Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tea Party can’t seem to shake racist image

Last May Brendan Steinhauser, campaign dir. for FreedomWorks, an organization that coordinates Tea Party activists, said: "We don't want the worst elements to take this over,” referring to racist that have popped up regularly throughout the Tea Party.  But without a central organization, there isn’t much to control this conglomeration of crackpots. There have been incidents of derision against Barack Obama with observers who say the president's skin color is a powerful reason behind the movement's existence.  Pathetic.


And then John White reared his ugly head in Arizona.  DA Morales did an excellent expose in the Tucson Citizen titled: “Profiles of the Tucsonright-wing: fearful Christian men with guns who are ready to kill.”  This is a must-read for any person who thinks these Tea Party nuts are just harmless political fanatics.  This is posted on Facebook for all to see but Morales has capsuled the most bigoted and erratic statements in his articles.


Things like, “Democrats are a cancer and you do not cure cancer you cut it out and kill it.”  In another post he says the Gabby Giffords shooting was only a training exercise put on by the Dept. of Homeland Security.  Another, “…If you vote Democrat, then you voted for hell.”  And then there is his neo-Nazi friend Harry Hughes who also hangs out with J.T. Ready who is of the same ilk.  John White is a dedicated Tea Party member who not only is a racist and neo-Nazi, but who also condones killing democrats.


There are more quotes from White.  “A civil war is near, a cleansing…perhaps an ethnic cleansing?  You are not taking a life…you are saving a nation.”  This is pretty heavy stuff when you consider that these maniacs can arm themselves to the hilt in the state of Arizona with some of the loosest gun laws in the nation.  There is a picture of Harry Hughes with his neo-Nazi friends, all of which look like they are holding AK47-like weapons.

According to Gallup and Pew Research Cos., Americans’ views of the TeaParty are at the “lowest ever.”  Gallup notes that in a drop from a support level of 30% to 25% in recent months, more Americans hold intensely negative feelings toward the movement.  Based on this one must assume that the U.S. public must be light years smarter than the morons in Congress that constantly cow tow to TPers.  More pathetic.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Tea Party reminds me of the Mafia

When I read the recent Assoc. Press article, “As tea Party reshapes GOP, some cheer, some worry,” by Charles Babington on MSNBC, there was something in the back of my mind that reminded me of a similar gang.  Prodding on I went to the Tea Party site and found they were still bellowing over the same hogwash that we hear from their supporters on a daily basis. 

Stuff like the TP’s ridiculous Cap and Trade bill that went nowhere, getting rid of Obama’s health care reform, and promoting racist, anti-immigration laws like Arizona’s SB-1070.  But what really caught my eye was their “Voter’sGuide,” which I clicked on.  And I found out that these people are organized, providing a complete list of the candidates who ran in the 2010 election with the issues they supported.

Returning to the above article, I learned from a CBS/New York Times poll that “…only 20 percent of Americans and 41 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of the Tea Party…”  And “…just 18 percent of Americans now view themselves as Tea Party supporters…”  This latter figure was 31 percent following the 2010 election.  So how does this group of wackos wield so much power?

I’ll tell you.  The “Family” the Tea Party reminds me of is the Mafia, also known as La Cosa Nostra, the mob.  No organization I can remember had the discipline of these guys, and the same perseverance is prevalent in TP members.  Something—and the only thing—you have to admire them for. 

They even call themselves “patriots” which is hard to stomach when the TPers in the recent debt ceiling fiasco exclaimed they would rather see the USA default than compromise their “principles.”   The mob also never gave ground, and destroyed anyone and anything that stood in their way. 

Just how far will this madness go?

Monday, August 29, 2011

It’s time to dump the Tea Party overboard

In a recent NBC News/Wall StreetJournal poll, most Americans said they want the President and Congress to compromise rather than take the hard partisan party approach.  A strong majority of Independents want compromises by Democrats but almost 70 percent want Republicans to find a middle ground.  Nearly 60 percent favor Obama’s $4 trillion proposal whereas only one-third prefer the Republican’s lower figure of $2.5 trillion.

But then the Tea Party introduced a laughable bill called “Cut, Cap and Balance” that “demands deep spending reductions and congressional approval of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution in exchange for raising the nation's debt limit,” according to the Associated Press.  Obama calls it “duck, dodge and dismantle, and vows he will veto it if it comes to his desk. 

As an example, in Arizona, Tea Party backed Republicans voted for the House bill.  They are Trent Franks, Jeff Flake, David Schweikert and Ben Quayle.  These four supposed congressional leaders wasted precious time to meet the Aug. 2, deadline because of the pressure from Tea Party wackos.  The bill passed the House 234 to 190.

The most important finding in the NBC News/WSJ poll is the fact that Americans are more favorable toward raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy to balance the budget than cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.  Some 52 percent oppose the latter.  Considering the major thrust of the GOP is to protect corporations and the wealthy, isn’t it safe to assume the grand old party has completely lost touch with its American constituency?

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...