Monday, March 5, 2018

Corporate America tells NRA to screw itself

It's happening all over the country right now with some of the largest industry giants deciding to sever all ties with the National Rifle Assn. after the Parkland, Fla., recent gun massacre. The NRA's response, a "shameful display of political and civic cowardice." It is beyond me how this organization can criticize anyone or any company with their record of killing so many innocent children and adults with the obstacles they have created for years that have prevented any reasonable gun control legislation. It all started with head gun nut Wayne LaPierre's reverence for the 2nd Amendment.

Most Americans believe the 2nd's protection of gun ownership is unquestionable, set in stone. It isn't. In fact, LaPierre's interpretation of the Amendment is far from what constitutional scholars say, even what the Supreme Court has ruled. And now the 2nd Amendment may have its day in court with the outcome a severe adjustment, or even repeal. We can only hope. Here are the companies that have dumped the NRA so far:

Alamo Rent a Car                                          
Allied Van Lines
Avis Budget Group
Best Western
Chubb Insurance
Delta Air Lines
Dick's Sporting Goods
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
First National Bank of Omaha
National Car Rental
North American Van Lines
Paramount Rx
Starkey Hearing Technologies
United Airline
Recently Dicks Sporting Goods, LL Bean, Kroger's Meyers stores and Walmart took away the right to buy a gun under age 21. REI is refusing to sell to any company that supports the NRA. Recently Smith & Wesson reported a slump in gun sales starting in 2017 after years of steady increases. They're all running scared and the NRA leads the pack. Folks, guns have finally become the pariah they should have years ago. The question is whether or not Congress gets the message and turns away from the NRA and toward the 65% of Americans who favor more stringent gun laws.

Want to see how your Congress person has voted on gun bills? Go here.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...