Thursday, December 15, 2016

40 Electoral College members now unsure of Donald Trump

Donald Trump talking to Electors/How true
40  electors from the Electoral College are demanding an intel briefing on Russia and its roll in the 2016 election from National Intelligence Director James Clapper, 10 this last Monday, Dec. 12, twenty more on Tuesday. This is a bi-partisan effort and according to Politico, the "...first show of public support for efforts questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump's victory..." They are asking for the information before Dec. 19, when their decisions are due. John Podesta, Clinton's former campaign chairman, talks about the security factors involved in the ruse.

Podesta comments on the Clinton campaign's earlier requests for an investigation on the issue, which apparently fell on deaf ears and adds, the fact that the CIA confirms this Russian interference was for the purpose of getting Donald Trump elected President. Now, of course, this raises the question of just what kind of ties does the President-elect have with Russia. I plan to do a full post on this in the future but for the sake of this one, Jeff Nesbit of Time says he has many, many, many, many ties to Russia. Nesbit reports this all happened in late May.

Here's what the original 10 electors wrote...
“The Electors require to know from the intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and Russian government interference in the election, the scope of those investigations, how far those investigations may have reached, and who was involved in those investigations. We further require a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States.”
The first 10 electors include nine democrats and one Republican. The additional electors joining the original 10 were all Democrats. Today is Thursday and with one more business day available what's the likelihood of getting the intel? Law Newz says...
"Legal experts tell it will be tough for the electors to get what they are seeking. However, there is a way that it could possibly happen, but it involves an often arduous process of receiving an interim security clearance. A process that President Obama could even help expedite, if he wanted to."
The next question is can you delay the electors' decisions? The Huff Post has a solution you can read here.

Startling gun violence statistics

As of December 23, a total of 12,942 people had been killed in the United States in 2015 in a gun homicide, unintentional shooting, or murder/suicide. Thanks to The Trace.

Michael Flynn shows the lowlife he is

Most of Donald Trump's incoming cabinet picks have some modicum of respect, but his choice for the incoming National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, must have left this trait at the Army officer's club. Now the President-elect has put out some pretty salty tweets, but this guy drags the bottom of the barrel in his treatment of Hillary Clinton. It's a fake news story about her involvement in sex crimes with minors, deleted sometime since Nov. 2...
"...Flynn linked to a story on that falsely claimed the FBI investigation into Anthony Weiner had turned up evidence 'to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life.'"
Here's the tweet...
"U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc...MUST READ!" Flynn's tweet read.
CNN reports...
"The tweet received renewed scrutiny in recent weeks after a different fake news story about Clinton's connection to a underage sex ring at a DC pizzeria led a man to show up at the restaurant with a gun. Flynn's son, also named Michael Flynn, was dismissed from Donald Trump's transition team after peddling the pizzeria conspiracy on his Twitter account."
So we've got Flynn's son on the Trump transition team--couldn't get a job on his own?--who was fired because his taste is in the sewer like his father's. There is something that could be considered a plus, at least to Twitter, that the social media should pay Donald Trump for all the free promotion it is getting. The crux of the whole thing is really that a man with this kind of judgment should not be in the position of having access to top secret information, even though that was the case when he was Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

You would hope that a man who has achieved the rank of Lieutenant General in the army would have more brains than to post a tweet like the above, especially when he knows it was fake news. Since it was live some time around Nov. 2, it is obvious Flynn designed the tweet to damage Hillary's presidential campaign. There is no sign that Trump is doing anything about this heinous behavior, but, then, maybe he either thinks it is okay or just doesn't give a damn. Either way, it is classic Donald Trump.          

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Vampires, Werewolves and a nymphomaniac

Nymphomaniac vampire Amy Rogers relieves Arizona politician of his blood through his…WHAT? Nymphomania Bloodlust

Great gift book idea

Great Holiday gift with frivolous cavorting, hilarious imbibing antics and with a message in WITHOUT THE LAMPSHADE

Lowlife Donald Trump supporter replies to my blog

They are really coming out from under the rocks since Donald Trump's win and they are doing it with the kind of vitriolic spume you would expect from the scum of the earth. I am, of course, talking about the supporters of the President-elect, Donald Trump, this particular one being a rabid racist. I must warn you because the language is not only heinous but it reflects the double-digit IQs of Trump followers. Read the following comment on my blog, if you dare...
What a joke,the market is breaking records every day since we elected a real President, your buckwheat nigger "president" was and is the biggest failure of all time
You can see the post this refers to: "Donald Trump becomes President-elect...Stocks take a dive" I have to admit that stocks in general have soared back--primarily because it looks like Trump will favor the business world over consumers--but my point in the diving stocks referred to in the above post, were those concerned with globalization, which isn't something Donald Trump favors. At least today.

But what really stands out here is the ignorant racist approach of a supposed human being, the latter of course in question. His or her ignorance is definitely akin to what Trump has spewed from the beginning, and attracted ignoramuses like this commenter.

Some background. He posts as "Ellis" and lists his home as Tucson, AZ. This is how he describes himself: "Right Wing Conservative American exceedingly tired of the liberal left and the damage they are doing to this country." "...the damage 'they' are doing to this country." The person is obviously mentally impaired and needs help so if anyone in Tucson knows this individual, helping them get to the nearest mental hospital would be nice.

Was Donald Trump elected because of FBI Dir. James Comey?

Sen. Harry Reid
There are many who believe this, especially retiring Senator Harry Reid who has led Democrats in the Senate for several years. There are two parts to his charge that "Democrats 'would have won the majority in the Senate and would have won the presidency but for Comey.'" First the letter James Comey sent to Congress just over a week before the November, 2016 election that there were additional emails that appeared relevant to the Hillary Clinton email case. Two, the FBI failed to investigate election hacking believed to be Russians in an attempt to get Donald Trump elected.

Apparently, Sen. Reid had been on Comey's back over the hacking trying to get something done, but he acknowledged nothing happened..."nothing." Reid accuses the FBI Director of "ignoring" the information. Reid said...
"It's obvious he was a partisan in all this. There's information out there. He had it, I'm confident. And he ignored it."
In referring to James Comey's letter to Congress, another attack on Hillary Clinton's emails less than two weeks from the election, Reid commented...
"In fact, to show how awful this situation is, this man ignored precedent that had been going on for decade after decade after decade. The FBI does not get involved in politics -- except Comey did."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, has now said he supports a Senate investigation into Russian hacking, which right away makes me think he has an ulterior motive. That's how much I trust him. Donald Trump has downplayed the accusations of Russian hacking and the fact that, if so, had nothing to do with his winning the election. The President-elect has said all along that Hillary Clinton has received favoritism during her campaign for president and commented just after the election, she is, "... being shielded by the 'totally rigged system.'”

We probably haven't heard the last of this and may never with Donald Trump in the White House. But this along with Clinton's success with the popular vote, leading Trump by over 2 million, which he claims is because of illegal votes will put this in the record books as "unfinished business." Trump is a psychopath to the end.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...