Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dems should stand ground on allowing CDC gun violence research

For the last 17 years the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has not been able to compile data on U.S. gun violence prompted by pressure from the National Rifle Assn. on its Congressional Gun Whores, mostly Republicans. Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, have said this week that the Omnibus budget must not pass any longer with this restriction, and although not an ultimatum, seems firm enough to create a fight the gun control folks can win.

There is only one reason the NRA, led by Wayne LaPierre, would stand in the way of this kind of research. It will prove what a disaster the open gun market has been for the United States, which has been sponsored by LaPierre and the NRA, and just how much blood is on the organization's hands.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

In 1982 there were 12 billionaires in the United States. Today there are 135.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Trent Franks (R) House member from Arizona took $1,000 from the NRA in 2014.

South just cannot give up racism

The Citadel is known for its traditions in the South and the South is know for its tradition of racism. And, it hasn't been able to shake off this custom of demeaning African-Americans, in spite of a War plus the Civil Rights Act of  1968. I grew up in the South and experienced all this prejudice before leaving in the 1950s, only returning periodically to visit my family. Now it's fairly obvious that these Citadel cadets knew what the Ku Klux Klan garb meant before donning the dress and, if not, perhaps the level of learning at this institution is not as high as professed.

And don't these goons pay attention to the media? I Googled "Recent incidents of racism" and got 832,000 results. At the very least this school does not teach learning by example. The hierarchy immediately suspended those involved but it remains to be seen what and if there will be any real punishment. The time has come to start prosecuting these crimes for the seriousness they are and the grief and pain they cause the African American community.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Ban on CDC gun violence research ludicrous

NRA head, Wayne LaPierre
Only a lame-witted Republican Congress, commandeered, of course by the National rifle Assn., would ban research that reveals the statistics on gun violence. Even the former congressman who introduced the bill, Jay Dickey, says it's wrong. But the minute the NRA jumped on the band wagon, all of the GOP Congress, and some Democrats, cringed and simply accepted more money from these thugs and kept their mouths shut.

Reinstating the research is up for grabs again as Congress is currently debating the budget. Tell your representatives you want to see funds appropriated for the CDC to add gun violence to their research again so those out there who favor such an open market for these weapons will see just what they are supporting. Find your Senator and Representative now. You can also tell the White House to support this action.

Voter disenchantment sorely misdirected toward. Donald Trump

Everyone in this country, except for those people living under a rock, is disenchanted with the way the U.S. government is being run. Yes, I am even very unhappy with Pres. Obama, although I think he has been a great President on other issues, for his lack of aggression to pass gun control legislation. But to channel this disillusionment in the direction of a maniac like Donald Trump is akin to hiring a psychotic as a babysitter. You people want this kind of individual running your country? If you do, please get

A literal carnival barker, he is currently carrying 36% of the Republican vote. I knew conservatives were less intelligent than progressives, but this kind of thinking puts your IQ in the double digits. This crackpot has brought the best out of his supporters, like reviving those morons that placed Barack Obama's head on the body of a chimpanzee. Now that's what I call class that dwells at the bottom of the barrel. And of course there was the recent barring of all Muslims to the U.S., even if they are citizens.

The GOP has panicked and has no idea what to do. I have an idea. They might call the CIA and see if they can make Donald Trump disappear, at least until the 2016 election is over.

Publics' feelings on two Presidential candidates

The public is downright scared of Donald Trump's nomination and also to a degree of Hillary Clinton. The former I can understand but Clinton certainly isn't in the same category as the deranged Donald. Hillary has had skeptics from the beginning, and somewhat of a problem with trust, but she still leads in the polls, over even her Republican opposition.

However, Bernie Sanders' campaign has strengthened by leaps and bounds and has cut Hillary's lead recently. There is nothing in Bernie's background that
would strike fear in voters and here is a candidate who has been consistent in his agenda for 40 years. His foreign policy chops were made in his last 8 years in the Senate. Bernie just happens to think the USA should take at least some priority but is ready to face terrorism full head on. Check him out and make up your mind.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...