Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America.

Corporate CEOs demanding better education laughable

It was an Arizona newspaper headline that said it, "CEOs see schools as a key weakness," but unique as this state is in its stand alone nature, particularly with guns everywhere, I think the issue might apply nationwide. Corporations want our schools to train the people they will eventually hire, but they don't want to spend one penny to support this education. I don't mean with direct donations to the schools; I am talking about them simply not paying their federal taxes.

Here is a chart of corporations that do not pay any taxes broken down by the S&P companies and Fortune 500 companies. Included are corporations like Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Americans for Tax Fairness says, " Tax avoidance through offshore tax loopholes is a significant reason why corporations, which paid one-third of federal revenues 60 years ago, now pay one-tenth of federal revenues.

This is one of Bernie Sanders major talking points, to make these companies pay their fair share of taxes again. Bernie has his own list of "Top Ten Corporate Tax Avoiders." It includes: General Electric; Verizon; Bank of America; Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and FedEx. In a way, it is un-American not to pay these taxes when it deprives children of an education, in some cases the only meal they may have all day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

LATEST: Bernie sanders within one point of Clinton in Nevada Caucus

Bernie Sanders has literally destroyed Hillary Clinton's lock on the non-white vote by pulling to within one point of his opponent; Sanders 47%, Clinton 48%. This just three days before Nevada caucuses on Saturday. The new figures were apparently a shock to the Clinton campaign, and yet another sign that Bernie Sanders has grown to the candidate for all the people of the U.S. We're not only talking African-American but the large number of Latinos working in the casinos.

The Bern nas gained 13 points on Clinton since the last poll in October of 2015, a phenomenal jump when considering the odds he is up against. But Nevada isn't really as diverse as many think and less than some of the future primaries, coming in at 15% of caucus-goers, Latino, 15%, African-American, and 3% Asian-American. 65% were white. Nevertheless it is a good test for Bernie Sanders and one that he both relishes and plans to excel in.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

For many, the American dream has become a nightmare.

Under the Republicans...government doesn't work

This is something a Bernie Sanders Presidency will correct and take to new heights.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

If our school curricula took the rights and duties of citizens as seriously as they do varsity football, home economics, and even study hall, young people would be far more likely to participate in the democratic process, and be better informed.

Latest Republican trickle down bullshit

The GOP's leading moron, "Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on NBC’s 'Meet the Press' that it is 'not remotely' the Senate’s obligation to consider the Supreme Court nominee that President Barack Obama will choose following the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia." Just consider the quoted words, "not remotely" to gauge the level of rebellion by Republicans against anything that President Obama is connected with. Perpetual interruption of government.

Senator Patrick Leahy said in an MSNBC interview with Andrea Mitchell that the Supreme Court has not gone without a seat for a year for as far back as the Civil War. He chastised Mitch McConnell for making a political issue out of the situation, commenting that in his history in Congress, no other Senate leader had done this. In other words, it is another contemptible move by McConnell to block anything the President does.

Leahy also questioned McConnell's remark about letting the people decide the next Supreme Court nominee by citing Obama's 2012 win by 5 million votes, a likely referendum on his potential choice of someone for the high court. the Vermont Senator seemed exasperated with his Republican colleagues to the extent that none of this made sense, which, of course it doesn't. At one point Leahy exclaimed he didn't think even Scalia would approve of these tactics.

One can only hope the Progressives of this country have finally had enough and will change the whole system come November.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...