Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Will your favorite department store close?

Remember the days when Montgomery Ward was one of the retail stores you depended on for cheap prices, along with Sears? MW retail operations went out of business long ago and their rival, Sears, appears to be having trouble. They are closing 63 Sears and Kmart stores, along with J.C. Penney 138 stores, Macy's shuttering 68 stores, Radio Shack 1,000 stores. The brick and mortar closings are a result of the American public's decision to shop online. First it was junk mail in your mailbox but all this quickly switched to online shopping with Amazon breaking out as the leader. It's only a matter of time before many of these retail locations are history...just like Montgomery Ward.

History of the fall of Macy's, JCPenney, and Sears...

These major retailers are all closing stores...

Nordstrom has also lost shoppers...

List of 2017, store closings with numbers...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Trump lies again over middle-class tax savings-Ryan has fuzzy figures

Donald Trump said "the average American family would get a $4,000 raise, which is an outright lie. Speaker Paul Ryan hedged by saying it would save his group $1,182, using median household income ($59,000) when, in fact, the more realistic figure is median family income at $73,000. And there are added caveats like the savings are only good for the first year. Ryan also says thinking of repealing Obamacare's individual mandate in the tax bill, but with the curbing of the GOP's Obamacare repeal, Dems are planning the same strategy to trash the tax bill. What is so scary is that the opaque Paul Ryan believes all the shit he spews, and Trump doesn't know any better. Pathetic!

Trump lies about tax bill, Ryan uses "trumped" up figures...

Let's stick in the repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate...

Dems planning same strategy against tax bill that killed Obamacare repeal...

Bernie Sanders would have trampled Trump in 2016

Donna Brazile would have replaced Hillary with Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders has his faults, like weak on gun control, soft on black issues, and light when it comes to women's rights. But his popularity soared in 2016, while Donald Trump struggled to maintain his position. Yet, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the race for President. The Bern's campaign group says they now have proof that the DNC was favoring Clinton, and Donna Brazile said she seriously considered replacing Clinton with V.P. Joe Biden. Sanders says in Rolling Stone Dems should concentrate on bread and butter issues like healthcare and the economy, not Robert Mueller's investigation, but Bloomberg reports the Russia baggage will follow Republicans into 2018. In my earlier blog today, Half of America thinks Trump guilty of criminal acts, 53% convinced of broad wrongdoing in Trump Russia case, and 58% of public thinks Trump investigation is right on.

Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump in 2016...

Definitely proven the 2016 campaign was rigged against Bernie Sanders...

Donna Brazile almost replaced Hillary Clinton with Joe Biden...

Bernie Sanders not sure Robt. Mueller investigation Dems' focus for 2018...

Bloomberg says Russian baggage will follow Republicans into 2018...

Sunday, November 5, 2017

I know you don't care about gun violence... but 27 gun deaths in Texas?

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but 27 people were gunned down in a Texas church and 30 were injured.

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but already today, Sunday, there have been two gun homicides with three injured.

American public thinks Trump lied about Russia, 40% for impeachment

Almost half of an ABC News/Washington Post poll believe Donald Trump is guilty of criminal acts during his 2016 Primary and eventual election to the White House. Only 28% think the case is limited to Manafort, Gates and Papadopoulos, 53% convinced there is 'broader wrongdoing." 58% of the public hold that the Trump investigation is the right thing. Both AG Sessions and Trump denied knowing about Russian contacts when records suggest otherwise. Former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page testifies he personally told Sessions about Russia trip.

40% of Americans support Trump impeachment...

Half of America thinks Trump guilty of criminal acts...

53% convinced of broad wrongdoing in Trump Russia case...

58% of public thinks Trump investigation is right on...

Trump/Sessions deny Russian contacts...

Carter Page testifies he personally told Sessions about Russia trip...

Saturday, November 4, 2017

I know you don't care about gun violence...

I know you, the American public, don't give a damn about guns killing the innocent, but the rate of gun deaths went up in 2016 for the second straight year, suggesting we might have a problem???

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...