Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Female Vote Could Decide Midterm Elections


Republicans were screwed royally when a conservative SCOTUS voted to repeal Roe v. Wade, enraging a universe of women who have declared all along that they should be in control of their bodies. The New York Times reported that "Decades Ago, Alito Laid Out Methodical Strategy to Eventually Overrule Roe." Well, it happened, and it pissed off 67% of the female population that have been showing their opposition with demonstrations all over the country.

In 1985 Alito "cautioned" President Reagan...

"against mounting a frontal assault on Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that declared a constitutional right to abortion. The Supreme Court was not ready to overturn it, he said, so urging it to do so could backfire."

Alito offered the suggestion of a "reasonable" response to the law allowing conservatives to pounce on the issue in the future. It took three decades but a Donald Trump administration would lay the groundwork by the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch. The former Oval Office lunatic could not have picked a more radically right trio. But the move could be the determining factor in the upcoming November elections.

Roe v Wade: Protests as Supreme Court overturns right to abortion...

The ladies could come out in huge numbers for the midterms and assuming they are all fired up over the Roe v. Wade fiasco, it is a reasonable assumption that the majority will vote Democrat. Tom Bonier, a Democratic political strategist and the C.E.O. of TargetSmart, a data and polling firm, revealed the progress Republicans had made since the first of the year. Then...
"But once the actual Dobbs decision came down, everything changed. For many Americans, confronting the loss of abortion rights was different from anticipating it. In my 28 years of analyzing elections, I had never seen anything like what’s happened in the past two months in American politics: Women are registering to vote in numbers I never witnessed before."
It started in Kansas where "voters there defeated in a landslide a constitutional

amendment that would have removed abortion protections in the state." There are Twenty-five states plus DC that have laws protecting abortion access. Bonier reveals in his article that in the state of Kansas, where the Republican Party has dominated politics since statehood in 1861, sixty-nine percent of the new voting registrants were women.


"In the six months before Dobbs, women outnumbered men by a three-percentage-point margin among new voter registrations. After Dobbs, that gender gap skyrocketed to 40 points. Women were engaged politically in a way that lacked any known precedent."

Kansas is an illustration of how the tide can turn so quickly on an issue that affects voters as Roe v. Wade has. It apparently has become serious enough that a GOP strategist warns the party is "getting killed among women over abortion." Brad Reed in RawStory comments...

“I’m convinced that, based on numbers we have, Republicans have to make some kind of leap on the abortion issue,” Arizona GOP strategist Chuck Coughlin tells Politico. “Because they’re getting killed among women.”

Reed uses Arizona Trump backed Senate candidate Blake Masters who "has consistently trailed incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ)." He adds...

"Masters recently rushed to scrub his website of pledges for a nationwide abortion ban, and he even deployed his wife to appear in an ad aimed at winning over women voters."

Republicans are scared in Arizona and throughout the rest of the country because the SCOTUS conservatives led by Justice Samuel Alito opened a can of worms that could eat their midterm aspirations alive.


MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...