Tuesday, July 2, 2019

LIBERALS ONLY BREAKING NEWS...Trump's economy turning bad

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

It is a combination of fear of public reaction along with a continuing concern over retaliation from a diminishing National Rifle Assn. (NRA) that keeps most Democrats from espousing strong gun control. There are a couple, Booker, Stalwell, but neither is prominent in the polls. Kamala Harris might have potential but what bothers me is the overall pall that spreads through politicians when you talk about banning even assault rifles. Still the killing goes on.


And then Biden says, "that gun manufacturers, not the National Rifle Association (NRA), are the Democratic Party's 'enemy' in its efforts to reform gun control laws. Comments like this are why he's slipping in the polls. The NRA, led by head gun nut, Wayne LaPierre, is what gives gun manufacturers reason to keep making more and more guns, thus, more killing machines on the street. It doesn't help for the leading Democratic contender to protect the NRA.


Older but great analysis of NRA supports gun manufacturers...

Trump economy weak and heading down says an Aussie with public policy experience. Here is his assessment...
"During the election we were promised jobs and growth. But in 2019-20 The Conversation’s forecasting panel is predicting an economic growth rate as weak as any since the financial crisis, as well as dismal consumer spending, no improvement in unemployment or wage growth, and an increased chance of recession." 
And Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, says the economic growth isn't as strong as it looks. Much will depend on Donald Trump's tariff wars, which anyone knows could be bizarre.

Bernie Sanders should be delighted, the entire lineup of Democratic Primary candidates has picked up at least one issue that the Bern has been advocating his entire political career. In other words, without Bernie Sanders, we would not have a Democratic platform. And doesn't this say something about the vision of this man that can't be overlooked. If his age is the only barrier, then the selection of a vice president should solve that problem. The Bern deserves a break here.

Bernie Sanders on the issues...

Presidential candidate John Hickenlooper is solidly against Socialism and even attempts to make his point with a banjo. He was booed heavily at a San Francisco Democratic convention which didn't seem to dim his enthusiasm. On the other side, Bernie Sanders has a continuing Democratic Socialism vision that he says will save us from global authoritarianism. I go with Bernie and am sure he would start his sweep with the current White House.

Monday, July 1, 2019

LIBERALS ONLY BREAKING NEWS...My earlier post asked, 'if not Joe Biden, who?'

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

Nineteen billionaires and ultra millionaires including George Soros, Abigail Disney and members of the Pritzker family say they and similar families should be taxed more. They favor accessing the finances of the wealthy over middle-income and lower-income Americans. Sound like Bernie Sanders? A letter sent by the nineteen participants said...
“The next dollar of new tax revenue should come from the most financially fortunate, not from middle-income and lower-income Americans."

Trumps says Putin is a 'great guy' and 'terrific person' at the G-20 summit, expressing his feelings on Russian TV. Sounds like someone is building a hotel to me with the generous amount of syrupy praise for the Russian president. Let's just compare this monumental fraud with past presidents who would attend the G-20 to improve conditions for the united States. Donald Trump could care less about this country when a Trump Tower is possible in the middle of Moscow.


Could "crypto" fecal parasite ruin your summer vacation? It can cause watery diarrhea for as long as three weeks and is worse for children, pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems. Only fatal once, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the malady can be found in swimming and wading pools, untreated drinking water, lakes, contact with cattle, unpasteurized milk, child care centers, etc.

Donald Trump campaign member sets up a fake Joe Biden site that ridicules the Oval Office lunatic's highest rated 2020 contender. Shades of Karl Rove methodology. It parodies Biden's campaign and uses out-of-context quotes from the former vice president. This tells me that T-rump considers "sleepy Joe" a real threat to his campaign. Here's an example: "Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America's problems." This could definitely backfire.

My earlier post asked, 'if not Joe Biden, who?' is even more appropriate today after Biden's support dropped by 5 points after last Thursday's debate but still maintaining first place position. Kamala Harris surged to 12% to become number three, with Bernie Sanders hanging on to number two. Biden still commands 33% and Sanders at 19%. However, Lindsey Graham said, "underestimate Joe Biden at your own peril." Dems are desperately in need of a solid citizen.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

NEWS ALERT: Gun violence on Long Island, NY

Six people were shot at a house party on Long Island, New York, early Sunday morning. Read more...


PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

Don't count Bernie out is the word from John Atcheson of Progressive Common Dreams News comparing the Bern to Joe Biden in the recent uncloseted war on Sanders by the Democrats. Biden stumbled in the first debate with attacks from newbie Kamala Harris, but the Vermont Senator continued to hammer away with his crusade to get Wall Street and the wealthy. Bernie still doesn't seem to fear the Socialist label, and polls as well as Biden against Trump. Next debate?

In a move that defies the term "I don't believe it," the Republicans are working in collusion with "a GOP operative whose goal was to create maps advantageous to Republicans and non-Hispanic Whites.” (ie. the recent question added to the Census asking for citizenship, which is currently in the courts.) With the question in jeopardy, Donald Trump has now even asked for a delay of the census. Just further proof that the Republicans will do anything to block Democratic voters.

Democrats took a hit when SCOTUS ruled that federal courts cannot block lawmakers in individual states from partisan gerrymandering in political districts. Whether or not this is illegal, but certainly unethical, "Justice Elena Kagan was among the dissenters in the ruling, quoting her as saying that “partisan gerrymanders” have 'debased and dishonored our democracy.'” It seems pretty clear that, also based on the Census question issue above, the GOP is hell-bent on controlling the 2020 election.

My opinion is that most folks have a large amount of respect for the Dalai Lama, except for Trump supporters, especially after seeing this article. The religious oracle described the U.S. president as scatterbrained, that Trump suffers from a “lack of moral principle.” The Tibetan spiritual leader said, “One day, he says something,” the Dalai Lama said of Trump. “Another day, he says something.” Thus, the premise by many, including well-known psychiatrists, that Donald Trump is mentally unbalanced.

Donald Trump is a fabricated president. Fake, counterfeit, bogus, the list goes on endlessly. Like the phony cover of TIME Magazine that was found hanging in his golf clubs back in 2017. Today the fraudulent "TIME magazine graphic showing himself running for office for the next 1,000 years." A campaign yard sign said, “Trump 2020, Trump 2024, 2028,” well into the year 3,000 to 40,000 and beyond. Carried further, president for life? Something must be done about this lunatic in 2020...or before.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

Google believes its search engine might be instrumental in predicting the outcome of the 2020 election. The Democratic Primary candidates are lined up and the ranked starting with December 30, 2018 through June 16, 2019. It is a constantly changing competition for positioning for best ranking arriving at an expected conclusion, except for number two. Elizabeth Warren replaced Bernie Sanders at second moving him to third. Joe Biden remains first.

The chief of the White House’s Office of Special Counsel has the evidence for ousting White House counselor Kellyanne Conway by documenting her “complete disregard” for the law. Trump appointed Henry Kerner, who leads the Office of Special Counsel in testimony submitted to Congress...
"accuses Conway of going out of her way to knowingly flout the Hatch Act, which bars most executive branch employees from engaging in political activity."
 Republicans claim the Bible says they don’t have to help the poor, but "former National Republican Committee head Michael Steele slammed GOP lawmakers who have attempted to use the Bible as a defense for ignoring the needs of the poor and the helpless." Steele added...
“Anyone who’s quoting a Bible that says they’re not supposed to care for the poor, that should tell you everything about them and the Bible that they’re reading.”
Paul Krugman says Republicans deserting constituents by taking away their health care benefits. To illustrate, there is a desperate need for medical services for the poor in red-state Tennessee. These are Americans in rural communities that voted heavily for Donald Trump in a state that refuses to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. "Republicans who run Tennessee and other ‘non-expansion’ states have chosen to inflict misery on many of their constituents, rural residents in particular.” Tragic but clear where the blame resides.

Current news on the NRA's sinking ship is the shutting down production of its online propaganda machine, the streaming network, NRATV. This dumps Dana Loesch from live programming, something the educated of this country won't miss. Head gun nut Wayne LaPierre is trying to hold this band of demented soldiers of gun violence together but both questionable finances and the discovery of the NRA's real reputation spells doom in the near future. So good! 

Friday, June 28, 2019

The most despicable U.S. politician ever: Mitch McConnell

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

And no less a U.S. Senator. Who would re-elect this sleazebag repeatedly? Could only be the same morons who vote for Donald Trump. Raw Story says, "Gallons of ink have been spilled about how he [Mitch McConnell] is a worse threat to democratic institutions than Trump." This pariah of politics has served as a concrete wall against anything the left has tried to accomplish, dating back to before the Obama administration.

One of my passions is reasonable gun control. In June of 2018, McConnell used his power to prevent legislation to prevent terrorists from buying guns. (It should be noted that he is one of the largest recipients of donations from the National Rifle Assn.) and as The Hill put it...
"provided cover for vulnerable Republicans who wanted to be seen as supporting the effort but did not want to cross the National Rifle Association."
It is all about power and that is what the man demands, no matter its expense to the American public and the country.

In an opinion piece for The Guardian this past April, Robert Reich wrote...
"No person has done more in living memory to undermine the functioning of the US government than the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell."
The sooner, the better
Now that's a pretty strong statement when you have Donald Trump in the White House in the process of using his corrupt administration to line his and his minions' pockets. "But McConnell is actively and willfully destroying the Senate," Reich says, resulting in the following...
"Last Wednesday he used his Republican majority to cut the time for debating Trump’s court appointees from 30 hours to two – thereby enabling Republicans to ram through even more Trump judges."
There's more from Reich...
"McConnell doesn’t give a fig about the Senate, or about democracy. He cares only about winning. On the eve of the 2010 midterm elections he famously declared that his top priority was for Barack Obama 'to be a one-term president.'”
Mitch McConnell, who was almost a single force in stonewalling anything Obama did in his two terms, is a confirmed racist who hated Barack Obama because he was black, and also since he was a Democrat. McConnell even vowed to make Obama a one-term president. He failed. Mitch McConnell is a complete fraud but as long as he gets things done for the GOP he'll stay head of the Senate. Unless...the people of Kentucky wise up and blow him away in 2020.

Here's an example of McConnell's stupidity, punctuated by racism...

Here's a headline that every Kentuckian should take into consideration before voting in 2020: "Mitch McConnell Will Not Act in Good Faith, Even When the Security of the Country Is at Stake." It refers to McConnell's blaming of Barack Obama for the Russians meddling in the 2016 election, thus prompting the Mueller Report. Although Obama may have been negligent in handling the intelligence, Mueller's Report clearly holds Donald Trump guilty of collusion.

And finally Mitch McConnell's dark side, in my estimation, the only side he has. Politico calls him,  “Cocaine Mitch,” “Nuclear Mitch” or the steward of the “legislative graveyard.” Would anyone question why Congress has such a low rating with the American public with a mad man like this in control of the Senate? I think not, and according to Raw Story, the Democrats should be able to use Mitch McConnell to sweep the 2020 elections. One can only hope!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

NO to guns-Madonna's latest video

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

You may ask what does it matter that some celebrity comes out against the massive gun violence in the United States. Well, the answer is that it simply reemphasizes the significance of the issue, since the person has nothing to gain but the satisfaction of having spoken out against something that is killing this country's innocent people. Madonna did it in her new video that is available free, and something everyone should look at.

It is graphic! Madonna is actually shot dead in the course of a mass shooting that appears to be taking place in a dance hall where it seems that everyone has been killed by an assault rifle. Madonna has a message: "We need to wake up," with the name of her video "God Control." No matter what you might think of her as a person and as a performer, she should be enshrined for putting her career on line with such a controversial issue. Just watch the video and you'll see...

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...