Monday, July 23, 2012

It’s time to make the NRA accountable…was Aurora movie shooter a member?

The National Rifle Assn. (NRA) has bragged for years about what a law abiding bunch its members are, with the implication that no one from their membership would be involved in illegal shootings or homicides, certainly not something as outrageous as the shooting last Friday at a movie in Aurora, Colorado.  Well, I am here to tell you it is not true.  J.T. Ready, who killed five, including himself, in a smaller scale execution in Arizona recently, was an NRA member.

Shooter James Holmes
Similarly, was Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan of the Fort Hood, Texas incident a member?  How about Seung-Hui Cho in the Virginia Tech shootings or Jared Loughner of Tucson, Arizona shooting fame?  And of course was James Holmes, the latest maniac wielding a gun to do his dirty work in an Aurora, Colorado theatre last Friday a member? 

What is equally important is whether or not NRA members had anything to do with the 569 shootings resulting in 311 deaths as documented in my Monthly Shooting Report.  I don’t expect an answer from Wayne LaPierre, who heads up the NRA but all Americans should be wondering by now.

Aurora, Colo. movie shooting

In this latest incident in Colorado, 12 people were killed and 59 injured, but those numbers were changing rapidly at this writing; it could be more by now.  Holmes was armed with 2 Glock handguns, a shotgun and an AK-47 type assault rifle.  He bought them over a period of time, avoiding federal reporting requirements in a state that has failed to pass significant gun control legislation even considering the Columbine massacre 13 years ago, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.   

Top secrets at the CIA or National Security Admin. probably aren’t guarded any more closely than the NRA’s membership roster.  But Joan Peterson on her blog, Common Gunsense, has a theory that their membership is declining so the group has resorted to desperate tactics, which you can read about on the link above.  And that makes sense with the study done by Paul Waldman and reported on Think Progress, showing gun ownership dropped 22% from 1973 to 2010.

Some gun nuts are finally turning into rational thinking individuals, while painfully discovering at the same time that they have been conned by NRA higher-ups into contributing unlimited sums just to keep those like top gun wacko Wayne LaPierre living like kings.  Most non-profits like the NRA spend only 25% on fundraising which includes administrative/salaries.  The NRA spends 46% on the latter which amounts to 84% above normal.  Does that tell you something?

Aurora movie shooting video:

This is not an attempt by me to expose the members of the NRA; there are many who are law-abiding citizens that even believe in some forms of gun control, like strengthening background checks.  But because the NRA bases its concept of 2nd Amendment rights on the need for guns to protect its membership, it owes the American public as well as the U.S. Government a look at those members.

If, for instance, a significant percentage of members, or former members, have felony backgrounds related to shootings or killings, certainly if any of them were involved in past shooting massacres, then maybe it is time to examine just how valid the NRA mandate for their 2nd Amendment rights is.  This makes perfect sense to me in view of the concentration by the NRA on fear mongering that Obama is going to take away their guns, resulting in more mass purchases.

I am an optimist when it comes to Americans finally waking up to force Congress and the White House to get tough on gun control.  It may even require getting rid of every Republican and some Democrats in Congress.  It also means taking a long look at President Obama since he says his views on gun control haven’t changed, even after the Aurora, Colo. Movie melee.  I am doing a post later this week on why the gun lobby will have absolutely no effect on the Nov. election.

Friday, July 20, 2012

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre bigger con artist than Bernie Madoff

LaPierre's Do-it-yourself lobotomy

Bernie Madoff may have stolen billions of dollars from clients through his massive Ponzi scheme, but that is nothing compared to the thousands that have died as a result of Wayne LaPierre’s deception of the American public that has convinced them, and his lackeys in Congress, that everyone who wants one should have a gun and be able to take it anywhere he wants to.  Over the years, it has resulted in 10.2 firearm deaths per 100,000 population annually.

LaPierre has used the power of the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) to bully his way through state legislatures and the U.S. Congress to pass the loosest gun laws this country has ever seen, intimidating everyone in his way including a gullible American public.  It is pathetic to see how members of Congress cow-tow to his every whim because they are terrified of alienating this fanatic and losing millions of dollars in donations.  Not considering the payoff…death by guns.

The guru of guns has meticulously placed in motion his latest conspiracy theory that President Obama is trying to take away his precious firearms and has concentrated on Attorney General Eric Holder and the Fast and Furious fiasco.  In an article by Meenakshi Krishnan in the New Republic, he talks of the criminal contempt against Holder and the NRA’s threat to Congress that their votes would be considered in future candidate evaluations.  This is pure blackmail.

Krishnan comments that, “…there’s little to commend the NRA’s theory that Operation Fast and Furious was part of a grand ‘gun control agenda’ directed from the White House.”  In effect, it was debunked by a recent House Oversight report.  But it has long been known, although rarely acknowledged, that Fast and Furious is actually a product of the George W. Bush administration, called “Wide Receiver” at the time.

Supposedly GWB added transmitters to the guns for tracing, but according to Adam Winkler, professor of constitutional law at UCLA and author of Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America, only some but not all had the tracking devices.  Robert J. Spitzer, Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at SUNY-Cortland and the author of four books on gun policy claims he could not even verify the existence of the transmitters.

Eric Holder with Pres. Obama
But there is even strong evidence now that the NRA’s dominance is waning, as covered in a recent series of four reports on Think Progress.  Studies were done on four federal elections, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010.  It might surprise you, perhaps even be something of a shock, that the study concluded that the “NRA has virtually no impact on congressional elections.”  There is much more to these studies and I will be posting on this at length in the future.

Krishnan thinks that the NRA is desperate for an election year issue.  For years the group’s head wacko has spouted about the big conspiracy to take away guns from the law-a- biding bubbas, and, quite frankly it’s getting old.  LaPierre is focusing on Eric Holder and Fast and Furious as a last-ditch effort to shore up more fear-mongering in Congress, and force its gun nut membership to shell out more of their money to keep the hierarchy in their luxuries.

And, unfortunately, these poor souls will once again come to the feet of LaPierre and pretty much give him what he wants.  The same will hold true for much of Congress which is terrorized by the thought now that wacky Wayne could turn against them between now and November.  In the meantime, gun violence will continue and I will keep publishing my monthly shooting report that documents deaths and injuries just because of loose firearm laws.  Life goes on...or not.

UPDATE: Aurora Movie Shooting

Friday, July 20, 2012 - Aurora, CO -- A gunman armed with two Glock handguns, a tactical shotgun, and an AR-15 style assault rifle killed at least 12 and wounded 38  59 58 in a local movie theatre.  How many of those innocent victims still living, along with the families of those dead, plus those who were not hurt still think the NRA's head, Wayne LaPierre, is right when he screams 2nd Amendment rights for gun owners take precedent over these kinds of massacres?

Release from Ladd Everitt of the Coalition to stop Gun Violence:

Washington, DC—We are deeply saddened by today’s tragic events in Colorado. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims, those who were injured, and everyone traumatized by this senseless act of violence.

Reports indicate that the shooter, 24-year-old James Holmes, wore body armor and was armed with two Glock handguns, a tactical shotgun, and an AR-15 style assault rifle. He also released some type of chemical gas into the theater during the massacre. 12 fatalities have been reported so far, with approximately 38 moviegoers injured, including 16 critically.

Sadly, there is nothing novel about this tragedy. It is yet another massacre perpetuated by a homicidal maniac who was given easy access to lethal, military-style firepower.

The pro-gun movement has told us that bloodbaths like Aurora are the price we must pay to guarantee freedom and individual liberty in the United States. Rational Americans should reject such radical ideology and demand immediate reform of our gun laws.

The truth is that there is no greater threat to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” than the wanton gun violence that continues to destroy American families and communities. Until our legislators stand up to the extreme leadership of the National Rifle Association and enact laws to ensure the thorough screening of gun buyers, tragedies like Aurora will continue to haunt America. It is long past time to put public safety back on the agenda in the U.S. Congress, and in our state legislatures.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The mysterious statistics of firearm deaths the NRA doesn’t want you to know

I am writing this after a comment on this blog relating to my latest post on monthly U.S. shootings by Joan Peterson who publishes the Common Gunsense blog.  There is a significant difference in my numbers and the actual because only a few of the gun shooting incidents are reported in the media where I get my data, compared to the actual number of total firearm deaths and firearm homicides that actually occur nationally. 

Per Joan, the best statistics come from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

As an example, the CDC reports total firearm deaths annually at 31,347 which breaks down to 2,615 per month, 603 a week and 86 per day.  In my June report I show a total of 128 shooting deaths compared to the 2,615 figure from the CDC.  The CDC reports firearm homicides at 11,493 a year broken down by 958 monthly, 221 weekly and 32 a day.  My monthly report does not break out homicides but most deaths are, with a few suicides and accidents periodically.

I surfed around the CDC site and noticed they highly recommend a state reporting system on all categories of deaths, including those by firearms.  They even have a model states can follow to set up this kind of compiling and reporting.  So why don’t states initiate a system that would document firearm deaths taking into consideration the recent increases.  Is it due to budget restraints?  Partially, perhaps, but not entirely.

It is mostly because the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) and others in the gun lobby won’t allow it.  That’s right.  NRA money and guaranteed votes make local, state and federal politician think twice before crossing the organization.  The NRA fights mercilessly against record keeping of any kind when it comes to guns.  Just look at the reaction when President Obama started the reporting of U.S. firearm sales from gun dealers along the border with Mexico. 

This is an ongoing altercation between the gun control advocates and the gun bubbas that so far the latter is winning.  Most on the gun control side will tell you that the NRA is no more than a bunch of arrogant, raucous jerks that demand their way or nothing.  No negotiations, no giving of any kind; sounds just like the GOP stumblebums in Washington.  Yet the gun deaths go on, increasing on a regular basis, and the American public and politicians do nothing about it.

Go figure.

In the future I plan to reach out to organizations that might be helpful in the assembling of a more accurate report of the number of firearm deaths, starting with the CDC.  If you know of any, please have them reply by comment to this post.  My goal is to put together a mandate for Americans that is convincing enough that they will demand that the Congress and the White House take action. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Are you experiencing trouble with credit reporting agencies?

In the politics of every administration, whether it is Democrats or Republicans, there have been minor efforts to both curb the power of these giants of credit as well as have them clean up the way they do business.  Powerful in that they have complete control over a person’s credit record; they can and do wreck it for many, often by mistake.  Clean up their act as in making errors; as late as 2011, 80 percent of credit reports had them.

The giants of credit reporting are Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, and they wield their power in a relentless way because so far, the feds haven’t figured out a way to control them.  Like J. Edgar Hoover, as FBI Director in the late 60s and early 70s, had dossiers on presidents and members of Congress; the big 3 credit bureaus know they have the capability to help or ruin a person’s credit, often their life, and at times are very callous about it.  And that’s the problem.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has said it plans to “oversee” about 30 credit reporting firms; each of the big 3 supplies data to smaller companies spread out through the U.S and some of them even collect their own. The public "should not be burdened by unreasonably laborious processes to get errors removed from their files," CFPB director Richard Cordray said, according to the Wall Street Journal in an article by Alan Zibel.

From Zibel’s article: “A key problem for the industry is that federal law doesn't specify exactly what steps credit-reporting firms must take to investigate consumer complaints on reporting errors, and that's led to a flood of lawsuits,” said John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education at, a credit-monitoring site. "It's my opinion versus yours," he said.  My take on this is that it is an unforgivable breach in consumer protection.

Watch this video re. lawsuit against TransUnion:

During the 35 years I spent in the junk mail industry, the biggest hawkers of your names and personal data were the three credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.  Everything from your age to your income, how much you paid for your house, how much you owe, how many children you have and their ages, your education level, where you work, if you smoke drink or gamble, what ailments you have, and the list goes on and on.  It’s all there for immediate use.

Credit scores
You would think, after selling all this personal information—It amounts to over $4 billion annually—that the credit bureaus would at least take better care of your personal data and be more courteous with corrections when you ask for them.  Not so on both counts.  80% of credit reports still with errors.  And a blog I posted back in August of 2006 on this very issue still gets comments today complaining about credit bureau treatment, particularly aimed at Experian.
That post dealt with a problem I had with Experian, after writing unflattering articles about the company.  Just days after this my credit history was taken down and I, nor the creditors, had access to it for over two months.  At the time I was paying Experian $90.00 a year for this service.  It finally reappeared with no explanation, and during that two-month period I was given every excuse in the book by a very incompetent series of customer service reps and managers.

Here are some of the comments from the above blog post:


There is a reason that Experian has such a crappy reputation - they are incompetent.

I recently disputed several items on my credit report via their online dispute process.

One item, they updated - by adding that I needed to contact the creditor (A paid off account that I have documentation of that status).

Another account - which was not mine, nor was I ever a party to... is listed and they just responded that it remains on my report (no explanation).

Yet a couple of others -they updated dates on the accounts - to incorrect dates.

And if you try again to dispute these accounts, their system will not allow it - you must mail in documentation (what documentation do I need to send in for an account that was never mine in the first place?).


A year later, and Experian is just as incompetent. My husband's social security number is incorrect on his credit report, which means we can't get a credit report, and you can't dispute what's on your credit report until you get the credit report. Figure that one out. Experian makes it extra-specially impossible, as they send you to a local affiliate who tells you to contact Experian directly, who sends you to the affiliate saying they don't handle yours, but the affiliate won't handle it either.

My husband wants to be part of this country, yet he can't even get a CASH SECURED credit card because of this problem that can't be fixed. The slap on the face is that these companies have no responsibility for verifying even the basic information they have on you. THEY transposed the numbers and WE have to pay for it?
It's been 2 years since this site started. It's now May 2008 and nothing's changed. Experian put a woman's name that sounded similar to mine on my report and listed that as my alias. They also put her delinquent acct. on it. I have my credit report but can't dispute it on line because I can't answer 4 questions to Experian's liking (most likely because Experian has wrong data)I get nowhere with the voicemail on their phone system. Why won't they take a letter and where can I send it?


Im About to Apply For A Job There!! Get My Information Corrected!! And Then Quit!!
I am legally blind and Experian has refused to provide me with a copy of my free annual report since 2009 after I relocated to Colorado.
The FTC refuses to intervene and this organization refuses to force Experian to follow the law.
Consumers need to petiton Congress to force action. Credit Scoring needs to be banned as this is an indiscreet Caste System that is illegal in the USA.
Experian continues as do other CRA's who are not government agencies and intentionally for a profit violate every State Constitution and the United States constition when they sell your personal information for profit.


Step up and take action where 240 million plus in the United States can make a difference through class action litigation. I am willing are you?

Now this is only seven of 72 comments; the first four starting in 2006, the last three just recently.  You can read all 72 here.

Alan Zibel’s article is yet another welcome wake up call to correct a major abuse of consumers across the U.S.  It has been going on, and it will continue to go on in the future if the feds don’t crack down on the big 3 credit reporting companies.  If the GOP wins in November, there is no hope of correcting this situation.  If the Dems come back in force—the White House and Congress—they should place this dilemma on the list of priorities.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Logical questions in the Mitt Romney/Bain Capital uproar???

The first question is whether it is even a valid charge by the Obama campaign that there is anything wrong with what happened.  It’s a he said, they said, sort of predicament centering around the fact that Romney said he left Bain Capital in 1999, having absolutely no responsibility in decisions made thereafter, and a top Obama staffer saying he was still listed as Bain’s CEO, President, Chairman of the Board, and the firm’s sole stockholder as late as 2002.

Romney has been accused of being in charge of Bain at the time thousands of jobs were eliminated and outsourced at companies controlled by the firm.  He said he had nothing to do with it so the next question is, if you are its CEO and the only stockholder, doesn’t that mean you are the one who’s supposed to be watching the store?  There are legal questions also re. alleged false reports submitted to the SEC, but they seem to have been ruled out by legal experts.

Peter Cohan of Forbes magazine agrees with me in principle.  My earlier comment is based on an investor looking at the SEC reports showing Mitt Romney in charge at Bain Capital and making a decision to invest based on that.  Cohan comments “…if he is as good as he claims, Romney would never invest in a company whose CEO – in title only — collected an executive salary but spent almost every waking hour doing a completely different job.”  Misleading, at least?

John King on CNN interviewed 4 sources at Bain who say no to whether or not Romney had any hands-on role after 1999.  Three are Democrats.  David Gergen, also on CNN, claims that the Obama campaign has not made its case that Romney was doing any managing at Bain after 1999.  Gergen does have both a personal and financial relationship with top partners there. 

But the Obama staff continues to hang its hat on the context of the SEC filings, whether or not their intentions are specific or implied.

Insiders say that Obama wants to keep the Bain Capital matter live to get at another investment issue, but is hampered if the 1999 leaving date becomes official.  It seems that Bain Capital was involved with a company named Stericycle, a medical waste company that, among other things, disposed of aborted fetuses.  This was 9 months after Romney supposedly left, and could be an interesting shocker for the religious right heading into November.

The Boston Globe was first to release the Bain Capital story and quoted a former SEC commissioner, Roberta S. Karmel, who said SEC filings are a crucial window on the operations of business.  In addition she remarked, “Let me put it this way, it’s a pretty serious problem to file false documents with the SEC. You can be prosecuted for that.”  The next question is what direction will the Obama team follow?  Specific SEC statements or inferred misunderstanding?

In a Huff Post article, speaking to Rachel Maddow, Christopher Rowland, one of the Globe reporters on the story, said the discrepancy was important because Romney has used his supposed departure date to bat away criticism about Bain's dealings after 1999.  "This has been his main talking point when confronted with things like bankruptcies and layoffs," he said.  If you look at the paperwork alone, it shows that he was the man in charge.” 

Again in Huff Post, they report Romney testimony that he sat on the board of LifeLike Co., a doll maker that Bain had invested in.  Then Talking Points Memo comes up with information not yet reported; “instances where Romney made declarations to the SEC that he was still involved in running Bain after February 1999.”  There are 2 SEC filings from 2000 and 2001 where Romney lists “Managing Director of Bain Capital, Inc.” as his “principal occupation.”

There’s more.  In a 2002 Boston Globe story, it was reported that Bain employee Marc Wolpow said, "I reported directly to Mitt Romney ... You can’t be CEO of Bain Capital and say, 'I really don’t know what my guys were doing.'"  When running for Massachusetts governor in 2002 he listed himself as “Executive” of Bain Capital, conflicting with a statement in 2001 also to the state as “Former Executive.”  It is clear why there is mistrust in his current denials.

Mitt Romney
But it’s Joe Klein of Time magazine that, perhaps, puts it all into perspective.  While pushing the envelope on Bain Capital, the Obama campaign is just biding its time to expose the fact that Romney has made zillions of dollars in the past, but has paid very little tax (14% is considered the high water mark).  Bain just keeps the stew boiling until Romney relinquishes 12 years of tax returns like Obama has, and most presidential candidates in the past.

Currently Romney has released 2010 and will honor us with 2011 when filed.  But he says that’s it, and will release no more of his returns.  You have to wonder what his taxes for 2001 and 2002 would reveal re. Bain Capital.  And here’s the clincher, George Romney, his father, ran for president in 1968 voluntarily releasing 12 years of tax returns.  In this case, not “like father, like son.”

Monday, July 16, 2012

June U.S. Shooting Report numbers soar

Although I have changed the formula in counting shootings—it is now one shooting for each death or wounded to conform with Brady campaign protocol—the total number has climbed to more than 4-times the May figure.  June was a startling 361 to 90 in May.  Prior to this, if three people were shot in the same incident, it was counted as one shooting.  Once again, these numbers are taken direct from qualified news reports throughout the country.

But the number of dead and wounded from shootings is even worse, considering the sizable increases.  In May there were 69 people killed as a result of a shooting compared to 128 in June.  That is an 85.5% increase.  These are folks their family or friends will never see again…all because of a gun.  Also in May, there were 131 woundings from shootings, compared to 233 in June.  That is a 77.9% increase.  And some of these may have died by now.

I keep saying this but it is still beyond me why lawmakers, and the White House, haven’t taken action to do something about this crisis.  They do have something of an excuse—which is really inexcusable—with the coming November elections.  But the major gun control advocates have absolutely no excuse for not jumping on these numbers to point out the need for immediate action to stop gun violence.  This report can’t be the only source of data; if it is, the situation is worse than any of us thought.

Once again, let me encourage any of you who know of shootings I have missed in this or future reports to let me know through comments and I will post an update.

Here are the June numbers by date and location, broken down by shootings, dead and wounded.  This is in a Word compatible Excel format which I hope to have converted to HTML soon so that all months will be available, and the file will be interactive.

DATECITY/STATE               SHOOTINGS                 DEAD                  WOUNDED
6/1/2012Phoenix, AZ550
6/1/2012Tucson, AZ101
6/1/2012Miami, FL211
6/2/2012Phoenix, AZ110
6/2/2012Brooklyn, NY211
6/2/2012Clarksdale, MS101
6/2/2012Vallejo, CA413
6/2-6/5/2012Baltimore, MD1046
6/3/2012El Mirage, AZ211
6/3/2012Miami, FL220
6/3/2012Phoenix, AZ202
6/4/2012Surprise, AZ211
6/4/2012Los Angeles, CA211
6/4/2012Springfield, MA220
6/4/2012Little Mexico, TX110
6/4/2012Phoenix, AZ220
6/5/2012Fresno, CA413
6/6/2012Chicago, IL312
6/7/2012Stone Mountain, GA220
6/7/2012New York, NY330
6/8/2012Belle Glade, FL202
6/8/2012Cobb County, GA110
6/8-6/9/2012Hartford, CT1129
6/9/2012Auburn, AL431
6/9/2012Sacramento, CA440
6/9/2012Glasgow, MT101
6/9/2012Selma, CA550
6/9/2012Rochester, NY312
6/9-6/11/2012Mount Vernon, NY202
6/10/2012Hartford, CT312
6/10/2012Corpus Christi, TX202
6/10/2012Goldsboro, NC404
6/11/2012Louisville, KY211
6/11/2012West Palm Beach, FL110
6/11/2012Baltimore, MD505
6/11-6/12/2012Chicago, IL725
6/12/2012Tucson, AZ110
6/12/2012Providence, RI110
6/13/2012Kansas City, MO211
6/13/2012Buffalo, NY110
6/13/2012Buffalo, NY110
6/13/2012San Francisco, CA422
6/13/2012Bakersfiels, CA202
6/13/2012Chicago, IL220
6/14/2012Orlando, FL220
6/14/2012Phoenix, AZ110
6/15/2012Phoenix, AZ110
6/15-6/17/2012Chicago, IL31526
6/15/2012St. Louis, MO725
6/15-6/16/2012Hamden, CT101
6/15-6/17/2012Chicago, IL42735
6/16/2012Baltimore, MD202
6/16/2012Phoenix, AZ404
6/16-6/17/2012Camden, NJ220
6/17/2012Paterson, NJ303
6/17/2012Indianapolis, IN220
6/17/2012Anchorage, AK312
6/17/2012Phoenix, AZ101
6/17/2012Anniston, AL101
6/18/2012New Orleans, LA202
6/18/2012Pensacola, FL202
6/18/2012Manatee, FL202
6/19/2012Chicago, IL220
6/19/2012Chicago, IL101
6/19/2012McAllen, TX330
6/19/2012New Orleans, LA312
6/20/2012Edinburg, TX422
6/20/2012Houston, TX532
6/21-6/26/2012Flint, MI1064
6/22/2012Buffalo, NY202
6/24/2012Trenton, NJ211
6/22/2012Phoenix, AZ303
6/22/2012Ionia, MI312
6/22/2012Richmond, CA211
6/22-6/23/2012Chicago, IL14113
6/23/2012Beverly Hills, CA220
6/23/2012Rockford, IL404
6/23/2012Phoenix, AZ101
6/23/2012Albany, GA303
6/23/2012No. Las Vegas, NV202
6/23/2012Anchorage, AK202
6/23/2012Atlanta, GA220
6/23/2012Portland, TX211
6/23-6/24/2012Salinas, CA312
6/24/2012Louisville, KY615
6/24/2012Denver, CO110
6/24/2012Chicago, IL211
6/24/2012St. Louis, MO202
6/25/2012West Houston, TX220
6/26/2012Tucson, TX101
6/26/2012East Orange, NJ220
6/26/2012Miami, FL220
6/26/2012Memphis, TN101
6/26/2012Evansville, IN303
6/27/2012Las Vegas, NV211
6/27/2012Chicago, IL211
6/28/2012Fayetteville, NC321
6/28/2012SE Washington, DC303
6/28/2012Newport News, VA312
6/28/2012Houston, TX514
6/29/2012Chicago, IL404
6/29/2012Essex County, NJ220
6/30/2012San Jose Hills, CA202
6/30 12Winterhaven, CA202
6/30/2012Chicago, IL312

See March, April, May reports.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...