Thursday, September 6, 2012

GOP Party Platform the height of arrogance on gun rights

When you think you have reached the epitome of gun rights demands by the gun nuts—they, along with the National Rifle Assn. (NRA), have gutted gun control laws for the last few years—here comes an election and the Republicans are demanding even broader gun rights.  I can’t imagine what is left to gain other than the possibility that we establish an open air market where anyone can go, 24/7, and purchase a gun, taking it anywhere they want to.

Romney VP, Paul Ryan "packing"
I can see it now.  On the front row of displays will be an assortment of assault weapons and magazine clips that hold 100 or more rounds.  Behind that an array of handguns designed to kill with just one shot.  All for self-defense, of course.  Gun vendors would exclaim how the NRA has finally won its battle for gun rights and from now on everyone from Paul Ryan to a James Holmes can own the weapon of his or her choice and do with it as they choose.  NRA Nirvana.

To hell with human life like the lives lost in gun carnage from Columbine to the Wisconsin Sikh Temple.  And these are just the ones that get the attention.  Look at Chicago recently; hardly a day goes by without multiple killings.  Since March I have documented shootings in the U.S. with results of 1,056 shootings leaving 432 dead; these figures are very conservative coming only from the media.  The CDC reports 31,347 gun deaths annually, 10.2 per 100,000 population.

The above alone is reason enough to re-elect Barack Obama, even though he hasn’t come out forcefully enough for gun control, while at the same time knowing we will get nothing, zero, from the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan gang.

Gun control advocates call it an “audacious” answer to those calling for more regulation after the mass shootings.  I call it pure disdain for those killed and wounded at the mercy of loose guns, and a highly insulting slap in the face to one of their own, Gabby Giffords, former U.S. Representative from Arizona who was severely wounded in the 2011 Tucson massacre where 6 died and 13 more injured.  By guns.  It is this kind of Bizarre thinking that kills Americans daily.

NY Sen. Chuck Schumer on Democrats and gun control:

Dan Gross, Pres. Of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence laments that by pushing this gun rights platform, The GOP have, "put themselves farther out of touch with their constituents."  In a Pew Research Poll following the Aurora, Colo. movie shooting, 47% of Americans favored more gun control compared to 46% who don’t.  With those figures, and considering the firearms bloodbaths in 2012 alone, any thinking individual knows that something must be done.

Does that mean the NRA and its members and supporters don’t think?  Their ability in this area is questionable, but the real reason is they just don’t care.  These gun fanatics value their arsenals over human life and this is despicable.

On July 24, 4 days after the Aurora, Colo. shooting, The White House hinted that President Obama might address the gun control issue.  His spokesman Jay Carney even recapped Obama’s support for an assault weapons ban.  But just 2 days before this Jay Carney was reported as saying the President doesn’t believe new gun control laws are needed.  And in a later statement in August, Carney insisted the problem isn’t guns, it’s violence.

Where the hell does Carney and the President think the violence comes from?  This bullshit about guns don’t kill, people do, is just that, bullshit.  It takes a person to pull the trigger and the reason there are so many triggers to pull is the GOP conservatives, prodded with money from the NRA, repeatedly loosen gun laws.

The Democratic convention started this week and the platform does have some mention of gun control, as follows: “Guns: We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms.”  See the whole platform here.

But a headline in the Charlotte Observer on Monday read, “Don’t wimp out on gun-control platform,” with a subhead of “Democrats, let’s see a platform that pushes for more limits.”  In other words, they didn’t do enough. 

The author questions why the NRA thinks the President is the “most anti-gun president in modern times,” followed by a quote from the article saying, “Obama hasn’t proposed any anti-gun legislation during his first term, and his talk about gun control has been almost non-existent these last four years.”  I think we would be elated to hear something from Obama on gun control in his address tonight.  But we all will be satisfied if he just does something about it in his 2nd term.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Can we supplement Social Security with junk mail?

More on this concept later but it is important to note first that, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll on public attitudes about Social Security, “…53 percent of adults said they would rather raise taxes than cut benefits for future generations.”  Keep in mind that this is today’s adults thinking about their kids and grandchildren.  There are 36% that would cut benefits and most of us would agree that are the radical conservatives, including primarily the Tea Party.

To help balance the SS budget, another “…53 percent said they would raise the retirement age, while 35 percent said they would cut monthly payments.”  Because many low income seniors depend entirely on SS as their sole means of income, an across the board cut here would not be fair.  But Social Security is one of those American institutions that we have come to expect; sorta like setting a legal precedent that guides a court in their decisions.

Now the GOP would have us believe there are ways to play with SS and make it better.  Republican supposed genius, V.P. contender Paul Ryan, presented a plan in 2005 to privatize Social Security in a way that brought such a colossal price tag that even the Bush administration called it “irresponsible.”  Further, he wants to reduce the amount of money paid out overtime leaving seniors in the lurch when costs go up.  All because of a refusal to raise taxes on the wealthy.

47% said they trust President Obama to handle SS better than Mitt Romney at 44%.  Although Romney is against raising taxes on the higher incomes, he is for slowing the growth of benefits for those with higher incomes.  In 2008 Obama said he would raise the level on Social Security payroll tax from $110,100 to $250,000.  It is obvious that what is needed is a combination of increased taxes with program adjustments, and perhaps some limitation of benefits. 

The Young Turks on Social Security one year ago:

Only 20% of young adults (those under 35) think that SS will be there for them when they retire.  And this is where that wild idea of mind came into being some seven to eight years ago that we could supplement Social Security income in the future using some of the profits the junk mail list industry makes from the sale of your name and personal data.  I know this because I spent 35 years in junk mail selling you name and private information making a lot of money.

By my estimates—and this is because junk mailers refuse to release to the public just how much they make from what should be your personal property—the list industry grosses over $4 billion every year from you name and personal data.  I came up with a formula back in 2004 to determine what would happen if one-half of that $4 billion was placed in a simple interest-bearing account in the early stages of your working career that you could tap at age 65.

The outcome was that junk mail shoppers could supplement their retirement income by an average of $607 per month.  Since a majority of Americans do buy regularly through mail order, they would automatically enrolled in the program.  Plus, when the advantages of this program were noted by the balance of the population, junk mailers would naturally add new customers.  Those people remaining would then be more manageable for the feds.

In 2008, nearly 40% of retirees received their income from Social Security.  Maybe it is this group where junk mail supplement should be most applied, using some kind of formulation for fairness.  Another 19% have pensions and annuities, 23.7% from earnings, 15.4% from other assets such as IRAs.  However, in low-income households, 87.6 of their income came from Social Security, another profile the junk mail supplement should favor.

In all cases, high incomes and the wealthy would be eliminated from receiving the supplements.  These conditions combined would easily increase the $607 monthly figure for others.  

FDR signs SS Act in 1934
What we have agreed on here is the fact that we want to save Social Security and most of us prefer that it stays close to its current format.  Yes, we have to attack the two biggest drains on the economy, SS and Medicare, but we don’t have to take a scalpel to it as the GOP would have us do.  A junk mail supplement may be a far out answer to the problem but, then, Social Security was considered unparalleled when FDR signed the SS Act in 1934.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Betty White mimics Clint Eastwood at the Democratic National Convention

Well, it hasn’t happened yet, and it may not, but it could, if the Democrats read this blog and rush an invitation to Betty White, who is equally popular, and loved, as Clint Eastwood.  Apparently Clint is disenchanted with President Obama and said so with his comedy routine at the Republican National Convention recently using an empty chair, which was supposed to hold Obama.  But his shtick did more for Eastwood than it did for the Romney/Ryan ticket.

Betty White with Barack Obama
There is a petition being circulated saying Betty White should introduce Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention.  Bret Lang says it would be a grabber for seniors who love her current TV series, “Hot in Cleveland,” which has just been renewed for its 4th season on the TV Land channel.  White has publicly supported Barack Obama and his dog, Bo; she is an avid animal rights advocate.  But instead of introducing Obama, I would take a different approach…this way.

Betty White comes onto the stage to a roaring welcome and approaches the podium where a chair has been placed alongside.  Behind the podium she hesitates momentarily, and then sits down in the chair, looking up at the podium and smiling that famous smile.  She waits as if someone at the podium is talking to the audience, then, as if being asked a question, replies:

  • “Yes, Mr. President, I agree that Medicare should be preserved and not gutted like those…oh my, I almost said a naughty word.”

  • Waiting again while Obama speaks, she then interrupts him with a question.  “Can you tell me what Clint Eastwood meant when he said you were ‘hotdoggin’ it?  I thought you preferred hamburgers.”

  • More time elapses in the President’s speech when an idea occurs to Betty.  She turns to the podium cutting in again, “You do know that there are some of those, shall we say puzzled, conservatives in Hollywood but they are pretty much like all those other…uh oh, I almost said a bad thing again.”

  • After a while, “Uh, if you need someone to cry for you tonight, I’m available, just in case Oprah isn’t.”

  • “Oh sorry, Mr. President, I wasn’t saying shut up to you.  I was saying it to myself to keep me from making another comment on, I forget, is it George Romney’s son? 

  • A little later Betty looks up at Obama and says, “Excuse me, but I just want you to know that I am aware there are 12.8 million unemployed, not the 23 million I think what’s his name said.  But I won’t cry about it.”

    Where's the chair?
  • As the President hesitates for a moment, the actress waves her hand for attention and exclaims, “You don’t have to worry about me cracking crude jokes tonight but I do have some cute ones if you need them from Saturday Night Live.”

  • More speech and then Betty White stops Obama again.  “If you remember, the cowboy with the guns the other night said something about the fact that people like him and me own this country.  Well, the way I see it, the guy he works for thinks he owns the country and has the wealth to back it up.”

  • As President Obama concludes his speech, he looks over at Betty White and asks her if she has anything to add.  Of course actors always have to have the last word and she replies, “Well, Clint Eastwood asked Republicans to “Make his Day.”  I think most Americans know you have made our day by saving our economy.”

  • Betty White gets up to more huge applause, leaving, and Obama shakes her hand in thanks.  Then she whispers in his ear and he laughs so hard he has to sit in the chair.  All of a sudden there is a hologram of Clint Eastwood that appears behind the podium and then it exits…stage right.

The hilarious Betty White talks about John McCain, Sarah Palin and Obama:

Unspoken but assumed, Barack Obama has made our last four years so please keep it up for the next four.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Rep. AZ Gov Jan Brewer endorses Barack Obama for President; Too stupid to cover but unforgettable

Arizona’s mind-challenged governor, Jan Brewer, did it again, and this one, perhaps, tops them all.  With that typically goofy but spacey smile on her face she said: "I know that if President Obama is elected in November, which I hope that he is, that he will be able to come together with all of us and come up with a solution and I believe he will secure our borders and therefore we can resolve all those other issues; it's a simple matter,"  “Simple” is the correct term for Brewer.

Brewer finger-waving incident
If anyone needs the border secured around them it is Brewer; to keep her in her office where she can utter all the stupid remarks she wants without embarrassing Arizona.  Again.  One of her most famous flubs was the brain freeze—the brain part is questionable—when she floundered for 2 minutes in an opening statement to a debate with her challenger Terry Goddard.  This is considered rare since it is pre-prepared and supposedly rehearsed over and over.  Uh huh.

But ding-a-lings never learn, as evidenced by Brewer’s finger-wagging incident with President Obama on an Arizona airport tarmac that hit the international wires, making many out-of-staters wonder just who elected this political flunky.  I can tell you first-hand; a ding-a-ling group of voters, many of whom are racist, that support her because she signed into law the anti-immigration bill SB-1070, most of which has been gutted, the rest under legal attack. 

Jan Brewer endorses Barack Obama:

Brewer, following President Obama’s move extending temporary work permits to more than a million undocumented young immigrants, passed a directive that said this group could not get Arizona driver’s licenses that would allow them to get to work.  Called mean-spirited, it is plainly the work of an intolerant radical that is obsessed with the power of her office.  What Brewer has done is require Arizona to defend even more lawsuits that are already being planned.

And just following the 2-minutes seen around the world, Brewer insisted on doing it again for the American public and her eager, pathetic Arizona followers.  She exclaimed one bright and sunny day that decapitated bodies had been found by law enforcement agencies along the US-Mexico border.  Of course the claim was bogus and once again she cried out, “I misspoke.”  The state only inherited this bungler because Janet Napolitano left office to join Barack Obama’s cabinet.

Brewer announces headless
bodies in the desert
Once upon a time the Arizona Republic—very conservative—was touting Jan Brewer for Vice President; that’s before the primary narrowed down to Mitt Romney.  Now I am no expert on choosing VPs but in my estimation, this would have ended up a bigger disaster then John McCain’s Sarah Palin.  I even envisioned Brewer on the ticket with Rick Perry where they would outdo the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.  Possibly even Laurel and Hardy.

In the Phoenix New Times James King said it is coffee spitting hilarity, if you read the Republic headline early in the morning with your first cup.  King did a poll at the end of his article asking, “Could Jan Brewer really become Vice President Jan Brewer?”  The voting answers were: “Yes,” “No” and “Kill me now.”  Yes and No pulled 7.2 percent and 26.3 percent, respectively.  Kill me now pulled a walloping 66.5 percent. 

It really says something when you’d rather join the deceased than live with Jan Brewer in Washington.  Unfortunately, progressive minded Arizonans are stuck with her until 2014.  She’s even considered a third term which is against the state constitution.  Now talk about revolt.

Friday, August 31, 2012

I want the next President to do something about gun violence

We all know that would not be Mitt Romney, particularly with Paul Ryan as his Vice President.  And President Barack Obama has been sorely lacking in his support for even banning assault rifles again along with high capacity magazines.  So what do we do?  New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is this nation’s strongest advocate for gun control through his organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns, but he already turned the job down in the past.

The NRA "elephant in the room"
I am a solid supporter of Barack Obama but if he doesn’t get the balls to come out of the closet for gun control after the recent mass shootings, I have to reassess my support.  Enough is enough and the President knows it but is afraid the NRA will doom his second term if he suddenly does what is right.  I did two posts on confirmed results that the NRA really cannot influence an election to the extent they claim.  You can see Part 1, Part 2.

Anyway there is additional evidence that the NRA myth isn’t true.  Gun control supporters from both parties have won Senate and House seats: 

Republicans include Sen. Mark Kirk in Illinois, Sen. Dan Coats in Indiana; these two even picked off Democratic seats.  For the Democrats, Senators Barbara Boxer in California; Chuck Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand from New York.  Ron Wyden in Oregon, Barbara Mikulski in Maryland and Daniel Inouye in Hawaii; Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut, Michael Bennet in Colorado and Chris Coons in Delaware.

Why Mitt Romney, especially Paul Ryan, must be defeated:

Erin Capuano in a Digital Journal op-ed asks how the 2nd Amendment has been distorted to “commit crimes and make money for the gun lobbyists?”  And the answer to that I have been talking about for years is that the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) led by Wayne LaPierre has put the fear of God in Congress and the White House that they can be easily replaced if they don’t play wacky Wayne’s game. 

She claims that amid yearly increases in gun violence and homicides, “gun laws are stripped away state by state.”

Capuano reviews the arguments over the 2nd Amendment and how the Bill of Rights was written at a time when a new democracy was being created and there were threats of tyrannical governments and military run states, all of which has long since vanished years ago.  But wacky Wayne has hung his hat on the 2nd Amendment and will no doubt hold on until they take it from his cold dead hands.  Yes, Charlton Heston was just as looney as LaPierre is.

The op-ed writer says “The NRA has been the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing for generations…” talking about their support for the rights of gun owners in a crusade that has repeatedly placed the right to own a gun and take it anywhere over human life.  Just look at the figures she provides from the latest year broken down, 2008, of firearms murder victims:

·       Handguns – 6,755
·       Rifles - 375
·       Shotguns - 444
·       Other not specified or type unknown - 79
·       Firearms, type not stated – 1,831

Grand Total 2008 – 9,484 deaths by firearms.

In 2010 there were 8,775 murders using guns and none of the above includes the wounded.  Take a look at my U.S. Shootings Report for July which started listing “woundings” in June, and also with links back to March.  There’s more in Capuano’s op-ed comparing gun homicides in the U.S. with those in Canada where the gun laws are much stronger. 

She closes with, “We can have stricter gun laws while still allowing people to own guns, we can limit the amount of guns that people own, the type of guns that they are able to own and where and when they are able to have those guns and use them.”  This statement should be an excellent place for the White House or someone in Congress to start the drive for more gun regulation. 

There has to be an American public now that sympathizes after the recent mass shootings.  If not, American gun deaths will continue to escalate.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Can the Democrats win back the House and maintain Senate control by exposing the GOP relationship to the Tea party?

Wellington C. Ramos was born in Belize but now resides in the U.S. where he holds BAs in political science and history from Hunter College in New York, a Masters in urban studies from Long Island University, and is currently an Adjunct Professor of political science and history.  Ramos says:

“If the Democratic Party in the United States does not expose the relationship between the Republican Party and the Tea Party, they will not pick up the seats they need to regain control of the House of Representatives and can risk maintaining control of the Senate.”

Wellington C. Ramos
Ramos, who is black, characterizes the Tea Party as “mostly white people,” who fear losing their country to immigrants coming here for a better life.  Much in the same way Americans originally arrived, but minus the part where we “slaughtered” Native Americans in order to take possession.  TPers throw in moral issues like same-sex marriage pandering to a certain base, but Ramos says their goal is “…to control the politics of this country and regain power.”

Ramos says the Tea Party is for, “…universal gun rights, cracking down on illegal immigration, small government, lower income taxes, sanctity of traditional family values and greater military spending.”  One of its most extremist positions was refusal to raise the debt ceiling or compromise with the Obama administration over the issue.  NY Sen. Chuck Schumer said: "The American people are seeing the Tea Party for what it is. Extreme and their popularity is declining.”

Video of why the Tea Party must be stopped:

As an example, I have been getting Tea Party emails for a couple of years and following are some the radical headlines signifying their hate of Barack Obama:

  • America’s demon President schedules deadly takeover

  • Exposing America’s fraud President

  • Obama to destroy America: rebuild in his image

  • Obama plans second term calling for assault on America

  • Rush Limbaugh: Obama hates this country

  • Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the birther issue

  • Rush Limbaugh exposes Obama’s membership in Socialist New Party

  • Obama has admitted to use of cocaine and other drugs—has never admitted he stopped his drug abuse

Tea Party radicals in action
The above headlines are the epitome of incendiary rhetoric designed to bring down America by a group that, if you listen to some of their demonstrations, is burdened with double-digit IQs.  And this is what is controlling the GOP today.  The TP has been responsible for ousting long-standing stalwarts in the Republican Party like Arlen Specter and Richard Luger, simply for compromising on issues with the Democratic Party.

Ramos comments, “They have taken over the Republican Party to the point where all the moderates are either retiring or getting kicked out of the party completely.”  It’s the Tea Party way or the highway.  America was not built on that kind of governing but it can easily be destroyed if this gang of fruitcakes is allowed to continue to spew out their idiocy.  Ramos believes firmly that Mitt Romney will “succumb to their demands.”  A message that Dems must convey.

Wellington C. Ramos might connect Tea Party tendencies toward anarchy with his home country of Belize and the unrest there in 2005 over significant tax increases.  It is certain that TPers would revolt against any proposed tax increase by Democrats and this is probably why the GOP stands so firm against any increase in taxes.  Ramos closes by saying, “…stop this Tea Party madness that is trying to take over our beloved country.”  But will Americans heed the alarm?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How does Lance Armstrong situation coincide with gun control?

I do not know whether or not Lance Armstrong is guilty of doping charges.  He gave up his fight against the U.S Anti-Doping Agency which could mean he is tired of the struggle or maybe he’s guilty.  Michael Rosenberg of Sports Illustrated said: “Doping charges are serious, the evidence is significant and some credible people have accused Armstrong. (I mean, how much of a jerk would Armstrong have to be for this many people to want to frame him?)”

Lance Armstrong
But the meat of the SI article isn’t the fact that Armstrong might or might not have been using performance-enhancing drugs while winning his Tour de France races, but rather the fact that the public is apathetic about the fact.  One way or the other.  Rosenberg thinks this is the case.  And does it sound like a parallel to the same attitude against gun violence by Americans?  Only 45% were for more regulation of firearms, 50% against in a 2010 study by Pew Research.

But there are those of us who won’t give up on the issue and Sanjay Sanghoee is one of those writing in the Huff Post.  Described in some media as a “dispute,” Sanghoee says the Empire State Bldg. shooting was “barbarism and insanity.”  And he thinks many American gun owners use their guns to experience a “sense of control and power that only a firearm can impart.”  I agree and must add that in many cases a firearm is carried to replace or bolster a man’s masculinity.

Amy Sullivan in The New Republic states: “Barack Obama and Mitt Romney may not want to talk about gun control, but events are conspiring against them.”  Both have voiced their opposition to the mass shootings, apparently without a clue that something needs to be done right now.  And if they are aware, it’s all put on the backburner until after the November elections while many more are likely to be shot and killed before then.  In this respect, politics stink.   

But that's what the NRA told me to say
Sullivan adds a comment by Mitt Romney to Brian Williams of NBC News: “We can sometimes hope that just changing the law will make all bad things go away. It won’t.  Changing the heart of the American people may well be what’s essential, to improve the lots of the American people.”  To that Amy Sullivan replies “Poppycock.”  My opinion is that by the time Romney’s concept comes to fruition, hundreds of thousands more innocent people will be killed by guns.

But there are improvements in public attitudes toward gun control sounded by an August 2012 study by the Public Religion Research Institute.  In that poll, 52% favor stricter firearms regulation compared to 44% against.  However, this study was done following a series of recent mass shootings and is likely to mellow considerably after the shock wears off.  Support of gun control has dropped significantly since its high of 66% back in 2000.

The Institute for Economics and Peace has ranked states according to which are the most violent based on homicide, violent crime, incarceration rates, as well as the availability of firearms.  The top five are Louisiana (#1 20th year in a row), Tennessee, Nevada, Florida and Arizona.  Only one of these states, Arizona, experienced one of the recent mass killings; the Tucson massacre in Jan. of 2011 where 6 died, 13 wounded including former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords.

Not a surprise since Arizona has the loosest gun laws in the country; a state where anyone can buy a gun and carry it around anywhere they want to.  All because of a bunch of Republican misfits that let the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) tell them every move to make.  It is this radical conservative culture that is killing thousands of innocent Americans each year, all because they love their guns more than human life.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

America’s worst governor, Arizona’s Jan Brewer, also “terrible human being”

Erin Gloria Ryan is an irreverent writer for Jezebel and I mean that in the most complimentary of ways.  You have to love this lady for her honesty and clever writing; believe me, she holds absolutely nothing back.  Her latest article on Arizona’s Gov. Jan Brewer starts with Brewer’s illustrious background of being “…Glendale {AZ} Community College's most famous radiologic technologist certificate recipient.”  Apparently perfect training for doing nothing.

Maybe Brewer just needs to
put on her glasses
Her latest bungle in the media is described by Ryan simply as “assholery,” not because the New York Times Magazine article in which she says 99.9% of gun owners were responsible people was released on the day of the Empire State Bldg. shootings, but because of the latter comment and other stupid remarks she made in the interview.  The interviewer, Andrew Goldman, also pulled no punches with questions on Brewer’s most infamous blunders:

Things like what about the “tacky,” and “shouty” confrontation with Barack Obama on the airport tarmac; her obvious racist immigration policy; the incarceration of her son for sexual assault in the 1980s, then as governor pushed to preserve state spending on mental health while cutting funding for rape victims.

But perhaps the classic in the interview was the following:

Q: You signed a law that entitles people to carry concealed guns in bars as long as they don't drink. I wouldn't trust myself in a bar with access to a gun.
A: I think a bartender knows who's drinking and who isn't.

Q: But a bartender wouldn't know who's carrying a concealed weapon.
A: Ninety-nine point nine percent of the people that are gun owners are very responsible.

Erin Gloria Ryan commented profoundly, “Wow, what an asshole. To follow that line of reasoning, we should probably get rid of the driver's license requirement, speed limits, and center lines on roads because 99.9% of drivers are responsible about what side they're supposed to drive on and when they should pass. Let's also get rid of prescription requirements for addictive drugs like Xanax and Valium, because 99.9% of people who use them do so responsibly.”

Jan Brewer on Pres. Obama's executive order for young undocumenteds:

Ryan’s piece on Jan Brewer is by far the best writing I have seen recently but there is more.  The Funny or Die site released a video recently starring Mary Steenburgen as Brewer and a cameo by George Lopez at the end.  This video is a must-see for anyone who thinks Arizona has gone too far with its anti-immigration law SB-1070.  Things like this have made the state the laughing stock of the country.  One local comment after seeing the video was:

“Wouldn't it be nice, just every now and then, to be in the news for winning a Super Bowl or something instead?”  Purely pathetic. 

Jan Brewer hasn't a clue

And Brewer has family problems other than her son, but equally as close to home.  John Brewer, her husband, was fired as the executive dir. of the naturopathic board in 2001 from allegations he shredded public documents and misrepresented his credentials.  And recently Brewer appointed Robt. Gear in that position who has a history of complaints against him by the same board.  He also has strong ties to John Brewer.

The Governor has a PAC to raise money, as she describes it, to help other politicians to be able to govern like her.  God help them!  But the treasurer of the organization is on probation with the board that licenses accounts, and had his registration as a securities salesman revoked in 2009. Robert Hockensmith violated state laws and was dishonest and unethical.  He was fined $200,000 and put on probation for three years in 2010.

But Jan Brewer’s push to turn over Arizona inmate care to private prisons is one of her greatest achievements.  Chuck Coughlin, Brewer's campaign chairman and policy adviser was also a lobbyist for the largest private prison company in the country, Corrections Corporation of America, who operates six prisons in the state.  Professed to save Arizona lots of money by the GOV and the GOP legislature, the move is costing taxpayers $3.5 million a year.

I have said this several times in the past.  This poor soul doesn’t realize what a nationwide example of brainlessness she is.  Brewer plows on making the kinds of statements above and shackling Arizona with the kind of burdens like SB-1070 and the private prison debacle.  The end result is a state in chaos with gun laws that allow anyone, yes anyone, to own a gun.  The problems are numerous and many, including myself, are sick of her and her minions in the legislature.

Like Michael Moore said, I don’t like where this country is going but I have no plans to leave it.  Therefore, guess I’ll just have to change it.  Let’s do it.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Empire State Building shooting ruins mass shooting silence

The Onion was celebrating a week without any major massacres by firearms when it had to back off as it was announced that there had just been a mass shooting at New York City’s Empire State Building right in the middle of Manhattan.  You probably wouldn’t classify this as the typical massacre like Aurora, Colo. or the Wisconsin Sikh temple because the gunman only shot and killed one person.  The nine wounded were from police fire.

Assisting victim in Empire State Bldg shooting
Now I am no expert at criminology, but does this incident appear to have been prompted by a police force—one of the finest in the world—that has become influenced with the possibility that every public shooting is potentially a massacre?  These are well trained officers yet they wounded nine bystanders in the melee.  Has the huge availability of guns in this country pushed police departments in America to the edge, resulting in this kind of outcome?

To give you an idea of the actual anticipation of the possibility of more imminent gun violence, federal authorities commented that a lot can happen in 24 hours, saying: ““so let’s not get too excited yet.”  And they were right.  Yet another person armed with a gun holding a grudge killed an innocent person.  Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano was down the street talking to the celebrating crowd and when told what had happened said:

“You know what, forget it. There was another one about 20 blocks from here. So, party’s over. Sorry.”

It is a sorry state of affairs when we can’t go one week without a shooting that ends up killing innocent victims and wounding several others.  But it is blatantly clear why this can happen and it all centers around the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) and its head, Wayne LaPierre.  This organization, commandeered by this wacko in the late 1970s, who devised his evil concept that 2nd Amendment rights are more important than human life, deserves the majority of the blame for all the killings.

Vivid tape of Empire State Bldg. chaos with victim:

The shooter, Jeffrey Johnson, used a .45-caliber semiautomatic and was armed with extra ammunition in his briefcase.  Johnson was killed by police but not until he caused nine innocent people to be shot.  In “Criminologist James Alan Fox has written that, according to FBI data, mass shootings have fluctuated since 1980 with no sustained upward or downward trend.”  But his data stops with the year 2010 with no crime data available for 2012.

As regular readers know, I have been compiling nationwide figures on shootings since this past March, including deaths and woundings, broken down by the city in which they occurred.  The numbers are starkly unbelievable and should shock the apathetic American public that has been shunning gun control.  Since March 2012 there have been 432 deaths from 1,056 shootings; woundings were added to the report in June and in only 2 months there have been 628.

Keep in mind that these figures represent only those reported by the media and, thus, considered somewhat conservative.

To extend the data above by James Alan Fox that stopped in 2010 re. mass shootings, there were 28 that occurred since Columbine in 1999 through 2011, including the shooting and severe wounding of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in Tucson, Arizona in Jan. 2011 where 6 were killed and 18 others wounded.  Most notable from the 28, the massacre at Virginia Tech where 32 were killed, 15 wounded.  Then Fort Hood, Texas with 13 dead and 42 wounded.

But that was just the warm up.  2012 exploded during the summer with 17 wounded with an assault weapon at a Tuscaloosa, Ala. bar.  Then the mass shooting at the Aurora, Colo. theatre killing 12 and injuring 58.  Next it was the Sikh Temple in Wis. where 6 were killed and 4 wounded.  Which brings us up to the incident at New York’s empire State building.  Fox comments that this trend is likely to continue with around 300 million guns in the hands of Americans.

Also from, Philip J. Cook, crime scholar and Ludwig's coauthor on Gun Violence, “believes adversarial political rhetoric is a possible contributing factor. He criticizes the NRA for ‘promoting the idea that Obama's goal is to take away guns and they have to fight to prevent that from happening,’ an idea he says has stirred up fringe gun enthusiasts and led to record-breaking rises in gun purchases and concealed-weapon applications in many states.

NY Mayor Bloomberg with his group
Just moments before the Empire State building shooting, NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg on WOR’s John Gambling Show said, “I don’t know what it takes, John.  Somebody asked me what would shock Congress. Well, they had a Congresswoman shot…. And that didn’t seem to do anything,” the mayor said. “The Founding Fathers I don’t think ever envisioned AK-47’s in the hands of people."  The congress is clueless and Obama afraid of the NRA.
Mayor Bloomberg has been asking for new gun regulations for years and in a
CBS NY article they are spelled out:

·       Require background checks for every gun sold — 40 percent of all guns are sold without background checks

·       Stronger enforcement of straw sales, where someone buys a gun for someone not eligible to own one

·       A requirement that states enter criminal and mental health records into the federal background check system

I would add to this the banning of all assault rifles and high capacity magazines.

When will this country wake up?  Following all other developed countries in gun control and leading that group plus many third-world countries in deaths from shootings should confound the simplest-minded person.  We are not a nation of dummies, although some congressional leaders and states like Arizona would challenge that notion.  We have a chance to do what’s right with the escalation of gun violence.  The question is…are we smart enough to do it?

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