donald Trump headed for ‘disgrace and downfall’ says Dr. Brandy Lee

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Progressives Walk

Dr. Brandy Lee-Donald Trump
You might remember Yale psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist and an expert on violence at Yale School of Medicine, who published a report back in May proving that Donald Trump is mentally challenged.  Well, she has just topped that research with recent findings arguing...
"that President Trump suffers from a uniquely dangerous pathology that will end up wrecking the country."
Everything Dr. Lee comes up with is beyond frightening, with the amount of study involved, and especially with her credentials. She is editor of the New York Times bestseller, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President." She and her colleagues...
"prepared a mental health analysis of the Mueller report with recommendations. Next week, they will present their analysis at a town hall-style meeting on Capitol Hill as well as unveil five questions they would like to ask Special Counsel Robert Mueller at his testimony the following day."
Alarming video of Dr. Lee documenting the dangers of Donald Trump in the White House...

 However, Dr. Lee feels the testimony by Robert Mueller could be delayed, "blocked, severely limited, or even sabotaged." Not surprising she commented, "given the magnitude of its importance." She had this to say about Mueller...
"Robert Mueller’s response of requiring a subpoena to appear and posing severe time restrictions is consistent with his constraints on stating facts directly. Why didn’t he say more simply, “There were a dozen counts of criminal wrongdoing, but because of department policy, we cannot convict him”? It is a common psychological phenomenon"
She exclaims people around Donald Trump's type are unable to resist giving in to their whims, thus...
"Entire households and entire nations can be vulnerable. This is why it is extremely important to prevent those who show signs of mental pathology from taking over powerful positions and why this is a public health problem."
Dr. Lee says her group has placed a video with the copy of the Mueller Report, but will go into greater detail at their town hall on Capitol Hill on the day before his testimony, on July 16, with details on their web site, I will be looking and so should you.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

WEEKEND NEWS DIGEST: George Houraney v. Donald Trump

July 14, 2019

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

Donald Trump should examine closely the saying by 17th-Century English theologian Thomas Fuller, "it is always darkest before the dawn," which Washington Monthly's Martin Longman says may have been meant to be optimistic, but in Donald Trump's case is more of a warning. He speaks of the "smut business" of Jeffrey Epstein involving human trafficking of underage girls, evolving almost on the front lawn of the White House. So far, T-rump has been unable to shake it.

In a CNN opinion piece by Elie Honig, who used to work for the independent Southern District of New York, Jeffrey Epstein's "just being charged by the SDNY is, in itself, a defendant's nightmare." Honig cites the track record...
"the conviction rate on federal charges is typically over 90%, and the conviction rate in federal human trafficking cases is even a tick higher than that."
Epstein's victims will have a chance to testify against him, many of whom are now adults and have already come forward. Will he go to trial, plead guilty without cooperation, or cooperate? These are his three choices, and it also has to be considered that others will be implicated with him along the way. It is obvious the noose is tightening around Jeffrey Epstein's neck. Anyone aware of any spare rope in the White House?

Jeffrey Epstein charged by Southern District of New York...

And just recently Trump friend, Florida businessman George Houraney, "dropped a dime" on Donald Trump, as expressed by Vanity Fair's Eric Lutz...
"There was a time when Trump could be counted among Epstein’s rich, well-connected friends. And, according to a report in the New York Times on Tuesday, the relationship may have been a good deal closer than the president has let on."
There's more...
"Per the Times, Trump in 1992 directed Florida businessman George Houraney—who would later accuse Trump of sexually harassing his former girlfriend and business partner, Jill Harth—to organize a members’ only 'calendar girl' competition at Mar-a-Lago."
Houraney claims Trump deceived him into thinking this would be a party of VIPs. In warnings about Epstein’s behavior, banning him from Houraney's events, the latter said, “Trump didn’t care about that.”

Ring of Fire site exposes Donald Trump/Jeffrey Epstein with 28 girls...

Jeffrey Epstein wealth just a fantasy? A new report says his reputation of being a billionaire appears to be a myth. "The story also revealed that Epstein has been a client of Deutsche Bank, the embattled institution facing waves of controversy in recent months and years." Along with his exploits with underage girls, Epstein has also become prominent because he has been identified with former president Bill Clinton and the current Oval Office lunatic, Donald Trump.

Could Jeffrey Epstein walk again on double jeopardy? Untangling a lot of legal jargon, it would seem that double jeopardy could impact New York's case against Epstein but prosecutors will argue...
"that the 2007 SD-Florida non-pros does not bar a 2019 SDNY indictment arising out of the same conduct and charging the same offenses."
Andrew McCarthy of the conservative National Review cites the recent Supreme Court ruling on the “'dual sovereignty'” doctrine — hurts, rather than helps, the SDNY’s position." Not good. Apparently the key is that SDNY only has new evidence not a "new offense," which is necessary to overcome the double jeopardy. "There has to be proof of a discrete criminal transaction that amounts to a new offense." I thought Epstein's shenanigans were ongoing. We'll see,

Read more: "The state of New York protected Jeffrey Epstein — not his victims"

Why did Jeffrey Epstein wire $350,000 to two co-conspirators? Federal prosecutors allege "he wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to two potential witnesses, according to court documents." The $350,000 was wired...
"between November and December in 2018, after The Miami Herald published its extensive investigation about his previous plea deal."
"The two individuals who were alleged to have received the money were possible co-conspirators prosecutors said, according to NBC News."
 These are charges of witness tampering with two unnamed individuals that may have been co-conspirators, according to prosecutors, who are requesting no bail for Epstein. Business Insider reports...
"This course of action, and in particular its timing, suggests the defendant was attempting to further influence co-conspirators who might provide information against him in light of the recently re-emerging allegations," prosecutors said in court filings."

Saturday, July 13, 2019

WEEKEND NEWS DIGEST: The Republican Party darkened Colin Kapernick's skin in a political ad, then lied about it

July 13, 2013

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

The biggest judicial problem we have in addition to a one-sided Supreme Court are loaded courts across the country with conservatives orchestrated by the bottom feeder, Senate head Mitch McConnell. Politico reports...
"Every senator running for president has voted far less often for Trump’s judges this year compared with the previous Congress."
This has been a Republican focus that supports their legislation at local levels. It has become dangerously lopsided for the GOP.

Mitch McConnell exposed on federal judges...

Independent Rep. Justin Amash has inside info on how congressional Republicans really feel about impeaching Donald Trump. Amash told CNN...
"that high-level party officials have thanked him behind closed doors for his stance on impeachment proceedings against Trump."
There's more...
"I get people sending me text messages, people calling me, saying 'thank you for what you're doing,'" Amash told CNN's Jake Tapper in a wide-ranging interview on "State of the Union" Sunday. "They're not saying it publicly. And I think that's a problem for our country, it's a problem for the Republican Party, it's a problem for the Democratic Party when people aren't allowed to speak out."
Enough said!

Love affair between the alt-right and Donald Trump is on the rocks in areported by Raw Story, because the president’s policies and actions are not playing out in the way that the right wing extremists had hoped. Owens reports from Vice News’ Tess Owens,
"commenters on forums hosting alt-right rabble-rousing appear to have given up on Trump."
The alt-right feels its heyday of power is weakening, combined with Trump's betrayal of their march for white supremacy, tied in with the feeling that he has failed to deliver on the sweeping immigration enforcement he promised during the campaign.” There are just over 11-million whites that have beliefs consistent with the alt-right’s worldview, according to a U. of Alabama researcher. The question is, do they vote?

Is the alt-right moving up or down?...

Will Obamacare survive the appeals court? If you are one of the 20 million insured by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), your coverage as you know it could end if the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals makes its ruling. In question is the mandatory provision of the act that is accompanied by the preexisting clause. It is the fact that Obamacare is compulsory that is considered unconstitutional, but why throw out the rest of the law, especially the preexisting part?

The Republican Party darkened Colin Kapernick's skin in a political ad, then lied about it. It was Yahoo News’ White House correspondent, Hunter Walker...
"who caught the National Republican Congressional Committee pushing out a disparaging meme of Kaepernick."
Sarah Burris of Raw Story reports...
“House Republicans are running on racism, plain and simple. It’s disgusting, it’s offensive and it should be fireable, but there’s no accountability in the Republican Party,” a Democratic operative said.
It was when given the opportunity to clean up the public relations disaster that the GOP lied about it. The "original photo compared to the meme, clearly shows otherwise." The Republican Party is beyond pathetic!


Friday, July 12, 2019

Trump still protecting Jeffrey Epstein guardian angel Alex Acosta

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

July 12, 2019: Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta has resigned amid accusations of the mishandling of the Jeffrey Epstein case in So. Florida some twelve years ago. Epstein walked on charges of molesting underage girls. Donald Trump, of course, still supports Acosta, while one more link of the Oval Office lunatic's political disaster machine falls by the wayside. The Washington Post's description of Acosta...
"the man who cut a secret plea deal with a “monster”

Mitch McConnell in Amy McGrath's sights

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

July 12, 2019: ‘Everything that’s wrong with Washington started with him,’ a headline from Raw Story refers to Mitch McConnell. But now he has a credible candidate challenging him in 2020. It is Amy McGrath, "a former Marine Lieutenant Colonel fighter pilot with a Masters from Johns Hopkins. A BS in political science from the U.S. Naval Academy. She’s 44. A Democrat. The mother of three and married to a life-long Republican."

RS reports...
"McConnell is not liked in Kentucky. His average approval rating is just 25%, and his unfavorable is 46.7%, according to Real Clear Politics."
Here's a tweet from McGrath...
"I’m running to replace Mitch McConnell in the U.S. Senate. Everything that’s wrong with Washington had to start somewhere—it started with him. With your help, we can defeat Mitch and defend democracy. Join us: (link:"
McGrath lost a close election for Congress in 2018, by less than 10,000 votes, 51% to 47.8%. But "McConnell is not liked in Kentucky. His average approval rating is just 25%, and his unfavorable is 46.7%, according to Real Clear Politics." Amy McGrath wrote McConnell a letter at age 13, which he never answered, provoking the comment, “I’ve often wondered how many other people did Mitch McConnell never take the time to write back, or even think about.”

Robert Reich exposes the loathsome Mitch McConnell...

In a Politico piece, McConnell is called  “Cocaine Mitch,” “Nuclear Mitch” or the steward of the “legislative graveyard,” admitting,  he’s the “Grim Reaper” anyway, so he’s loving every minute of it. Mitch the misrule mechanic, thinks all this is funny, stonewalling anything that comes from Democrats, no matter how good or important the legislation is. The racist in this lowlife proclaimed, "my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president." He didn't.

If Kentucky voters dislike Mitch McConnell as the above figures would indicate, an approval of only 25%, unfavorable 46.7%, and Kentucky voters continue to reelect the man, then I would place these poor souls in the same category as the clueless, double-digit Donald Trump supporters. Amy McGrath raised $2.5 million in the first 24 hours of her campaign eclipsing presidential contenders Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Want to be beat Mitch McConnell? Make a contribution to Amy McGrath here.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Donald Trump: Thousands of lies and still going strong


July 11, 2019: Since lying seems to be what Donald Trump does, and he is certainly known for it around the world, how many lies will it take to win the 2020 election? And can the Democrats summon the strategy to beat this megalomaniac? As an aside, would you agree that Trump makes Karl Rove look like a Sunday school teacher when it comes to lying? He is already lying that "he has better support among key demographics — women, Hispanics, young voters — than he actually does."

When I Google "Trump's latest lies," I get 55,400.000 hits. I also get a treasure trove of deception, dishonesty and disinformation, most all associated with the Oval Office lunatic, Donald Trump. On one site I found a report from the Washington Post that said Trump had made 10,000 “false or misleading claims” since entering the White House. 'You were indicted for one,' Nicolle Wallace told Trump who had just said, “I don’t do cover-ups,” re. Nancy Pelosi's charge.

Jimmy Kimmel on Donald Trump 2,000 lies...

And the most interesting was a site by a former card magician exclaiming, "How Trump Gets Away with Lying, as Explained by a Magician." Ben Chapman continues, asking these questions, “How does he just keep lying?” “He can’t possibly get away with this again.” “Why do people still trust him?” Chapman has his own opinion of Donald Trump...

"Our current Administration has shown an unprecedented disregard for the truth, and many Americans are flabbergasted at how few people are disturbed by this disregard. As a former card magician — and therefore someone with a bit of experience deceiving audiences — I have developed some strategies to catch other people in their lies."
His strategies are very interesting, starting with, "1. Dress for the Occasion."
With five in all, you will gradually begin to visualize the subject of his piece, then see the actual picture of Donald Trump. I wouldn't bestow T-rump with the credibility of a magician, but he has certainly developed some of these tactics, turning them into the implements of his warped mind. Ben Chapman's site is well worth your time, providing unique insight into the Donald Trump psyche.

But, back to the original question, "Can Democrats beat Trump lies in 2020?" Here's where it stands right now...
"The Trump campaign has been spending about $1 million weekly on Facebook and Google ads. In comparison, the Biden campaign spent about $75,000 last week. The Trump team knows that the online world is where their campaign thrives and they also know that they can expect little to no regulation from Facebook even when their ads are a direct violation of Facebook policy."
Distortion and deceit without regulation, a strategy that hearkens back to Karl Rove's handling of the George W. Bush campaign. And yes, the Democrats employ their own version of deception but nowhere near as blatant as Republicans, especially Donald Trump, the world's most egregious liar. The best example recently is a fake Joe Biden website run secretly by an operative working for the Trump campaign. Not even sure Karl Rove would do that.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Donald Trump: Supporters help make him the scam artist he is

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

July 10, 2019: When I see a headline like the following: "Trump’s fake patriotism was sophomoric and insulting — so of course his supporters loved it," it makes me worry about the future of this country. It also cuts to the core of what is wrong with the United States; an uninformed gang of morons is running it with their elective power to put someone like Donald Trump in the White House. And, it looks like pictures of a large crowd at his July 4th speech are valid, even more distressing.

This man, no matter how low his morals or how many times and hour he is caught lying to the public, and his loyal followers, by the way, is still the head of the most powerful country in the world. And for whatever bizarre reason, maybe it is sheer luck, it hasn't yet happened. No, we haven't suffered a major catastrophe caused by this egotistical maniac, but according to Yale Psychiatrist, Brandy Lee, we are getting closer and closer to Trump armageddon.

Salon's Lucian Truscott, in an opinion piece said...
"Donald Trump’s Fourth of July speech was sophomoric. The fly-overs were anemic. The pairs of Bradley fighting vehicles and M1-A2 tanks were practically invisible. Everyone was soaked to the skin. They even played the hoary redneck anthem, 'I’m Proud to Be an American.'”
"But the crowd loved it."
This conflagration of Trump-lovers was kept well away from their idol, with the VIP seats clustered around T-rump, close enough to blow smoke, well, you know where. These are the same VIP seats that, with such little demand, the Trump aides ended up giving the tickets to anyone who would take them. Truscott commented, "The crowd adored the man who delivered his fourth-grade-level history lesson in robotic, singsong cadences..."

Other nations who put on gigantic displays of their clout to impress their people are no doubt marveling over the fact that what Trump did was "the cheapest, lamest, most pathetic display of military might ever put on. It was Trump’s. He was all that mattered." Pathetic. And Salon had a recommendation for the Dems...
"The Democratic candidates for president should get tapes of Trump’s 'Salute to America' and make watching it mandatory within their campaign operations. Trump’s speech sounded like it had been written by the 'creatives' at Hallmark, and that was the point."
Truscott closed with...
"We are not the country we like to think we are. Trump won in 2016. 'Make America Great Again' carried the day for him. His 'basket of deplorables' turned out for him. They can do it again."
And that is a challenge that should convince every Progressive/liberal to make their way to the polls early in 2020.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...