Monday, April 22, 2019

Trump-Giulani statements...Can this get any more stupid?

The Bobbsey Twins-Trump, Giuliani
Of course the double-digit Trump supporters will just schluff this off as a simple mistake by Donald Trump and another dumb remark by Rudy Giuliani. Neither would be correct. They are each examples of two morons--one of which runs the most powerful country in the world--who perpetually run off at the mouth, with the result that the sane people of America just shake their heads in disgust. These are the two scenarios...
TRUMP: “Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more. We stand ready to help!”
GIULIANI: "There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians,"
To begin with, Trump's figure of 138 million people is six time the entire population of Sri Lanka. Second, Giuliani's statement is just...stupid. Apparently the idiot doesn't realize that this very issue is what the Robert Mueller investigation was all about.

But the real concern here is that we have a lunatic sitting in the Oval Office that has absolutely no tether whatsoever. His mouth is allowed to run rampant daily with no one able to control him and often resulting in disasters. Like his comment on John McCain's heroism...
“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
 That's just one of many Trump major gaffes compiled by Politico you can see here. As far as Giuliani is concerned, we just consider the source and hope that he doesn't do too much damage. However. because all of this has become a daily, almost hourly, occurrence, one has to wonder what kind of condition the U.S. is really in with people like these in high places. Is impeachment the answer?

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Trump guilty of same charges Bill Clinton impeached for

Bill Clinton acquitted of impeachment
Did the Mueller Report accuse Trump of witness tampering, one of the offenses Republicans impeached Clinton for? The answer is an unequivocal, YES! "It accused Donald Trump of obstructing justice by witness tampering, one of the offences that led Republicans to impeach Bill Clinton 20 years ago." The Mueller Report revealed that Trump...
"repeatedly made efforts to 'encourage witnesses not to cooperate with the investigation' into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election."
Is this why Democrat Elijah Cummings and his House colleagues feel confident about the possibility of reintroducing the idea of impeachment? Senator Elizabeth Warren, also a Democrat plus presidential candidate, is a proponent of impeachment saying...
"The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States."
Trump as much as offered His former campaign mgr., Paul Manafort, a pardon, while at the same time encouraging his prior personal attorney, Michael Cohen, "not to 'flip' and help Mueller’s inquiry." Clinton's guilt pales when you consider the corruption Donald Trump has spewed throughout his administration. This is what the slime ball Mitch McConnell said of Bill Clinton...
"… I am completely and utterly perplexed by those who argue that perjury and obstruction of justice are not high crimes and misdemeanors."
Yet this lowlife lets Donald Trump go on his merry way. The U.S. Congress is itself a cancerous stigma in the American political system. This could be their chance to make amends.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

A pathetic presidential administration based on lies

The culprits Sarah Sanders and Donald Trump
THE DONALD TRUMP ADMINISTRATION has based its entire tenure in the White House on lying. Lying to the public, lying to the media and the Oval Office lunatic even lies to his own aides. The Mueller Report exposed a bunch of these intentional deceptions, the latest of which is T-rump's spokesperson, Sarah Sanders. She is trying to lie herself out of a lie over James Comey...
"Addressing reporters from the White House lectern, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made a startling claim shortly after President Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey two years ago. 'I’ve heard from countless members of the FBI that are grateful and thankful for the president’s decision,' she said, refusing to back down when pressed on the issue. 'Between emails, text messages, absolutely,' she insisted."
You don't lie to Congress, nor the feds, as the prosecuted perjurers Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen found out. But Sarah Sanders is the face of Donald Trump, and a very ugly one it is. Not because of her looks but because of how low she is willing to lower herself for the lowlife she works for. The deceit extends into the Trump family when Donald Trump Jr. was told the [Trump Tower] lawyer was working on behalf of the Russian government and would bring damaging information on Hillary Clinton...
Trump Jr. replied, “If it's what you say I love it.”
And this is Los Angeles Times Chris Megerian's take on the whole scenario...
"Pervasive lying is an unsurprising result of having a president whose dishonesty has been a hallmark for years, whether it’s exaggerating the height of his buildings or claiming that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

While every White House is accused of dissembling or worse at times, the report makes clear that Trump leads a White House where falsehoods and misrepresentations are common practice."
What is clear is that this country somehow elected an accomplished scam artist. What we must be careful of now is not to do it again in 2020.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Robert Mueller Report shows Trump collusion with Russia


This is what Donald Trump said when then Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions told him in 2017 that a special counsel had been appointed to conduct the Russia investigation: Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.” With his usual "class," T-rump clearly believes Robert Mueller's investigation will bring down his presidency, indicating to me that the Oval Office lunatic feels that he is guilty. Mueller was appointed in May 2017, days after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. The appointment was made by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein,

After the Mueller Report was released today, The Slatest live blog commented...
As to why Mueller decided that the the presidential transition team’s friendly outreach to Russia about sanctions—an issue that campaign figures had previously learned was an issue of concern to the Russian government—didn’t constitute participation in Russia’s election-interference scheme … I haven’t really figured that out!
That was 12:00 Noon eastern time but at 11:55 A.M., Slate's earlier observation...
"The report indeed documents previously known instances in which Trump figures expressed interest in Russian assistance (e.g., the June 9 Trump Tower meeting), and it documents instances in which the campaign (via Paul Manafort) and presidential transition team (via Michael Flynn) discussed Russia-friendly policies with Russian-government-linked individuals."
But Mueller "concludes that such activities were not illegal 'coordination'or 'conspiracy.'” But here's a brief summary of findings...
In sum, the investigation established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances , the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied away. Ultimately , the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”
 Republicans, particularly Trump supporters, will spin this to exonerate the most fraudulent president in recent history. The left will see it for what it is, a clear indictment of the corruption of the Donald Trump administration.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Michele Bachmann's latest stupid Trump statement

Michele Bachmann
MICHELE BACHMANN COMES STUPID: "We will ‘never see a more godly, biblical president." That's right folks, she said it and in her apparently severely demented state, she apparently meant it. I mean it is one thing when you consider the oblivious Trump supporters and the fact they all have one thing in common, double-digit IQs, but the people of Minnesota sent Michele Bachmann to Congress. Of course she fit right in with the remaining population of ignoramuses and performed exactly as one would expect a Republican to perform, at the bottom of the barrel.

 She did this from "Understanding These Times,” a Christian radio show where she "offered her praise of the commander-in-chief, adding there were so many examples of Trump 'standing for righteousness.'” Even considering Bachmann's mental capacity is nil, that statement, 'standing for righteousness' is perhaps one of the most bizarre of the Donald Trump administration. His graphic sex talk in Burbank is the extreme example of T-Rump's non-righteousness. But what is even worse is the fact that anyone pays any attention to Michele Bachmann anymore.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Measles killed 1,200 that wanted vaccinations

Madagascar measles epidemic
While the gang of anti-vaxxing morons spreads their false propaganda here in the United States, 1.200 have died of the measles in Madagascar where they want but lack the resources to fight the disease. Only 58% have been vaccinated on this poor area of the island, where it's known the immunization rates need to be 90 to 95 percent or higher to prevent outbreaks. But here in the U.S. these flaky anti-vaxxers go on their merry way spreading disease.

Here's the take of the World Health Organization (WHO)...
"The measles outbreak has killed mostly children under age 15 since it began in September. The epidemic unfortunately continues to expand in size though at a slower pace than a month ago," said Dr. Dossou Vincent Sodjinou, a WHO epidemiologist in Madagascar.
Further, "By mid-March, 117,075 cases had been reported by the health ministry, affecting all regions of the country." Added to this is the fact that Madagascar is a poor nation where 50% of its children are malnourished. Contrast that with the U.S. where there are all the benefits of medical advancement and its availability to the public, and, yet, there are those who spurn this technology to pursue the stupid idea they can do it on their own, thus, endangering their children.

Here's the scenario in Madagascar...
"Simply reaching a clinic for help can be a challenge. Many people in Madagascar cannot afford to see a doctor or buy medicine, and health centers often are understaffed or have poorly qualified workers. As a result, information about health issues can be unreliable. Some parents are not aware that vaccines are free, at least in public health centers."
And yet here in the United States we have all the things these folks from Madagascar don't have, but still opt on the side of stupidity. Pathetic! 

Could Julian Assange U.S. return sink Trump's ship?

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. said following Julian Assange's arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, "He is our property." The agreement was unanimous in Washington...
Julian Assange
"from Congress to the intelligence services. Assange committed the unpardonable sins of embarrassing the establishment — from members of Congress to intelligence officials to the news media."
It's hard for me to understand how anyone could embarrass a Congress consisting of such a gang of idiots. USA Today's take on the Assange case...
"What could be the most important free speech and free press case in our history could well be reduced to the scope and substance of an unauthorized computer access case."
Assange has had his ups and downs with Donald Trump thinking his presidency would benefit him when...
"it was the Trump Administration that sought to redefine WikiLeaks as a 'non-state hostile intelligence service'—an organization that did not belong within the ambit of journalism."
 In 2016 Donald Trump said he loved WikiLeaks, later refuting he knew anything about it. And then Mike Pence adds his usual confusing and laughable comment...
"Trump’s acclaim for an organization his own administration has identified as a cutout of Russian intelligence services was not actually an 'endorsement.'”
Now, doesn't that just out-dumb everything? But it is yet another reminder that we have not one, but two imbeciles in the White House.

The question is why did Equador dump their most prestigious guest? Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno said...
“We’ve ended the asylum of this spoiled brat. From now on we’ll be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it, and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilize governments.”
In turning his tiny office-cum-bedroom into a new headquarters for the WikiLeaks’ operations, he made the mistake of interfering in politics, most importantly "releasing stolen emails related to Hillary Clinton’s campaign." Then he even turned on his host's President Moreno, accusing him of financial irregularity. Assange also abused the very staff that was caring for him and astoundingly spread feces on the walls.

So, the man's a pig and gave up information that was critical to U.S. security, but does he know something that can sink Donald Trump's ship? Assange was very vague when talking to Meghan Kelly in 2016, saying he would release anything he had, adding...
"it's really hard for us to release anything worse than what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth every second day."

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...