Friday, February 5, 2021

Capitol rioters supported anti-vaxxers and vice versa


This blog has repeatedly attacked anti-vaxxers with the position that these idiots--yes, they are the lower rungs of grey matter--are causing a dangerous situation where people are being urged not to do what will keep them healthy, even save their life. The harm they have done is incalculable as evidenced by the four-year old killed by his mother who followed the advice from a Facebook group of anti-vaxxers. Now they are coming for the COVID-19 vaccination group.

A CNN piece says, "Antivaxxers worked with 'Stop the steal' organizers for Jan. 6 rally." Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccine activist exclaimed to the crowd at the "MAGA Freedom Rally D.C." about a block from the Capitol, "We're being led off of a cliff." He added...

"I wish I could tell you that Tony Fauci cares about your safety..." he said. "I wish I could believe that voting machines worked... but none of this is happening."

Now, for the millions of people out there, especially the double-digit Trump supporters, that means science is for shit; years of scientific development and discoveries to help human beings live longer is bogus. Bigtree implies the pandemic is a farce and vaccines are not necessary. Go about your business and all will be well. It's these morons you see protesting masks and distancing in public places. It is this reality absent gang that is perpetuating the coronavirus pandemic. 

Yes, primarily Trump supporters in this display of ignorance, following the lunatic that said nobody could tell him anything. Well, they finally did and we finally got rid of the White House maniac. But his pathetic followers still stand ready to fight the election fraud battle, his upcoming impeachment trial, and now the war against vaccines. Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate calls it...

"Conspiracism that allows you to connect anything together if you want to, because it doesn't require fact."

Well, we do have the facts, and they all provide that government agencies are telling us the coronavirus vaccines are safe and proven to be effective. But then, the anti-vaxxer goons think the U.S. government is trying to kill us, when, in fact, it is them trying to kill the public with their doomsday rhetoric. And listen to this...

"In the wake of Trump's electoral defeat, some leaders of the anti-vaccine movement latched onto the "Stop the Steal" crusade, advancing their own conspiratorial claims and, in some cases, promoting private business."

In case you missed it, they are using Americans lives to promote their private business ventures. And here lies the current problem...

"But public health experts warn that anti-vaccine messages now pose a unique threat to the nation's health given the urgency for widespread coronavirus vaccination."
Anthony Fauci has pointed out that we need to reach a herd immunity of around

85% of the U.S. to be vaccinated to get the country moving again by the end of the year. With the anti-vaxxer resistance movement continuing its helter skelter efforts, this goal does not seem likely, and we can contribute all the coronavirus deaths following that period to these lowlife extremists. In closing...
"A national poll published this week from Monmouth University found 24% of people in the US will avoid getting the coronavirus vaccine if they can help it. The poll also found that willingness is driven more by political leanings than demographics."

This is a good article so read more...And, the pandemic is still raging so get your vaccination as soon as you become eligible. 

Animals deserve better than this - Yes, tell everyone, we just want to live


Sylvester is looking for his forever home after being discovered crying from a drainage inlet in San Antonio. Animal Care Services are being lauded for their work in rescuing the frantic kitten. You have to wonder how this little guy ended up under the streets of San Antonio. It sounds likely that it was a feral mother cat who had her litter and, for some reason had to abandon them. There are so many of these situations that the rescues just can't keep up with them. Read more...

If you have a forever home for Sylvester, contact San Antonio. Animal Care Services.

And then there's Ethan, A dog that was left starving outside the Kentucky Humane Society in Louisville. KHS says...
"OUR BABY HAS TAKEN HIS FIRST STEPS! While he is wobbly & learning to use his legs again, this is huge progress! Less than a week ago, he was on death's door, & now he is finally able to walk a little again."

Ethan is still too wobbly for adoption but give him some more time and then contact KY Humane Society. "Kentucky Humane Society officials said although Ethan has a "long road ahead of him," they are optimistic that he will fully recover." Read more...

The latest on COVID-19


Beginning on a positive note, Western Australia is locking down for a single case of coronavirus and one of its residents said, "We welcome the restrictions." It was for five days to protect against the new U.K. variant. Here's the Aussies take...

"It may seem strange to act so aggressively for a single case, but we Australians complied. There were no complaints of infringing on freedoms. No marches against masks. My city of Perth came to a standstill. The roads were quiet, and our beaches were deserted. A trip to the supermarket for essential groceries saw everyone wearing a mask — for the first time"

How refreshing...after experiencing the idiot U.S. population protesting against everything from wearing masks to observing distancing. Perth even has a beach, a magnet similar to California and Florida, but the residents did the right thing and stayed home. By the way Perth has had 904 cases for the entire pandemic. I might add, Australia is 35th on the Worldometer list for COVID-19, the United States is number one. Read more...

Dr. Sheetal Khedkar Rao, 42, an internist in suburban Chicago is quitting. She says, “After awhile, the emotional burden and moral injury become too much to bear.” And there's another dilemma going on in the health care industry, workers who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccination. 

I had an appointment with one of my many doctors today and I asked him why this was happening. His answer was a shocking opinion that it was misinformation, likely from social media. Later I asked his medical assistant the same thing, but her answer was more questioning the vaccine, until she researched it. And that, folks, shows where to go for the coronavirus facts. Not take the word of the amateurs and misleaders on social media. Read more...  

And closing today with the idiot of the month, maybe the year, maybe even the century. Naturally it had to be in Florida, where the population thinks COVID-19 is a fairy tale, and the guy who owns this grocery store thinks coronavirus deaths are just "hogwash." His employees and patrons parade around mask free.

Alfie Oakes, the owner added, "Why don't we shut the world down because of the heart attacks? Why don't we lock down cities because of heart attacks?" Apparently Alfie dufus thinks heart attacks are contagious. This moron deserves no more attention. For some great laughs, read more...

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Donald Trump and his former administration persist, and it is alarming


70 million warped Americans and some double-digit congressional members still support Donald Trump. That's over 5% and, although not astronomical, any percentage over zero, considering the events of the last four years, and Trump's recent act of insurrection at the nation's Capitol, is completely unacceptable. These pour souls follow Trump for a number of reasons. Here are six...
1. "All-in" isolationists, ultra-nationalists, white supremacists, racists and insurrectionists

2. Opportunists and political chameleons

3. Narrow-minded, limited information input and vulnerable to cultism

4. Voting with their pocketbook

5. Hold your nose and vote Republican

6. But he and I are Christians!

You can see definitions of all six on Salon and the article makes an interesting point, "Not all Trump supporters are alike." Well, you would think not when you consider the Capitol rioters compared to supposed evangelicals, like those above in number 6. I am not a Christian, but I know what a Christian is, and Donald Trump is not one. Read more... 

Betsy Devoss. What can I say. You select an incompetent illiterate to run the U.S. Department of Education? Yes, you do, when you are also an illiterate incompetent, namely, Donald Trump. But, we're rid of her, or are we? Jeff Bryant in AlterNet confirms what we already know, she's gone but not forgotten.

DeVoss tried her best to push private schools over public education and this is what Bryant thinks has happened...

The public "should remain incensed over how her efforts to privatize public schools are being rolled out in state legislatures across the country."
That's right, the deviner of moving our learning to the closet of selectivity was proposing a system that is no better than public schools, according to a study released by The Washington Post. The AlterNet article claims, "This [private education] Is Not What People Want." With more...
What's telling about these bills is that proponents of school privatization clearly see the need to quickly ram through their proposals because popular opinion is not necessarily on their side.

Jeff Bryant has done a good job of covering this subject pointing out the positions of many states o    n the issue. Read more... 

Animals deserve a forever home


A note beside a dog chained to a park bench told the story of a young boy who had to give up his dog because "the parents were abusing him and treating him very badly." The pup was named Max and his animal angel, Mascotas Coyoacán, provided this scenario...
"The saviors removed the chain from Max and slowly but surely made sure that the puppy learned how to not be afraid of humans and that they can give love, not only pain. The full story of Max, now named Boston, is down below. If you want to help Mascotas Coyoacán save more dogs from living on the street, click here to donate—every penny helps! Also, Max is still searching for a new home, so if you’re searching for a lifelong companion, here is the perfect one."

There's much more in this article with pictures of Boston and Mascotas Coyoacán, a story that should warn the hearts of all of us. Support your own shelters, rescues and humane shelters. Read more...

Donald Trump could be behind bars soon


Considering the corruption and violence of the mafia over its years of reign, not even the "wise guys" could hold a candle to what Donald Trump has done to this country. His best effort was the 459,472 COVID-19 deaths of U.S. citizens attributable to Trump's incompetence in handling the pandemic.

Chauncey Devega in Salon described Trump as, the leader of a political crime family." Devega says...
"Much of Trump's apparent extortion, self-dealing, influence-peddling, and outright blackmail was done in plain sight. One such scheme, in which Trump attempted to extort the president of Ukraine into launching a phony investigation of Joe Biden, resulted in his impeachment (that is, for the first time)."

There's more...

"Trump's blatant disregard for the law is part of his brand as a billionaire reality-TV star turned president and (until last month) the most powerful person on the planet."

Much of this has been said before but the Salon article has put some interesting twists on Trump's shenanigans. Read more...

Remember when Trump, while still in office, was fighting non-existent voter fraud? And how he begged his double-digit supporters to give freely of their money to further his cause? Well, get this...Matthew Chapman in Raw Story says, "Trump and the GOP funneled much of the money into political organizations.

At least $175 million going there leaving a paltry amount left for the fight...
"Trump and his allies filed dozens of lawsuits in state and federal court to try to toss out the results of the election — and was ultimately smacked down nearly every time, including by a judge he appointed. However, the fraction of these suits funded by Trump directly may not have been that expensive — especially considering he has vehemently fought paying Rudy Giuliani his legal fees."

Instead of President of the United States, Donald Trump should have been elected as the 'world's best conman.' Read more... 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The death spiral of the American empire


Remember Pete McCloskey, now 93, but a "renegade Republican congressman" when he went after Richard Nixon over the Vietnam War in 1971. Raw Story's Ray Hartmann says, "McCloskey knows an outlaw president when he sees one." He's talking about Donald Trump, of course, adding...
"McCloskey describes the current climate as "much worse" than the Vietnam era. And he sees Trump -- "a narcissistic psychopath incapable of the truth" --as on an entirely different level than his old nemesis from the 70s. Indeed, McCloskey likened Trump's impact on the Republican Party to that of Adolf Hitler. And he continues to worry about the safety of U.S. politicians."

What is most appalling here is that McCloskey worries about the "safety" of U.S. politicians. God! We're beginning to sound like those countries in perpetual civil war resulting in regular coups. Read more...

Chris Heges fears "The death spiral of the American Empire" will not be easily halted. From the entry of the new President, Joe Biden, to the removal of Donald Trump, and everything that has come between, without the reconciliation of the ideologies this country cherishes, we are doomed.

Heges sums up the results of the Trump administration...
"Once an oligarchy seizes power, deforming governing institutions to exclusively serve their narrow interests and turning the citizenry into serfs, there are only two options, as Aristotle pointed out — tyranny or revolution."

There's more...

"The staggering concentration of wealth and obscene avarice of the very rich now dwarfs the hedonism and excesses of the world's most heinous despots and wealthiest capitalists of the past."

That's Bernie Sanders talk and a dilemma that if not corrected in the near future, could itself lead to revolution. Read more...

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...