Showing posts with label Wayne LaPierre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wayne LaPierre. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Did Democrats abandon gun control?

Where's the action today?
I just received a letter from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, accompanied by a survey of issues that I think are priority for Democrats. Not one mention of gun control. Of course they asked for a contribution, which they won't get from this family until they address that issue aggressively. Now, I do also believe in the other issues like Medicare/Social Security, healthcare, climate change and the minimum wage, to name a few, but completely ignoring gun control?

You need to watch for my blog post on Monday about the demise of the National Rifle Assn. and its head gun nut Wayne LaPierre, and president, Oliver North. The title is "NRA going down in flames," and reports on how the organization is imploding right in the middle of its annual convention in Indianapolis. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of freaks, and gun control advocates look forward to the day this group of gun violence perpetrators is out of business.

But the above is no thanks to the Democrats' efforts to control gun violence. The NRA's downfall stems primarily from infighting between Wayne LaPierre and Oliver North, plus its huge contributions to Congress and presidents when its non-profit status basically says no. On another note, a Bernie Sanders volunteer called me recently asking for a contribution and, having been a strong supporter in 2016, I told him not until his man got more aggressive on gun control.

There were well over 300 mass shootings in 2018, with that year the worst on record for gun violence in schools. You would think these statistics would give a clue to even the most dullard of Congress. Yet Democrats proudly announced in February that they were no longer afraid of the gun control issue. This is only April and we've yet to hear anything about this controversy being included in the 2020 platform.

I can only hope there are more like me out there that will remain reluctant until gun control is aggressively addressed.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

LATE BREAKING: NY Atty. General investigating Nat'l Rifle Assn.

It was announced just hours ago that New York Attorney General Letitia James has launched an investigation into the National Rifle Association. The IRS has been on the edge for years questioning how the organization has made contributions in the millions to Congress and presidents in its non-profit status. One must assume the IRS didn't move because no one, namely a cowardly Congress, didn't act on the matter.

Subpoenas have been issued to members of the NRA, as well as several businesses connected with the gun rights group. It follows the dumping of current president Oliver North by the NRA in the middle of their annual convention in Indianapolis. And that was right after North tried to fire head gun nut, Wayne LaPierre. The wheels are coming off at the nation's largest gun lobby, which will prompt dancing in the streets by gun control advocates.

I'll have a post on Monday, "NRA going down in flames," I hope you will read describing the fiasco going on in this club that is responsible for most of the gun violence in this country. Please give me your comments on what is happening to the NRA and your feelings on this issue.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

New Zealand makes U.S. look like the idiots we are

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
The United States is controlled and powered by a gang of double-digit gun nuts, both in the American public and in the U.S Congress. New Zealand, on the other hand, sees the problems and source of gun violence and does something about it. Their parliament votes 119-1 to ban assault weapons. Don't know who the single hold-out was but you can probably bet he is a follower of the American NRA's Wayne LaPierre. Vox says...
"The swift action comes after last month’s mass shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in which a white supremacist killed 50 people."
And there you have the difference between a country (the USA) that values guns over the lives of innocent adults and children, and another country (New Zealand) that identifies their problem--guns--and does something about it. It is very hard to understand how this nation can stoop so low as to favor its weaponry over human lives, with the evidence of gun violence screaming at us daily. It is perhaps one of the sickest cultures of any country in the world.

The U.S. reaction to daily gun violence is a very tiring "thoughts and prayers" response which is regularly regurgitated from Washington and the National Rifle Assn. Both have come to realize what bullshit this is, and each is now at a loss of what to do. So, they do nothing. Here's how New Zealand handles guns...
"people first have to obtain a license to legally purchase, own, and possess a gun. That all typically takes months to get through. some types of firearms, like handguns and certain semiautomatic rifles, require “endorsements” from police and separate permits to purchase. The licenses have to be renewed every 10 years, and police can revoke a person’s license if that person is believed to no longer be fit for ownership and may pose a threat. Gun sellers are also licensed and regulated by police."
WOW! If the United States had this kind of control, how many lives would have been saved in the last several years? Homicides by firearm per 1 million people: New Zealand 1.6; United States 29.7. But on the other hand, Glock has just hired top gun nut Chuck Norris to promote its line of weaponry, which is certain to impress enough people to go out and buy even more guns. But, then, that is the American way, isn't it?

Friday, April 5, 2019

NRA SAYS: Put guns in the hands of convicted felons

This slimy pile of gun nuts continues its march toward annihilating the American public with its gun violence policies. It's a matter of federal law that someone convicted of  "physically abusing his spouse, ex-spouse, live-in lover, or co-parent" cannot own a gun. But if it's a date, stalking him or her, after they break up, the other is fair game. The NRA is well aware of the latter but still fights for the right of the perpetrator to keep or buy his or her gun.

Well, here are the numbers...
"About half of all female homicide victims are killed by intimate partners — and about half of intimate partner homicides are committed by casual dating partners."
So the NRA was no doubt forced into the legislation that bars abusive husbands from having guns, but they fight the above scenario. It is more clear evidence that Wayne LaPierre, head NRA gun nut, and a certain portion of his membership value their weapons over human life, even someone close to them. Until this sick mentality can be driven out of this country, children and innocent citizens will continue to die by gun violence in schools and on the streets.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Washington state buying back bump stocks: $150

And here'another method of getting guns off the street,
confiscate them
Washington state was a leader in legalizing pot and now they make a move that could save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. They are buying back bump stocks from gun owners at $150 each. BSs replace the standard stock and grip of a semi-automatic firearm, making them much faster. Donald Trump's similar law takes effect March 26,but will it be enforced? This is another direct hit against Wayne LaPierre and his NRA bunch. Bets on how long this gang of child killers is around?

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...