Tuesday, July 9, 2019

PROGRESSIVE STREET/Where Liberals Walk: Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, Alex Acosta/Trouble in Paradise

Alex Acosta-Jeffrey Epstein
July 9. 2002: Donald Trump, well, you know the infamous liar of the Oval Office, but do you know his Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta, who signed off on a non-prosecution agreement with Jeffrey Epstein more than a decade ago? Yes, the Jeffrey Epstein who was just jailed for child sex trafficking, and who was a friend of Donald trump, another pal who hung out with him at Mar-a-Lago. But the new focus is on Acosta who investigated Epstein in 2008, letting him off the hook with a plea deal.

Bloomberg reports, "The Justice Department said in February that it planned to investigate 'allegations that Department attorneys may have committed professional misconduct in the manner in which the Epstein criminal matter was resolved' in Florida. Here's the deal...
"Later that month, a federal judge ruled that the same group of attorneys broke the law by not telling Epstein’s victims that the plea deal existed. The Miami-based prosecutors had prepared a 53-page federal indictment against Epstein, but his deal allowed him to plead guilty only to a state charge of soliciting a minor for prostitution. He served 13 months in a Palm Beach prison that allowed him to leave six days a week to work. The deal also granted immunity to any of Epstein’s potential co-conspirators, who otherwise might have been swept up in his abuses."
 MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski picked up the story asking, "whether President Donald Trump’s secretary of labor might be personally implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking case." A former federal prosecutor, Mimi Rocah, said...
“It is a travesty what Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to get away with, that he sexually abused and raped — himself and allowed others — so many young girls. That is one of the most serious federal crimes I have ever involved in prosecuting. I mean, we are talking about 10, 15, 20 years in prison, and he got a slap on the wrist.”
When asked if Acosta, who, because of his association with the case has been asked to resign and refused, personally allowed Epstein to get away with raping and trafficking young girls, Rocah replied "Yes," without hesitation. Brzezinski wondered then just what Alex Acosta had to gain by cutting Epstein loose, was he involved in the escapades? Rocah had no evidence of this but "was aware that that Alex Acosta was very close with attorneys who were representing Epstein."

If Acosta wasn't personally involved with Jeffrey Epstein's shenanigans, he was certainly guilty of the "old boys' network," as described by Rocah, that released a sexual predator on the street to continue his trysts with underage girls. Hopefully, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan will finally put a stop to this.

Monday, July 8, 2019

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk: Donald Trump buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, in jail for child sex trafficking

July 8, 2029 

Trump and Epstein with unknown women
The man who sits in the Oval Office today, Donald Trump, has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 22 women since the 1980s. There were three widely reported instances of litigation, and, of course, there was the Access Hollywood tape during which Trump made the statement...
"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything ... grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
Any woman voting for T-rump after hearing that is devoid of any self-respect.

Billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested Saturday evening on suspicion of trafficking dozens of underage girls as young as 14 in the early 2000s. Here's what Donald Trump had to say about Epstein in a tweet...
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002
You have to read Kat Tenbarge's article in Business Insider to see all the gory details, and they bounce out at you one after the other. Like the foursome at Mar-a-Lago, Trump, Melania, Epstein and his British socialite girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell...
"Politico reported that a woman who claims to have been a part of a sex trafficking ring run by Epstein was recruited directly from Mar-a-Lago in 1999 by Maxwell, where the woman, who was then 15-years-old, worked as a locker room attendant."
The Daily Beast reported that "Epstein trafficked dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, according to three unnamed law enforcement sources." The pervert friend of Donald Trump is "already a convicted sex offender, having allegedly molested dozens of underage girls in Florida before signing a 2008 secret plea agreement that allowed him to avoid federal prosecution and jail time." Apparently Epstein has plenty of friends.

And, of course, there was the Stormy Daniels affair, where Trump made a generous payoff to keep her mouth shut during the 2016 election. First he lied about the payment, letting his attorney Michael Cohen take the heat, eventually admitting reimbursing Cohen $130,000. 

A lying, conniving madman in the White House with the support of a double-digit gang of followers, the kind who will come out in the rain to hear him babble on about the Continental Army taking back airports in the Revolutionary War. Pathetic!

Read more about Donald Trump's sexual exploits on Wikipedia.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

NEWS DIGEST: The tweeting madman is Donald Trump

July 7, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

It's the second time we've heard a single "fast radio burst" from a galaxy across the universe. Although we don't know what causes these FRBs we do know that this one came from a "galaxy, similar in size to our own Milky Way galaxy and is 7.9 billion light-years away. Is it some advanced extraterrestrial civilization--scientists can't rule this out--and somehow technology can be harnessed to contact them, pleading that they come and take Donald Trump away? Please!

Could you do without $55 million and 5 million voters? (NRA 2016 campaign activity) Not if you are Donald Trump, candidate for president of the United States. The wheels are coming off the National Rifle Assn. (NRA), and with the recent closing down of their NRATV propaganda machine, they are likely to be hard put for cash. A rich donor is after head gun nut Wayne LaPierre and Madonna recently did a video on gun violence. Looks like Trump is in even more trouble.

George Conway's simple formula to beat Donald Trump in 2020: Constant attacks on Trump personally and politically by Democrats that will eventually cause the Oval Office idiot's meltdown. It's so simple but so obvious. Anyone who has observed this man since his inauguration knows that he cannot take criticism on any level. How this shakes out with Conway's wife Kellyanne Conway as one of Trump's closest advisers is anyones guess and could actually fit into the equation.


On the surface it would appear that Donald Trump had a reasonably large crowd for his July 4th speech. No crowd size has been confirmed but pictures show the people alongside the pool. This, however, calls into question why Trump's staff felt the need to hand out VIP tickets to Trump’s Fourth of July rally to anyone who will take them. Politico said the WH staff was desperate to entice people to come, and yet pictures available show a sizeable gang of T-rump blind sheep minions. Questionable?


The tweeting madman is Donald Trump, says Daily Beast, and uses the revolving door handling of the census question by this nutcase to explain what it's like to work for a psychopath. It a'int easy as Joshua Gardner, special counsel at the Department of Justice, who told the court the question was out, knows. Now it's back in because the maniac thinks he can beat around the courts with an executive order. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross himself was in on the "outing" decision. Washington has never been so much fun.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

NEWS DIGEST: Ivanka Trump for president?

July 6, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

Over 200 major U.S. and international corporations have signed an amicus brief and submitted it to the Supreme Court last Tuesday with the argument that excluding sexual orientation and gender identity from federal civil rights law “would undermine the nation’s business interests.” More than 7 million employees are involved and the companies account for over $5 trillion in revenue.” It's another great mark for the movement.


Millions of NRA members are asking why they should fund an outfit rife with financial mismanagement and apparent insider beak-wetting, signaling an organization that appears to be rotting from the inside out. The top lobbyist, Chris Cox quit, and one of the NRA's largest donors is calling for the head of top gun nut, Wayne LaPierre. The New York Post says....
"It’s a welcome blow to the lucrative 'nonprofit' racket of milking moral outrage."
The NRA does have our "thoughts and prayers."


France had an all-time high temperature of 114.6 degrees last week, no doubt a result of "human-induced climate change.” With a climate change catastrophe facing us, backed by notable scientists, Donald Trump forges ahead shattering environmental protections now in place. Here's how...
"Since Andrew Wheeler was made acting EPA director in July, he has issued a series of controversial environmental rollbacks. Wheeler is a former coal lobbyist who replaced Scott Pruitt." See more reasons.

Robert Mueller testimony before Congress could send Donald Trump postal. Trump's own biographer, Tim O'Brien, said, “This is a man who has lived dangerously for decades by flirting with the boundaries of propriety, legality and civility." According to Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee, losing the control Trump has had for years could make him extremely dangerous, "an alarming worst-case scenario for the man who commands the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world."


Ivanka Trump for president? You have to be f***ing kidding. Although she might not be any worse than Mike Pence, which I can't even remotely fathom him being electable, you have to consider the warped mind of Donald Trump and his claim on the Oval Office throne. There has been talk that he wouldn't vacate the White House if he lost in 2020, and he has even mentioned running a "forever" campaign for the presidency. Ivanka could be his ace in the hole.


Friday, July 5, 2019

July 5th, 2019: Blowhard dictator reviews his troops

If it weren't for the fact that Donald Trump mentioned in his July 4th speech that the Continental Army took over the airports (in 1775, or 1812 what airports?), something which gave the whole world a laugh, the fact that he pretty much stuck to his script, plus the fact that apparently pictures reveal he had a relatively decent crowd, even in the rain, otherwise the whole ceremony was a disaster. Here's the statement on 1775...
“The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge,” he continued, “found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our army manned the [unclear]. It rammed the ramparts. It took over the airports. It did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant.”
But the fact that he has always craved power, even from his first childhood, which has carried over into this childhood, where he dreams of being a strong-arm dictator like his idol, Kim Jong un. With tanks, parades, flyovers, all the things that despots do. It's all way out of line since the U.S. is and has been in a mode that does not encourage conflict, rather peace. But this all fits with T-rump's latest crusades in isolationism.

The Raw Story said, "Trump’s disastrous July 4th speech walloped as ‘middle-school story time from hell,’" RS quotes writer Molly Jong-Fast from Daily Beast...
“It was a speech that had all the excitement of an excerpt from one of Bill O’Reilly’s YA history books,” Jong-Fast wrote. 
Jong-Fast went on to criticize Trump's lack of any oratorical skills, which all tyrants must have, something the Oval Office lunatic replaces with bullshit, riddled with endless lies. Salon ended its piece with...
Unfortunately for Trump, his old nemesis John McCain had the last laugh. Again.

The Blue Angels tribute at McCain’s funeral in Annapolis was in every way more patriotic and inspiring.
So much for Donald Trump and his July 4th debacle.

Justin Amash exits GOP


U.S. Representative Justin Amash has been a continuing thorn in the side of Donald Trump, criticizing him on several fronts, but primarily arguing that Trump has “engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment.” Donald Trump's response to Amash's opinion piece about leaving Congress was, ""one of the dumbest & most disloyal men in Congress." This coming from the dumbest president ever.

In June, Amash left the conservative House Freedom Caucus he helped found, and it should be noted here that Justin Amash is a loyal member of the Tea Party. Not only was he the first House member to favor Donald Trump's impeachment...
"In February, he became the lone Republican to co-sponsor a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives to reject the emergency Trump declared at the U.S.-Mexico border to build a wall there, in a stinging reprimand to the president."
Amash is of the opinion that most U.S. voters are not "rigidly" partisan, and they don't feel they are getting the representation they did vote for. He is convinced the Republican Party favors nationalism, a term defined as follows...
"identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations."
This is more apparent in Donald Trump's handling of tariffs with countries like China, and the Oval Office lunatic's negotiations with Iran in the nuclear standoff. But most of all it points to the illusion of a Trump massive ego that thinks he can do anything he wants to simply because he is Donald Trump. This is basically a new breed of nationalism spawned by the kind of abhorrent individual that currently resides in the White House.

Yesterday, July 4th, Amash published an opinion piece in the Washington Post...
“Instead of acting as an independent branch of government and serving as a check on the executive branch, congressional leaders of both parties expect the House and Senate to act in obedience or opposition to the president and their colleagues on a partisan basis.”
He followed this with...
“Modern politics is trapped in a partisan death spiral, but there is an escape.”
Justin Amash has been serving in Congress since 2011, and back in May was when he first came out against Trump using the results of the Mueller Report...
Amash said in May that the Mueller report showed Trump had obstructed justice, bucking his party and joining Democrats in castigating the president for his actions. “President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct,” he said.
 The former Republican is considering running against Donald Trump as a Libertarian in 2020. If he does, he'll have to shed his former life as a Tea Partier, and that won't be easy.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4th celebration Trump warning to all

Please...Light the fuse-Send him to the moon
Jeff Greenfield on Politico tried to put a positive swing on Donald Trump's 4th of July celebration with three reasons not to worry but one big reason to worry...
"And on a more troubling level, what Trump is doing is wreathing himself in the most potent symbols of American history—delivering a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, site of the 1963 March on Washington, looking across at a landscape of monuments—without any appreciation for the history that made that whole landscape possible. Perhaps uniquely among American presidents, he sees himself without any connection to the American story, any link to presidents past, other than his manifest superiority to any of them."
The parts above, in bold, illustrate the chronic pathetic nature of Donald Trump.

Read more... 

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...