Monday, November 28, 2016

Congressional members with NRA blood on their hands

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)
Recipients of cash from the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) (1988-2016) who refuse to pass gun control laws that would save lives, as reported by The Nation magazine. Call them today!

Congressman: Sen. John Thune (R-SD)
Total amount received: $44,155
Tel. Number: (202) 224-2321

YES, there are valid reasons for an election recount

Hanging chads Florida 2000
First, there are a number of top computer scientists that feel recounts are justified in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, because they "believe they have found evidence that vote totals in the three states could have been manipulated or hacked."

Second, Jill Stein, Green Party nominee, calls for recounts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, due to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states.

Three, enough of the American public wants it justified by the fact that Jill Stein has already raised $4 million; the cost is only $1.1 million.

Actually, I could stop right there but there is more. The Guardian says:
"...the recount process is intensive, expensive and unlikely to change the outcome of the election unless widespread voter fraud is proven. Experts have been skeptical that is the case."
CNET says we should breathe since there is the chance the election was hacked. When's the last time a computer hacking was a positive thing? The answer is before Donald Trump was elected President. Nate Cohn, reporter for polling and demographics for the NY Times along with Nate Silver, who runs the polling statistics website FiveThirtyEight, both say "the differences between the polls and the results don't point to any irregularities."

The Atlantic thinks that many voters who cast their votes elsewhere want to be convinced the election was rigged, thus, calling for a recount. With Clinton leading the popular vote by 2 million+, it's hard not to accept a hypothetical representation of what should have been. So the controversy goes on and on. The process for recounting is long, tedious and very expensive, but the latter is covered so all that is left is the extended effort. Question is, should we do it?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Congressional members with NRA blood on their hands

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)
Recipients of cash from the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) (1988-2016) who refuse to pass gun control laws that would save lives, as reported by The Nation magazine. Call them today!

Congressman: Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)                                                             
Total amount received: $51,650
Tel. Number: (202) 225-2231

Republicans want a Constitutional Convention

Why wouldn't they? They control the White House, both houses of Congress, and the Governor's offices and legislatures in many of the states. Perfect opportunity to turn this country so far right the average citizen will be on the streets begging. But wait, there's some actual substance to their plans. Jeb Bush--you remember him--wants to pass term limits and a balanced budget amendment. So far, so good.

A liberal, Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig, got in the act saying now's a great time to undo the Citizens United ruling. Some other liberals, mostly gun control advocates like me, would like to see the 2nd Amendment re-interpreted to fit the 21st century, putting Wayne LaPierre and his NRA gun nuts in their place. There hasn't been a Constitutional Convention since the original one that gave us the Constitution we have. But the environment has never been so right for one party, and the rules for calling a convention are in the Constitution.

Two-thirds of the states have to petition Congress for the meeting, required by Article V of the Constitution. Beyond this stipulation, instructions are vague, which could make it near impossible to come to an agreement. What bothers me most is that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) endorses the move and I am against anything they are in favor of. ALEC has only one purpose in mind, the promotion of corporations and industry. The consumer be damned.

Some lawmakers and constitutional experts aren't sure about dickering with the Constitution, especially in the environment of a convention. With the loose guidelines for conducting this sort of thing, we could end up with a disaster. But don't we sorta have that anyway now?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Congressional members with NRA blood on their hands

Rep. Boob Goodlatte-R/VA
Recipients of cash from the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) (1988-2016) who refuse to pass gun control laws that would save lives, as reported by The Nation magazine. Call them today!

Congressman: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)                                                             Total amount received: $52,250
Tel. Number: (202) 225-5431

Trump economic policies could cripple U.S. economy for generation

Economist Larry Summers
Larry Summers is an American economist, the Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus of Harvard University, with a string of presidential political appointments dating back to the early 1900s. Yes, he's a Democrat, but more than qualified to comment on Donald Trump's economic policies. Larry Summers believes Trump's tax cuts plus relaxing regulations on financial institutions could trigger another economic crisis, lasting generations.

Anthony Scaramucci said in Fortune, one of the keys to Trump's economic plan is his simplification of the tax code. I am sure a majority of people will agree with that, as long as it doesn't favor the wealthy. He reiterates what many others have said, which is to repeal Dodd-Frank would result in disaster. But goes on to say that, like many laws in this country, it could stand tweaking. Here is a sample of Summers' analysis:
"What I'm worried about is that we're going to do tax cuts that are going to cripple government for a generation," Further, his opinion is that by repealing the estate tax, the wealthy in this country will simply protect their assets in a family trust. 
Harvard's President feels the government will have to take the lead in providing jobs for Americans out of work, currently 4.9% (but we know it is actually more). He says targeting prime infrastructure projects in need could help do the trick. In my opinion, we have to face up to the fact that technological advances plus the automation that has occurred over the last few years are good reasons for the unemployment. Summers says education is the answer and I agree.

But Trump has backed off many of the mandates he issued during the campaign and maybe, somehow, he will come to his senses here. We can only hope.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Congressional members with NRA blood on their hands

Rep. Steve Chabot
Recipients of cash from the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) (1988-2016) who refuse to pass gun control laws that would save lives, as reported by The Nation magazine. Call them today!

Congressman: Rep. Steve Chabot, (R-H)                                                           
Total amount received: $54,100 
Tel. Number: (202) 225-2216

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...