Thursday, October 10, 2019

LATEST: Ukraine call/Whistleblower wrap up


Catching up on Ukraine/Whistleblower   

By the balls
Criticisms from top Republicans, including Moscow Mitch, for Trump's deserting Kurds in Northern Syria. Trump told Turkey if they did anything inhumane, he would "decimate" their economy. Turkey is already moving forces into Syria.


An 'I can't believe this' story made more believable coming from Donald Trump. Willie Geist of MSNBC describes it as T-rump's "horrifying and impulsive reason" for pulling U.S. Troops out of No. Syria. Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was angry during their July 25 conversation. And this is what is hard to believe, even for the Oval Office lunatic, he agreed to withdraw the troops just to get off the phone with Erdogan. Result, hundreds of Kurds will die.

And then Trump's tweet storm this past Monday, designed to convince the world he was right pulling the troops from Syria, caught hell from the Internet. This idiot thinks he can blunder through foreign policy and all he has to do is put out a slew of mostly unintelligible tweets and rectify the matter. Didn't work...
"With reports that both the State Department and the Pentagon opposed the move — seen as an attempt to distract from his impeachment problems — Twitter commenters harshly attacked the president for turning his back on allies and leaving them to die."

And, "Ukraine’s former president categorically denied that Joe Biden had ever asked him to open or close any criminal cases, effectively knocking down President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theory about the former vice president," according to RawStory. It was...
"Petro Poroshenko, who served as the nation’s president from 2014 until earlier this year, who joined a growing list of Ukrainian officials who said they never saw Biden take any improper actions involving his son’s business work there."
Just another Donald Trump lie gone down the tube.


Dr. Justin Frank is a former clinical professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University Medical Center and a physician with more than 40 years of experience in psychoanalysis. He says...
"Trump is terrified of the whistleblower and acting like ‘a frightened child driven by envy and fear."
One of Fr. Frank's comments...
"Donald Trump is very dangerous when he’s cornered. Trump has lived in so much of a bubble that I believe he is genuinely surprised that the Democrats are moving to impeach him. He does think he’s doing this great job. Trump was surprised last year when he spoke at the UN and the diplomats laughed when he talked about what a great job he’s done. That is because Trump has lived in a world of his own creation. It is really disturbing."          This article is worth a read!


Wednesday, October 9, 2019



NEW Whistleblower memo... 
The blow that will bring Trump down

CBS News just released the full memo written by the whistleblower the day after the Ukrainian phone call of July 25, between Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. The whistleblwer talked to a person who was there during the conversation who described the contents of the call as "crazy," "frightening" and "completely lacking in substance related to national security." There's more...
"The whistleblower said the official was 'visibly shaken by what had transpired and seemed keen to inform a trusted colleague within the U.S. national security apparatus about the call.'"
This is a must read... 

LATEST: More Trump Tower presidential extortion


More lining of the trump pocketbook... 

Trump Tower Istanbul
Did you know there is a Trump Tower in Istanbul, Turkey? You may or may not know that after a scheduled phone call on Sunday afternoon between President Trump and Turkish President Erdogan, the Oval Office lunatic withdrew all American troops from Syria, in effect, abandoning the Kurds we have been supporting to certain defeat and death. Here's the scenario...
"Turkey has long considered the Kurdish militia in Syria to be a terrorist insurgency, despite the United States providing military and financial aid to the group in its fight against ISIS, the Islamic State militant group."
A National Security Council source said, "Donald Trump got 'rolled' by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan." Or, perhaps it was a conveniently planned accommodation to Erdogan in yet another conflict of interest to receive business favors for his Istanbul Trump Tower. You think? Newsweek says...
"Trump has promised to keep his business empire separate, handing over control of his commercial operations to sons Eric and Donald Jr. for the duration of his time in office. Trump has refused to fully divest from his empire, in what critics have said was a violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause."
"Multiple investigations and reports allege that Trump has been personally profiting from the presidency, using the office to bolster income at his resorts, hotels and other businesses. Foreign officials, for example, have been spending huge sums at his properties, in an effort to ingratiate themselves with his administration."
Ret. Army Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters laughs in Trump's face...(MUST SEE)

Although Trump did not endorse any Turkish military operation against Kurdish Forces, according to Newsweek, he also did not threaten economic sanctions if Turkey took action against them. Ryan Lizza, Politico's chief Washington correspondent explained on Twitter that situations like this "is why presidents divest," adding...
"It is crazy that a president is making national security decisions like the one tonight when he has lucrative business relationships at stake in the country that will benefit."
Here's more...
"John Sipher, who spent 28 years working for the CIA, expressed his frustration at Trump's announcement. 'At least the Trump Administration is consistent,' he said on Twitter. 'We are about screwing our allies, partners and friends. Don't trust America, even if you shed blood on their behalf. If you want favors build a Trump tower.'"
We are entering an era in the United States where the concept of democracy has been diminished to the extent that it takes at least second place to the greed of a maniacal tyrant who took the oath of office for the presidency of this country for the sole purpose of lining his pockets and the pockets of his family. In the interim, the people of the U.S. have witnessed this nation become the laughing stock of the world, as Trump supporters help bring it down.

Ivanka Trump was heavily linked to the Trump Towers project, for which the Trump family has no ownership but just receives a fee for the name. Newsweek reports...
"The towers have previously served as a pressure point for Erdogan's efforts to influence White House policy. Following Trump's proposal to ban all Muslim immigrants from entering the U.S., for example, Erdogan called for the president's name to be taken off the building.
But when Trump expressed support for Erdogan's post-coup crackdown and subsequent mass arrests, Erdogan stopped calling for the towers' name to be changed."
Kurds cut deal with Assad's Syria putting Turkey behind the 8 ball...

In an opinion piece for the Chicago Tribune, Rex Huppke chides Republican lawmakers who look the other way from Donald Trump's "whack-a-doodle decisions, tweets or out-loud admissions of wrongdoing," by reference of what this moron just did to the Syrian Kurds. His point is that as what Trump just did to the Kurds, he will do to all his supporters, desert them if it is convenient for him. The man has no loyalty other than to himself.

Huppke reports that the Kurds had successfully defeated ISIS in Northern Syria, and many of President Trump’s staunchest GOP supporters are calling his recent decision a betrayal. The Tribune writer commented...
"I’m sure it was an absolutely perfect phone call, much like the absolutely perfect phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president now at the center of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.
I’d like to say it has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump’s odd affinity for dictatorial strongmen like Erdogan or with the fact that there’s a fancy Trump Tower making him money in Turkey."
Huppke finishes with, "So he’s done with them [the Kurds]. And you should be warned that, as soon as it benefits him, he’ll be done with you as well."

READ MORE: "Republicans deliver rare rebuke of Trump, slamming his Syria withdrawal decision"

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

REPUBLICAN call for impeachment up 20%


Impeachment demands grow...
Impeach and dump Donald Trump

A new poll from the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University shows overall approval for impeachment at 58%, with another 49% saying they are ready to dump Trump. The uptick for ousting the Oval Office lunatic is from all three political groups, with support for the inquiry rising by 25 points among Democrats, 21 points among Republicans and 20 points among independents.

BINGO! What are you waiting on Pelosi???

Monday, October 7, 2019

Mark Zuckerberg says billionaires don't deserve to have that much money


Mark Zuckerberg wants to give up his billionaire status...  

Mark Zuckerberg video on no one deserves this much money...

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, is a billionaire with a net worth of almost $70 billion in 2019. On the other hand, he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, "have promised to give away 99 percent of their Facebook shares to help charity via their philanthropic organization, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative." I emphasized the "promised," because I have never trusted this guy since his blatant arrogance of doing what he damn well pleased with your personal information on Facebook. I give him nothing he can sell. Just recently,,,
"Facebook must pay a record-breaking $5 billion fine as part of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, by far the largest penalty ever imposed on a company for violating consumers' privacy rights," according to USA Today.
Facebook $5 billion fine...

There's more...
Zuckerberg has appeared in congressional hearings after the Cambridge Analytica scandal surfaced. Facebook suspended the data analysis and political consulting firm in March 2018 for improper access to user data. That move came after The New York Times and U.K.'s The Observer said Cambridge Analytica had access to 50 million profiles and used them to target ads during the 2016 presidential election campaign.
And Facebook is accused of not warning its users of the fact that they were at risk for a data breach, "which left around 29 million user accounts open to hackers," reports techradar. Hackers were stealing FB "access tokens," a problem known for years by the social media giant, but failed to fix it, despite knowing. Which prompted more blatant arrogance from Facebook...
“Even more egregiously, Facebook took steps to protect its own employees from the security risk, but not the vast majority of its users.”
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated $100 million to Newark public schools, also to disease issues, and then $1.2 billion by the two to their Chan Zuckerberg Foundation for education, housing, science and improving the criminal justice system. But Warren Buffett is the most charitable billionaire, followed by Bill Gates. Here's the WB/BG giving pledge explained by Vox...
"In 2010, the two of them launched a campaign that they hoped would change philanthropy: the Giving Pledge. The idea was to persuade their fellow billionaires to pledge at least 50 percent of their wealth to charity. It was greeted with enthusiasm.
That claim seems to have been borne out — as far as it goes. Ten years later, we are in a position to evaluate some of the effects of the Giving Pledge. Hundreds of billionaires have signed on, with Bloomberg and other big names like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Mackenzie Bezos among them. More than $500 billion have been pledged, and money is already being donated to a range of causes."
Melinda Gates on Warren Buffett/Giving Pledge...

But on the downside of the wealthy as of 2018, according to Poverty USA:

  • 16.2% of children live in poverty
  • 9.7% of seniors live in poverty
  • 25.4% of Native Americans live in poverty
  • 20.8% of Blacks live in poverty
  • 10.1% of Whites live in poverty
  • 10.1% of Asians live in poverty

 $19,985 is considered the poverty level for a family of 3, but what is worse, 5.3% of the population—or 17.3 million people—live in deep poverty, with incomes below 50% of their poverty thresholds. And 29.9% of the population—or 93.6 million—live close to poverty, with incomes less than two times that of their poverty thresholds. Even more serious, a total of 552,830 people were experiencing homelessness on a single night in 2018. This number represents 17 out of every 10,000 people in the United States. There is no justification I know of for this statistic in America.

I am sure all of the above group agree fully with the Facebook CEO's words. But, is there a way to end poverty?...
Jeffrey Sachs, as one of the world's leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty, stated that the cost to end poverty is $175 billion per year for 20 years.
So why don't we line up Warren Buffett's group of Giving Pledge billionaires to each contribute the $1.75 billion needed each year and by 2013, at least homelessness will be solved to the best of our ability. That is the most critical of the two, and then turn the attention to helping those at the poverty level. It sounds like a plan to me, and I would hope the Giving Pledge group would also. And by the way, Mark Zuckerber's billionaire status is not completely his fault; he is just the messenger. The fault is you, readers giving up all your personal data that Facebook sells for billions. Think about it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Moscow Mitch digs hole to defeat deeper


Moscow Mitch courts more trouble for 2020... 
Pathetic to the end

Did you know that "The diversion of military funds to pay for President Trump’s border wall obsession is taking money away from more than 100 military projects around the country?" This also shows just how low Moscow Mitch has stooped to "enable Trump’s corruption." Here's the scenario...
"The Senate majority leader has not only assisted and protected Trump in doing great damage to our democracy, for naked partisan purposes, though that’s a major stain. But McConnell also has in effect now prioritized the mission of enabling and defending Trump’s corruption over the interests of his own state and its constituents."
One of projects losing funding, a planned middle school at the Fort Campbell army base in Kentucky.

Hopefully Amy McGrath is listening to this in her fight to unseat McConnell. But she is tough becoming "the first woman to fly in a F/A-18 fighter jet in combat and took on 89 missions in the Middle East, fighting Al-Qaeda and Taliban insurgents." And there is flak coming from another direction, "Next to electing a Democratic president, the Democratic National Committee’s top goal for 2020 is achieving a majority in the U.S. Senate."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that one of her major strategies is to get rid of Senate head, Mitch McConnell, better known as Moscow Mitch. Dumping Trump isn't enough, according to Pelosi, McConnell is almost as dangerous and underhanded. The Speaker is...
"planning to kick her anti-McConnell campaign into high gear in the fall — and she will be aggressively focused on 'his refusal to pass meaningful legislation.' Doing so, according to a Democratic congressional aide, enables House Democrats to 'tout the good they’ve done and also, helps show the importance of Dems taking back the Senate.'”
Here's a quick analysis of McConnell...
"The Kentucky Republican has been unpopular in his home state for years, but this summer has seen his approval rating plunge to 18 percent after MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough tarred and feathered him with the nickname “Moscow Mitch,” and he’s increasingly seen as 'the man who sold America,'" according to Rolling Stone.
Bob Moser in a magazine profile said...
“For so many years, McConnell has seemed maddeningly invincible. But now, just a few years after achieving his lifelong goal of becoming Senate majority leader, it appears that every political sin the man has committed on his relentless march to power is coming back to haunt him at once.”
Kentuckians say, DITCH MITCH...

Here's more for Amy McGrath's campaign...
"Moser catalogs the Senate majority leader’s political sins, dating back to his swiftly broken campaign promises to back abortion and collective bargaining rights in a 1977 race for Jefferson County judge executive, up to the shady deal earlier this year to lift sanctions on a Russian oligarch whose company Rusal announced a $200 million investment in Kentucky."
There is much more in between, as an example his comment that his goal, when Barack Obama was elected, to make him a one-term president. He didn't, but it clearly labeled Moscow Mitch a raging racist. A 47-year old Paducah resident has said it best,,,
"eventually [after initially voting for him] it dawned on me, like a lot of people, this guy really doesn’t give a crap about us. He’s all about stockpiling his own squirrel-nut factory for his winter. Public records are public records, and you can see how his trajectory has gone toward wealth. Back home, I’m still making the same amount of money I was making! I think he’s got a real good chance of being booted this time.”
We can only hope so.

And, as if to make up with all the greed and corruption of his career, Moscow Mitch has now decided to turn the lions on Donald Trump in the impeachment controversy. This means that he will definitely bring a decision for impeachment from the House to the Senate for a vote. First of all, this will not exonerate him for what he has done, and second, he actually has no choice if Speaker Pelosi can come up with the votes. Here's Mitchell's statement...
"During an interview with CNBC on Monday, McConnell confirmed that he wouldn’t pull any stunts to obstruct a trial in the Senate — neither the Senate rules nor the partisan split would allow for such a thing.
“I would have no choice but to take it up,” McConnell said. “How long you are on it is a different matter, but I would have no choice but to take it up based on a Senate rule on impeachment.”
 Nancy Pelosi quotes Lincoln, "Public sentiment is everything"...

The one phrase here that bothers me is, "How long you are on it is a different matter..." It may be irrelevant but if there is one thing we know for sure, Moscow Mitch cannot be trusted! Here's MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's take...
"McConnell is panicking about 2020. 'This is a very, very big deal,' O’Donnell wrote on Twitter. 'First, McConnell agrees with Schumer’s unanimous consent request for whistleblower documents and now this. McConnell is doing exactly what he should be doing if he thinks he might need a different nominee for president.'”
But then we get Pence, and although Salon's Bob Cesca feels Mikey would be more "compliant" I feel he is a complete idiot. Cesca also thinks Trump could resign saying, "it wouldn’t shock me if Trump decided he’d rather quit than have his tax returns and other documents exposed like dick-pics on TMZ." But McConnell still isn't done with bringing impeachment it to the Senate. With...
"Chief Justice John Roberts as the presiding judge in Trump’s trial, McConnell could call votes, requiring only 51 senators to approve, to overrule the chief justice’s decisions on, say, what evidence is admissible or not. The upshot: Senate Republicans can write and pass new trial rules according to McConnell’s whimsy."
Is this what the slimy lowlife McConnell has up his sleeve? We'll soon know by observing his handling of the impeachment in the Senate. If he exudes bold confidence in the procedure, you can expect the wheels to come off. But Cesca also brings up the prosecution of Donald Trump after leaving office...
"The only legal way Trump can guarantee he won’t be prosecuted after he leaves office is to resign with a Gerald Ford-style pardon from Pence. That’s it. Someone should tell him, because I’m sure he hasn’t yet considered the Sophie’s Choice he faces. Resignation and a presidential pardon, taken together, are Trump’s only path to avoiding prison shy of pulling off another improbable election victory, which is no sure thing, whatever he may say."
I would hope that prosecutors are vigorously pursuing how to overcome this pardon and put Donald Trump in jail where he has belonged for years.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

LATEST: Gun violence/Gun control/Gun corruption


Gun violence must be stopped...   
NRA internal turmoil

Items have a tendency to pile up these days in the "to blog" file on Donald Trump's Ukraine call and subsequently the move to impeach him. You can't ignore it because of the intensity of the issue, and the importance of getting rid of the Oval Office lunatic. Just today Trump said, "I don't care," in reference to GOP concerns over protecting the whistleblower. There's more, Mike Pompeo is in a standoff with key House committees on trump Ukraine information.

But other news does go on and here's a wrap-up of what's happening in the Gun violence/Gun control/Gun corruption areas:

It's the 'If we could just get rid of them, gun violence would improve dramatically' organization, the National Rifle Assn. (NRA), along with its leader Wayne LaPierre. Here's the scenario...
"Its president was ousted. Its top lobbyist resigned over allegations that he engaged in an extortion scheme to kick out the chief executive, Wayne LaPierre. Its board members are resigning regularly, saying they’ve lost confidence in the group’s leadership. It’s spending more money than it’s taking in, and it’s in a brutal legal battle with its former ad agency. Oh, and its tax-exempt status is being investigated."

Gabby Giffords on gun control...

And here in the wide open, 'if you are a warm body you can own and carry a gun' state of Arizona, the voting public has decided the gun laws aren't strict enough. But a gun nut legislature doesn't quite get it yet, so they plow ahead with the loosening of these gun laws that the public wants tightened. "Fifty-four percent of likely Arizona voters said the current laws in the state on the sale and ownership of guns are insufficiently strict, a 6-point rise from May."

Can you believe this?...
"Arizona is an open carry state, which means if you own a weapon you can carry it. You can also carry a concealed weapon with or without a permit.
Permits are issued by the state Department of Public Safety and involve a simple process.
You just go on our [state's] website and fill out an application. The concealed weapons unit will do a check of you and make sure you are not a prohibited. possessor."
By the way, assault weapons like the AK-47 are included in the above.


Doctors are pissed-take on NRA...

And it would seem that the NRA spends more money in Texas because the gun nuts there really love their guns. But, Kim Olson, a Democrat running for a Republican seat, is trying to change that. Her passion for gun control reflects this quote, “weapons of war do not belong on the streets of America.” Here's what the author of the Washington Monthly piece said...
"One of the reasons I find Olson to be so impressive is that she reminds me of women from Texas that I have admired—like Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards, and Molly Ivins. While they didn’t serve in the military, they were warriors too. No one would have ever accused Jordan, Richards, or Ivins of mincing words. Whether you agreed with them or not, they stood their ground unapologetically."
And this is what is so sorely needed in the fight against gun violence. When you see a gun nut, call it a gun nut and let them know just where we stand on taking guns off the streets. The writer, Nancy LeTourneau, finishes with, "But one thing is for certain, Kim Olson is exactly the kind of Democrat that should scare Republicans—and the NRA." Amen!


Now the NRA is charged with harboring a toxic sexual harasser who is the former favorite and chief of staff for head gun nut, Wayne LaPierre.  Josh Powell was so bad that...
Ackerman McQueen [the NRA's ad agy.] refused to work with him. According to a report, Powell was the subject of two harassment settlements at the nonprofit; the amount of money spent to keep these stories hidden is not known.
It would appear that the NRA is rotten from the core.


To fix our gun crisis, we should revert to ’60s gun laws...

More NRA corruption: 
NRA board member and former president Marion Hammer obtained low-interest loan from affiliate she leads...

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...