Thursday, March 21, 2019

Airlines can't afford Boeing 737 Max safety features?

737 Max cockpit-where it happened
The two crashes of the Boeing 737 Max planes are being blamed on two safety features that weren't installed on these planes because they cost extra but could have saved the lives of all those passengers that were killed. And neither was mandated by the FAA. Is this like when you buy a new car and the sales person asks, 'Would you like a moon roof, great, but it costs extra.' And you reply, 'Nah, don't need it.' This fully qualifies for the 'I don't believe it' category. I seriously cannot believe an airline would say no to something that would protect the lives of its passengers just because of costs. But, then, I have been known to be naive at times. Boeing says it is working to make the 737 Max safer. Nice, but no consolation for the families of those who died on Ethiopian and Lion Air flights.  

World wants Joe Biden-Does USA?

Joe Biden 2020
Here's the Politico headline: "World leaders tell Biden: We need you." Although they probably favor him from the Obama administration, I read into their enthusiasm that they are also fed up with Donald Trump and want a change. Apparently Biden’s 2020 intentions were the talk of the recent Munich Security Conference; world leaders were asking him, “Are you going to run?” Many of the conference conversations included the phrase "The world needs you." Wow! Does that mean their insight is, "perhaps," more objective than the U.S. GOP Congress in the assessment of T-rump's total incompetence. We'll see what it does for Joe Biden's polls. 

Radical but needed say Democrats

Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the 2016 election by almost 3-million votes. Now to me that signifies there were about 3-million more people who wanted Clinton for president than T-rump. But the Electoral College gave the Oval Office to the idiot. Majority didn't rule and the Trump forces
found a way to manipulate the College. 3-million is no paltry figure and the whole thing should resonate with the voting public. Elizabeth Warren and Beto O'Rourke are in favor of abolishing the Electoral College, other presidential candidates aren't so clear. The EC was dreamed up to give small states equal representation in elections. This concept is, perhaps, outdated today and there is certainly enough evidence to prove the Electoral College is not equitable.

Biggest anti-vaxxer idiot

KY Gov.Matt Bevin
Just when you think you've heard the worst, along comes Kentucky's Governor with a move that could put this country's healthcare system back to the dark ages. Matt Bevin, who is apparently another Republican wacko anyway, intentionally exposed his 9 children to chickenpox. He enlisted the neighbor next door who had it. The Louisville Courier-Journal called him insane. Well, after all, he does govern the same state another wacko hails from, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell. And, apparently, Sen. Rand Paul, also of Kentucky, agrees. Can hardly wait for the next move by this gang of idiots.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Trump's obsessions

A headline in the LA Times screams: Trump’s obsession with McCain ought to make Americans very nervous." My take is that Trump's obsessions since he took office has terrified the American public, all of which has fallen on deaf Republican ears. John McCain asserted his independence when he wouldn't vote to repeal Obamacare. Donald Trump will never forget that, throwing a hissy fit by unleashing a tirade of derogatory comments about McCain. Not only is it sophomoric, it is just further substantiation that we have a complete lunatic in the White House. The person writing into the LA Times said...
"Only a person who is insecure, cowardly, empty and devoid of any kind of human feelings or emotions would pick a fight with a man who died and can’t answer back. In President Trump’s warped mind, it’s actually a win-win situation."
The highlighted text is the epitome of Donald Trump's character. Pathetic! 

Wealthys' rationale: Buy your way out

Although some of the rich folks caught in the college admissions scandal have lost jobs and some could go to jail, there is a chance they could now buy their way out of further pain and suffering. They will do this by testifying on any information they have on the issue, possibly giving up others who are guilty. Cowardly, perhaps, but most likely encouraged by law enforcement which is deathly afraid of prosecuting celebrities. Unless, of course, they have an ironclad case, which this could turn into. A former U.S. attorney said, everyone in these cases cuts a deal and cooperates,” and Hollywood doesn't want the bad publicity. This whole thing is on a collision course to either go away quietly...or explode in the faces of the wealthy.

A 3-way angle that a'int love/Conways & Trump

K. Conway and ?
Kellyanne Conway loves Donald Trump and will do his bidding no matter what, belittling herself on a daily basis. George Conway, her husband, attacks T-rump on a regular basis, the latter calling him a "loser." You have to wonder what the Conway house is like in the evenings; separate bedrooms like the Trumps? G. Conway's latest statement; "You. Are. Nuts," referring to Trump, in his continuing salvo of criticism against the Oval Office lunatic. Not sure what Trump sees in K. Conway because when she talks it certainly sounds like she left her brains in the extra bedroom. But then...that is the T-rump staff.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...