Sunday, August 5, 2018

Trump racism tops that of Southern bigots

I grew up in the South and regularly experienced the purists of racism, but Donald Trump's style of racial bigotry is some of the worst I have seen. And, it would appear that he is more dedicated to it with his blatant perpetual delivery of insults to anyone...not like him. And that would include most of the world. Basketball player LeBron James just spent millions to open a school in his home town of Akron, Ohio for at-risk children. Don Lemon of CNN interviewed him. This is what Trump said of the interview...
“LeBron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made LeBron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!” (referring to Michael Jordan)
Both James and Lemon are black, as is Michael Jordan, whom Trump probably included trying to offset the backlash that his comment would receive. It didn't.

T-rump is a like a wart on the back of this country's butt that just keeps growing and won't go away. It had to take an appalling mixture of evil genes to spawn this atrocity and apparently it has been passed down at least three times. God save the universe!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Protesters swarm on NRA Fairfax, VA building

GUN CONTROL MOVEMENT TAKEN DIRECT TO NAT'L RIFLE ASSN. MAIN OFFICE JUST OUTSIDE WASHINGTON, DC: Support for the demise of the NRA is knocking on the doors of their headquarters TODAY and are demanding "the revocation of the heavyweight group's tax-exempt status." There are grounds for this charge based on questionable donations made by the NRA to political campaigns over the years. In other words, they bought the votes of the conservative blockheads in Congress, even some turncoat liberals. John McCain of Arizona has received the most over the years, $7,740,521, while offering in return his "thoughts and prayers" for the innocent victims. Pathetic!

NRA's arrogance backfires

Typical NRA lavish exhibition
OTHER THAN MARK ZUCKERBERG, WAYNE LAPIERRE, THE NRA'S HEAD, IS THE MOST ARROGANT BASTARD IN THE WORLD. Donald Trump, of course, is in a class of his own. But LaPierre has refused for years to negotiate with gun control advocates over even the simplest of issues like background checks and uncontrolled purchases of firearms at gun shows. What is startling is that 84% of the public supports background checks, as does 70 to 80% of NRA membership. Finally, the momentum is for gun control and more important, to get rid of the National Rifle Assn. and its staff of child killing terrorists. We know what the real problem is, the cowards in Congress; maybe we can change all of this in November. See NPR's latest.

Friday, August 3, 2018

9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals shoots down NRA

ANOTHER NOTCH REMOVED FROM NATIONAL RIFLE ASSN. GUN: California court says no to NRA challenge of California Unsafe Handgun Act and upheld the forbidding of "concealed carry permit holders from possessing firearms on school grounds." This terrroist organization that has been allowed to operate without restraints for years under its head, Wayne Lapierre, is now on the run.

Is the NRA finally facing extinction? Or just crying wolf?

NRA GOING DOWN THE TUBE? The National Rifle Assn. head, Wayne LaPierre, says, "it is in grave financial jeopardy," and has filed a lawsuit to stop what it calls New York's "backlisting campaign" costing the NRA “tens of millions of dollars in damages.” Finally, that is the way to get rid of this terrorist group by cutting off their funds, bank connections and insurance coverage. The business community has already awakened to the damage this gang of child killers has caused and the general public has increased its approval of more gun control. Congressional cowards might even find themselves with the courage to stand up against the NRA.

Read more:

"NRA complains New York state crackdown is hurting them financially and they may have to shutter some operations"

Why is the NRA boycott working so quickly?

Other than tits, what does anyone see in the Kardashian family?

Kim Kardashian

THE LATEST AND GREATEST! Laura Welch of The Tab says "What is the draw and allure of a bunch of uneducated girls who wear too much makeup? Apparently it is the sheer stupidity of their reality show, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” Forming an opinion of the show without seeing it isn't exactly kosher, but in this case simply looking at the individuals involved, I would say their viewer mentality is no better than that of a Donald Trump supporter.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...