Monday, January 4, 2021

Countdown to January 20, 2021


GA Atty. Gen. could prosecute Trump for Sec. State illegal phone call in just 16 days...

Donald Trump self pardon could prevent Raffensperger and other federal prosecutions


There is a recording of a one-hour phone call this past Saturday between Donald Trump and the Georgia secretary of state, Republican Brad Raffensperger. Trump wants him "to 'find' enough votes to overturn his defeat," according to the Washington Post. Some of the conversation...

"Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking 'a big risk.'”

Raffensperger, along with his office's general counsel...

"rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate." 

And in a Guardian editorial, a headline, "The US president is seeking to bring down a system that defeated him." Yes, just because it defeated him and this baby boy is not used to losing. This malarkey has been going on for weeks, starting with the overwhelming results of the November 2020 election. The Guardian says "T-rump has, "manufactured a controversy purely to maintain power and to overturn a legitimate election."

He can't take a beating, especially losing by 7 million popular votes to Joe Biden, an Electoral College victory of 306 to 232. There are calls out to arrest Ted Cruz for sedition because of his antics to overturn the election. Then there is Louis Gohmert who makes an open call for violence as 11 more Republican senators sign on to the sedition plan. And just keep in mind, this whole scenario has been popularized through the authoritarian actions of Donald Trump.

T-rump cannot stand to lose, flailing and tweeting almost hourly on conspiracy theories of how the election was fixed, and filing lawsuits which have been repeatedly denied by the courts. The Guardian tells us why...

"After all, Mr. Trump has not been punished for his transgressions against tradition, decency and the law. Instead, he has been rewarded. He thinks he can get away with almost anything. The Republican party has only itself to blame for incubating Trumpism, a parasitical ideology that threatens to take over the host."

Yes, Republicans are 101% responsible for the insane antics of Donald Trump. The GOP leader of the Trump parade is Moscow Mitch McConnell, himself one of the most corrupt politicians that have ever come to Washington. Yet McConnell was recently sent back to head the Senate, and Donald Trump, with millions of supporters, is talking about running again in 2024. However, if he continues to break the law as with Raffensperger, he'll have to run from jail. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

This is what Progressives are all about

Barack Obama did a great job in the White House, considering he had the entire Republican Congress against him led by the scourge of the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell. Among his major accomplishments: The Affordable Care Act; doubled Pell grants; signed the Paris climate accords; negotiated a decent nuclear deal with Iran. On the other hand, Democrats have regularly maintained...
"right-wing policies with a friendlier face were the only way Democrats could win or maintain power, and prevent another Reagan-like figure from seizing control of the country."

In my mind, that is centrism at its worst. Salon sums up the last four years...

"Over the past few weeks, the Republican Party has proven itself hostile to freedom and democracy; its merciful incompetence the only thing saving whatever remains of our republic from the fascist insurrection of a con man. The absurdity of the cast members — from Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to their incoherent Michigan "witness" and of course Donald Trump himself — have made the entire fiasco seem more like a satirical film than political reality."

Now that's what we should have been fighting during the Donald Trump nightmare, not creating animosity among ourselves, denying a large faction of liberals an equal input, which could have well won bigger numbers last November. With Progressives branded as Socialists, and many Americans afraid of this political philosophy, the leftist movement has not had its chance. But it will, and it very well could be during Joe Biden's administration. 

This is what The Nation has to say...

"Too many congressional Democrats are making a potentially fatal political miscalculation about the reason the party lost several seats in this year’s elections. And those incorrect interpretations of why Democrats lost at least 12 seats could lead to grievous missteps that will imperil their majority in 2022."

According to Data for Progress, although the overall positive attitude toward Socialism is less than half that of negative approval, those neutral are almost equal to the negative. There are several more interesting data in this article that seem to illustrate that the U.S. public is warming up to Socialism. And I want to emphasize that this is Democratic Socialism that supports change through legislation, not Socialist change through revolution which advocates violence.

Some defeated centrists claim that their association with Progressives, or any of their causes like Black Lives Matter, "damaged their contests this year." Not so says The Nation...

"The truth behind the unexpected losses, however, is exactly the opposite of what those members believe."

And the real reason is that...

"It was their failure to inspire progressive and Democratic voters to the same extent that Donald Trump galvanized his supporters to turn out in extraordinarily large numbers to defend him and his race-baiting presidency."

Progressives will not give up and the sooner Democrats learn this, the better off the Party will be.  

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...