Friday, November 3, 2017

Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly on the hot seat

Kelly says, 'OK Sarah, let's get it right'
Apparently John Kelly missed the class on war history at the U. of Massachusetts. Kelly blamed the Civil War on “the lack of an ability to compromise, which historians deemed “dangerous” to “kind of depressing.” Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the sole black Senate Republican said, “There was no compromise to make – only a choice between continuing slavery and ending it." Kelly later espouses the Jim Crow version of the causes of the Civil War. And it didn't end there when Sarah Sanders tried to confirm it claiming certification from left, right, North and South. Kelly is also charged with lying in an Oct. 19, speech about Rep. Frederica Wilson of Fla. re. what Trump said to widow of an American soldier. Has there ever been a White House this screwed up?

John Kelly comment “dangerous” to “kind of depressing”...

The Civil War was about ending slavery...

John Kelly just can't get it right...

John Kelly lies just like his boss, Donald Trump...

GOP tax bill-Corporations take all

This Republican debacle is heavily skewed toward business receiving $1 trillion in cuts, two-thirds of the tax bill, plus a maximum of 39.6% top rate for millionaires. Yet Speaker Paul Ryan boasts the plan's intention is to make middle-class tax cuts. However, many Republicans are balking, seeing portions of the plan that would raise their constituent's taxes, not lower them. The Democrats exclaim that it is an enormous giveaway to the rich and corporations but the GOP claims the plan will unleash spectacular growth that will trickle down to everyone. Shown below is a rundown of just what is in the tax plan.

Corporations get it all...

Some Republicans see tax increases for constituents...

Paul Ryan espouses usual bullshit...

What's in the GOP Tax Plan...

Thursday, November 2, 2017

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but 1 person was killed and 2 injured, one a 12-year-ole child at a downtown Chicago Starbucks. Another man was wounded in an earlier shooting.

Jared Kushner on Trump's Shit list

Who is "The Hair" waving goodbye to?
Ruled by most in the administration and Congress as the worst adviser ever to hit the White House, Jared Kushner may be at the end of his rope. Trump blames him for the James Comey firing. He also thinks he is responsible for Mueller's expanding probe, with the special prosecutor indicating he is ready to move into White House interviews. Sam Nunberg says Trump is f**ked, near paralyzed with fear of impeachment only exhibited to insiders, and his popularity rating is an abysmal 33 percent. Should he decide to fire Mueller, will the house of cards fall? With this Republican Congress, it's questionable.

Jared Kushner on the ropes...

Robert Mueller wants to interview White House aides...

Steve Bannon advises Trump to confront Mueller...

Sam Nunberg says Trump is f**ked...

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but three people were killed at a Walmart store in Thornton, Colorado, which is north of Denver.

Sexual harassment completely out of control

Brett Ratner, a film producer, is the latest harasser in a long line since Roger Ailes, no doubt before. After hundreds of women have come forward for various offenders, Natasha Henstridge and five others accused Ratner. Now Dustin Hoffman apologized for hitting on an intern in 1985, and Kevin Spacey has a string of accusations by male actors, while coming out as gay. With Bill O'Reilly, well, this arrogant bastard is now blaming it all on God; that's after a recent $32 million sexual harassment settlement. And Harvey Weinstein did his best to grope the Hollywood female population. A'int show business wonderful?

Brett Ratner’s couch...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fighting climate change is killing the planet

At my age I remember hearing about how we were polluting the atmosphere back in my 50's; that was over thirty years ago. I believed it then and I believe it now. Scientists predicted how climate change will hurt health around the world and it's happened. It's not just here, look at the UK and China, plus over 2,100 cities globally exceeding safe levels. A temperature increase of only 1.5 degrees F threatens the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. As a "threat multiplier," climate change hits the most vulnerable and fuels disasters. Yet this administration refuses to acknowledge it.

Climate change around the world...

Pollution worldwide...

Disaster, disease and more...

Climate disasters and disease...

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...