Tuesday, June 24, 2014


True, background checks should be the primary goal for now and it looks like there is a surge in gun control support with maximum spending for those in Congress favoring the issue in November. Both Bloomberg and Gabby Giffords groups are investing heavily to offset the lies and propaganda of the National Rifle Assn. But the NRA lost in February when the Supreme Court refused to hear its cases on the right of gun owners to carry firearms outside their homes for self-defense. Another case originating in New Jersey seeking the same kind of decision was also dismissed by SCOTUS. The irony is John Drake can carry his Glock, Model 30, .45-caliber handgun in public in 38 states across the country. The District of Columbia 2008 decision upheld the individual's right to possess a gun for protection in the home. But it is widely believed that this was not meant to give the approval for the carrying of firearms outside the home.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Salon has made it perfectly clear how the U.S. Government mucked up the Cliven Bundy standoff by sticking their tails between their legs and simply retreating like cowards. Rick Perlstein said, "What should be judged a watershed in American history instead became a story about one man’s racist rants." He goes on to talk about how Bundy inspired Jared and Amanda Miller's killings in Nevada and then two more shootings in California. Perlstein concludes, as do most gun control advocates, that gun deaths have become a lifestyle in America, tragically, an accepted one. Apathy over the loss of your favorite college football team is one thing. Apathy over your neighbor's child's death from a gunshot wound is something else entirely.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona has one of the biggest mouths in law enforcement, if not the whole country. He constantly feeds the media for publicity and seems to relish getting his picture on TV or in print. He is a six-time elected Sheriff which either speaks to his competency or the incompetency of the voters of Arizona. Based on the following, I would go with the latter. After accused of racial profiling, Judge had to appoint a court monitor to keep him honest. A Dept. of Justice investigation was eventually closed after two years. Federal Judge ruled in 2008 and again in 2010 jail conditions violated constitutional rights of prisoners. The list goes on. And, of course, there is Arpaio's absurd pursuit of Obama's birth certificate conspiracy using a bunch of laughable volunteers to do his dirty work. But Arizonans keep electing him. Go figure.

Friday, June 20, 2014


The NRA's 2nd Amendment
That headline is guaranteed to get the attention of gun nuts all over the world. In the past comments have been so vicious and often life-threatening that I decided this go around with my blog not to allow them. But I know what you will say so consider yourself said but not really heard. I am not alone on this; much better minds than I have come to the same conclusion. Bill Maher said the NRA stands for "Nuts, Racists and Assholes," Very appropriate considering some past comments mentioned above. The blog,  Gun Control Now speaks to the constant argument by gun rights radicals that the 2nd makes gun control illegal. It says "The 2nd amendment was predicated upon the maintenance of state militias—something that has become irrelevant in the face of our federal armed services—and is not something that should have allowed individuals to claim the right to own weapons."

Further, Chief Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger—a Republican—talking about the 2nd Amendment said...

“…one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word ‘fraud,’ on the American public by special interest groups that I’ve ever seen in my life time. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies—the militias—would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires.”

From another point of view Jerry Large of the Seattle Times says...

“I don’t believe the Second Amendment was ever intended to support the kind of gun craziness we contend with today, but since it’s always used to ward off any common-sense gun reforms, maybe we ought to just fix the Constitution and be done with it.”

But he admits this kind of talk just makes some Americans "...embrace their guns even more tightly..."

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Dick Cheney to the American public
First of all, here's the man who orchestrated the U.S. into the Iraq War on an outright lie, touting the weapons of mass destruction. And second, he later tried to convince the American public that Saddam Hussein was in on planning the 9/11 attacks. The man lies when the truth is better and he has the gall to criticize Obama's handling of the current crisis in Iraq. But writing the op-ed with his daughter is laughable; what the hell does she know about foreign policy? There is something inherent about being in political office...whether you are qualified or not. Paul Waldman on CNN says 4,500 Americans died in Iraq, and between 100,000 and 400,000 Iraqis died with the U.S spending at least $800 billion. And I won't even get into the Halliburton scandal. George W. Bush may have been the worst President but Dick Cheney was certainly the biggest conniving shyster to ever serve in the U.S. government.


Following is what wacky Wayne LaPierre and his National Rifle Assn. con artists said in an ad
Lies and more lies
supposedly depicting the opinions of America's law enforcement on gun control: "Seventy-one percent of police say that Obama’s gun ban will have zero effect on violent crime. Eighty percent of police say that more background checks will have no effect." WRONG says the Washington Post Fact Checkers. To begin with, it isn't even confirmed that all the voters were police officers and the survey got only 2,500 views out of 765,000 local and state law enforcement officers, not including federal officers. The small amount of responses was not even representative and the NRA knew that. The pollsters, San Francisco based Police One, said they had no control over how the NRA used their data and distanced themselves from what the organization said.

The NRA and the gun culture in general are constantly attacking data used by the gun control activists. Here is a clear example of how information has been twisted to fit the needs of wacky Wayne and his gang of gun nuts. This article is a must-read.


Tea Party numb-nuts caught Hillary Clinton in a bit of a compromising position in the making of a
complex statement on gun control. Now, to begin with, have you ever read one of the Tea Party site posts chocked full of typos and grammatical errors, along with their regular tirade of misinformation? I do because it always makes such good copy,
 like this one. Hillary said, "We cannot let a minority of people – and it’s, that’s what it is, it is a minority of people – hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people." If TPers can't see the deeper meaning in this statement then they are denser than I thought. What Clinton is saying is what she has said all along on gun control; a small group of the radical gun culture is terrorizing the public and Congress and we can't allow this to happen. Which is dead on. Understand now?

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...