Monday, June 16, 2014


NRA Blood Money
At least we know there are progressives out there that are fighting the National Rifle Assn. and its underhanded tactics. Brown University student Sam Bell dug up enough dirt on the NRA that the organization was charged with the state of Rhode Island's second-largest campaign finance violation. The group of gun nuts paid $63,000, actually a drop in the bucket for the organization. It was a classic investigation by Bell of following the money which the NRA illegally channeled from one its PACS to another PAC. This 24-year-old grad student took it upon himself to nose into politics and ferret out conservative wrong-doing. I wonder how many Sam Bells there are around the country? If progressives are going to turn the tide in 2014 and 2016, we'd better find them wherever they are.


John Kenneth Galbraith
Conservatives think they have the answer to save this country and are pushing a political philosophy that progressives, even some of their own, believe will bring it down. It isn't that the right wants to really "bring down" the U.S., they just want to bring it to the level where the monied-few control the commerce of America, making the rich richer. And I don't mean just the millionaires and billionaires, there are those that feel just secure and are well off that share this philosophy. John Kenneth Galbraith said: "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." If you don't know who Galbraith is there is no use explaining. And I must admit, most conservatives I know do not seem overly concerned over the plight of the needy in most categories.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


So says the Washington Post Editorial Board, one of the leading U.S. newspapers. This piece starts out with the simple but oft-repeated phrase, “THIS SHOULDN’T happen in Troutdale. You don’t expect something like that to happen in your hometown.” This reaction after a 15-year-old high school student killed a fellow 14-year-old student and then shot himself. The Post says don't expect anything from this Congress which refuses to even consider gun control legislation. But just take a look back...from an elementary school where 20 6-year-olds were massacred with an assault rifle to the Washington Navy Yard where a gunman killed 12 with a sawed-off shotgun, and the same thing happens in hundreds of other  venues around the country. The Editorial Board comments, “We’re the only developed country on earth where this happens. And it happens now once a week..." President Obama has spoken forcefully. Now we need action!


The Department of Justice "Operation Choke Point" has been kept a secret but has come to light recently and has the gun nuts scared as hell. One such gun lover commented that if Choke Point worked, all that they would have left to defend themselves with was a "very powerful broomstick." The operation is so named for its ability to choke off financial services to targeted industries like gun manufacturers. A frustrated Obama administration is desperately trying to save lives from gun violence and, due to a yellow-bellied Congress, has had to resort to desperate moves. And that is what makes this sort of thing so egregious, a gutless Congress and an apathetic public that won't stand their ground.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Chipotle gun nuts
They came, they marched, they made their point. It is time we see the well balanced people of the gun control movement out there in force for reasonable gun laws rather than the gun nuts who sling their assault weapons over their shoulders shuffling their way into a Target or Chipotle to protest and prove their masculinity. If ever there were a couple of losers, it's the two in the attached photo. Now to me this pair looks like what I call gun nuts; more guns than brains. But there were 1,000 gun control demonstrators on the Brooklyn Bridge, including almost 100 from Newtown, Connecticut, the site of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting rampage. Lots of moms against gun violence were there who look very intelligent compared to the Chipotle double-digit IQs. The momentum is obviously there this time for gun control.


I try my best not to call attention to a Tea Party site, if not based on the lack of accuracy, it is because of the numerous grammatical mistakes, but this one takes the cake. New York has put out a counter-terrorism bulletin because of the radical 2nd Amendment gang that is apparently saying they will do anything to keep the feds or NY state law enforcement from taking their weapons. These are the very people they should require to turn in all their firearms. The picture included with the TP post says it all; it's an assault rifle featured as if every American family needs one of these. Well, they don't, and it is this bunch of gun nuts that should be relieved of all their guns. The Tea Party obviously supports rebellion and I'm beginning to think that includes violence.

Friday, June 13, 2014


The country is completely absorbed with television reality shows where dreamers can vicariously be whatever they want to. There's The Amazing Race, The Contender, Dancing with the Stars, Survivor, America's Got Talent, Big Brother, The Voice and the list goes on and on. Since the grownups are so engrossed in this kind of television, some kids might assume that it is okay to step away from reality and do something they conjure up from a mixed up mind. Something like stabbing one of your classmates in a fantasy world that still borders on reality.

Just what two 12-year olds did to impress a make-believe online character named Slenderman from a site called Creepypasta Wiki. Now in most cases even a 12-year old can differentiate between this kind of fantasizing but obviously with the recent shootings, and stabbings some parents aren't doing their parenting jobs. 

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...