Thursday, April 2, 2020

Dr. Fauci threatened from Trump far right

Dr. Andrew Fauci gets threats from Trump far-right followers-Needs "enhanced personal security...

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Dr. Fauci just can't believe what he is hearing

These morons think Dr. Fauci is, "trying to undermine Mr. Trump during a year in which the president is fighting for re-election," according to a piece in the New York Times...
"Alex M. Azar II, the health and human services secretary, had grown worried that the threats against the doctor were increasing as more of the country shut down in response to the coronavirus."
Dr. Fauci has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, and is heading up the fight against coronavirus and in charge of developing a vaccine to fight the virus. He is trying to save lives when these idiots threatening him are worried their Oval Office lunatic won't be reelected in November to continue his reign of insanity. One faction even hilariously said Dr. Fauci's rules threatened their masculinity.

Here's an example of the gang's ludicrous suspicions that Fauci is trying to undermine Trump...
"was fueled in part by a moment during a news briefing in which Dr. Fauci dropped his head and touched his forehead as the president was speaking. The image went viral online and right-wing supporters of Mr. Trump cited it as evidence that Dr. Fauci sought to undercut the president."
No, it is simply because he can't believe what the idiot standing next to him is saying.

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Trio of Top Republicans won't take COVID-19 responsibility

The 3 Musketeers, Mike Pence, Moscow Mitch McConnell and including T-rump himself, trying to shift the blame from the Oval Office lunatic for the COVID-19 CRISIS to the CDC and China and the Democrats impeachment action...

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Pence, McConnell, Trump
It has been so clear to everyone that Donald Trump's early denials, and generally slow response to the coronavirus epidemic that eventually turned into a pandemic, is an established fact. This includes defective tests, not maintaining the proper supplies to fight the virus, and not getting testing started. He failed in all three, even more, and the United States now accounts for highest case and death figures in the world. At one time he called it a Democratic hoax.

A month ago when Mike Pence promised "risk of COVID-19 remains low"...

The latest figures show 211,408 cases in the U.S., 4,718 deaths, and 8,805 have recovered. The breakdown in the above link also shows results from each state and other factors in the crisis. It is a fact that the media has been covering this since the beginning and the blame according to all I have read--except, of course, some Fox News misinformation--is there is no doubt the person responsible was and is Donald Trump.

Remember the early stages when the Oval Office lunatic was more concerned about the economy than the virus and just last week, indicated he wanted to end social distancing to 'save the economy...
“America will again, and soon, be open for business,” President Donald Trump said on Monday. “Very soon. A lot sooner than three or four months that somebody was suggesting. A lot sooner. We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.”
Ah, we have a new term, "We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.” There's more...
"The cure, in this case, is social distancing, and the mass economic stoppage it forces. The problem is Covid-19, and the millions of deaths it could cause. On Tuesday, Trump accelerated his timeline. He said he’d like to see normalcy return by Easter Sunday, which is April 12. 'Wouldn’t it be great to have all the churches full?' he asked. 'You’ll have packed churches all over our country.'”
Just what we need, more packed "anything" with people who can spread the virus and just substantiate further that the United States leads the world in coronavirus cases and deaths. Vox reported, "Public health experts reacted with horror,' as should anyone with common sense. But Pelosi said it best: "Trump and McConnell 'should not try to hide behind' impeachment excuse over."  She added...
"I think that's an admission that perhaps the President and the majority leader cannot handle the job,"
Yes, an admission, and a confirmed fact. But Pence also put in his one-cent--not even worth two--with this: "Pence blames China, CDC for any delay in Covid-19 response." I don't know how far away this numbnuts sits from the White House maniac, but no matter, he should be aware, and, of course, he is. Pence has just developed his talent at lying by being around Trump for three years. Right now the only truth in the crisis comes from Dr. Andrew Fauci, and Trump is talking about firing him for disagreeing. God help us!

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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Nah, I'm young - It'll never happen to me

"It won't really affect me," I said to myself, but it did...big-time...

Mike Davis, an Asbury Park Press reporter and emcee for the Jersey Storytellers Project.
Mark Davis
I heard 80% of COVID-19 cases are mild, yeah, sure. "Even the 'mild' cases of this disease are serious," says Mark Davis from Asbury Park, New Jersey. Even if I caught the virus, after a couple days rest I would be back to normal. But that's not the way it was...
"It knocks you down, runs you over, sits on your chest and never, ever lets up."
Nothing "mild" about that. The upside was, "I'm lucky enough to not have asthma or one of the many other conditions that can lead to further coronavirus complications." Mark learned three days after feeling the symptoms, his father, an emergency room doctor, had tested positive. Bingo, now you know the source...
"On March 23, I drove myself to an urgent care in Marlboro, New Jersey, to get tested. A team of three employees took my temperature and administered the test — a cotton swab pushed just past the point of "comfortable" in the back of my nose. I had a 104-degree fever and uncontrollable shakes and shivers."
When he did eat, even though you lose your appetite, that and just getting up off the couch was an effort. Mark is just beyond being a millennial, where the nonchalant attitude has resulted in numerous cases of coronavirus in the 18 to 29 age group, most recently a Texas group that went to Mexico on spring break, returning home with 24 cases of the virus. Close to home a family member in this group told my wife, "Oh, it's just a virus,"

Listen to Mark...
"I implore you: Stay home. Practice social distancing. The various mandates and guidelines passed in the wake of the pandemic were put in place to protect us."
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Coronavirus crisis TODAY

Things are happening so fast in the COVID-19 pandemic that brevity is the best format...

"Gov. Cuomo’s crisis leadership is putting Trump to shame." Cuomo says he's not running for president, but if he was???

"Nurses Share Coronavirus Stories Anonymously in an Online Document." They say coronavirus has turned American hospitals into “war zones.”Sonja Schwartzbach started compiling the accounts after she determined that hospital conditions were “far worse” than most people realized.

"Trump’s Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign Isn’t Working: Poll." According to this article neither the American public nor several lawmakers, even some Republicans, believe that Donald Trump can solve the COVID-10 crisis.

"Some Trump supporters fear coronavirus lockdowns are undermining ‘America’s masculinity’: history professor." Here's an example of a Trump supporter: "Jonathan Shuttlesworth, said that people who practice social distancing are “sissies” and “pansies” who have been 'neutered.'” Does it get more pathetic?

"The final death toll from coronavirus will not be the result of viral disease; it will be the result of mental disease. The greatest risk factor of disease and death is not being considered, and that is Donald Trump."
Image result for andrew cuomo donald trump"Cuomo says he doesn’t want to fight with Trump over politics in coronavirus response: ‘I think it’s anti-American’" The gentleman vs. the idiot.

"Americans rage as Trump admits he’s watching cable news amid the coronavirus pandemic." As the healthcare industry begs for more supplies and equipment to fight COVID-19, "Donald Trump spent Tuesday morning watching television and commenting [tweeting] on what he watched." Only a moron would give this idiot a good favorability rating.

"‘No more spending’: Trump and GOP cast doubt on new stimulus after securing $4.5 trillion corporate bailout." After Moscow Mitch got what he wanted for big business, he is refusing to give additional help to Americans that got pittance from the first stimulus bill, half of what corporations received.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trumps can't dump hotel

COVID-19 latest from CDC

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now publishing daily updates on the status of the coronavirus pandemic. It will be updated daily at noon, Monday through Friday, and I will publish it for you as soon as it becomes available. 

Here are Monday's results. ...

Total cases: 163,539 (Includes cases under investigation-159,578)

Total deaths: 2,860

Jurisdictions reporting cases: 53 (49 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)

We are neglecting doctors and nurses on frontlines of COVID-19

What would we do if health care workers just decided not to come to work?

Doctors in Emilia Romagna
Will we lose them?
As we used to say when I worked in television in the earlier days when everything was live, 'Go to black." That means fade out of whatever image you are on to no picture, which was black. That was easy, cause at least it gave you a few moments to decide what to do. We can't do that today, because this 'fading to black' means, well, more disaster in that moment when you try to regroup. It's like a vicious circle and the healthcare industry is caught in the middle.

Thomas Kirsch, an emergency physician in Washington, D.C., is unloading on us the facts of how his peers feel about the situation they find themselves in today. It's crucial, and to say the least, they, and all health care, are on the edge. Dr. Kirsch worked in Liberia at the height of the Ebola epidemic, in the fall of 2014, so he knows what a pandemic is like and how everyone reacts to it. It was so bad there the healthcare system collapsed.

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SARS in Toronto
Not saying this country is as desperate as Liberia was then, but with the incompetence of Donald Trump running our show, and if he continues his miscalculations, the same could happen here. Dr. Kirsch speaks of other pandemics like SARS where, 44 percent of all infections were in health-care providers. We must figure out how to protect the healthcare providers, and provide them with the best supplies and equipment to help us and them.

Here is a terrifying question from Kirsch: "How many of us will die before we start to walk away from our jobs?" The question is not rhetorical and the doc goes on to talk about an incident in Arkansas where, due to COVID-19, two doctors are in ICU. Yes, this is unacceptable,but without the proper direction from the CDC, it is bound to happen. The CDC has what looks like adequate advice available to clinicians, but the question is do they have the supplies and equipment necessary to do their jobs safely? Here's what Dr. Kirsch says...
"The United States needs its health-care workers to see it through this crisis. But there are no replacements on the shelf. They can’t be built, trained, or repurposed from other jobs. Unless the country does dramatically more to provide them with the equipment they need to do their job safely, to assure them they will be cared for if they fall ill, and to provide their family with a measure of security, it risks losing them. What happens when they need to be quarantined? When they start to die? Or don’t come to work?"
Image result for us disastersHe adds: "It’s hard to plan after that happens.' It's not hard, it's impossible! And from another angle, for those in an emergency "No one is so fearless or stupid as to discount all risks." In other words, they can take just so much. Dr. Kirsch has more comparisons...
"Physicians fled epidemics in ancient Greece, the black death in Europe, and the great influenza pandemic of 1918. In Vietnam, when SARS cases showed up in one hospital, most of the staff left, leaving only a few to risk their life providing care. During the West African Ebola epidemic of 2014 and ’15, at least 837 health-care workers were infected, and 490 died. The infection also spread to at least three health-care workers caring for patients with Ebola in the United States and Europe. Providers were up to 32 times more likely to be infected with Ebola than the general population."
This has not happened yet in the U.S., but the implication is that it could, and real quick if Donald Trump doesn't start doing the right thing. The first thing he must do is to listen to his experts, Dr. Fauci, and others at the CDC and other agencies in the healthcare industry. Number two, take their advice and quit playing doctor and scientist like a moron. And pandemics are different than other disaster scenarios like earthquakes, floods, and even war....
"One study in 2010 found that 28 percent of the hospital staff said that they would be unlikely to respond to an influenza pandemic if asked, but not required. In a German study, 36 percent of health-care workers said they would not come to work during an influenza pandemic. For some job categories, fewer than 50 percent of workers said they would report to duty. What made workers more likely to say they would show up? Confidence that they were safe at work and getting to work, that their family was safe and cared for, and knowing their colleagues would also respond."
And these are likely the conditions many U.S. healthcare workers feel they are trapped in with Donald Trump in control. There is much more and I urge you to read this article to understand what your healthcare providers are going through with the COVID-19 pandemic. It's going to get worse before it gets better, and even with T-rump predicting a peak in deaths in two weeks, there is another side to that curve. And besides, no one believes his predictions anyway. Stay safe!

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Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...